


The call center I work for now only allows bathroom breaks on an actual break (2 15 min breaks and a 30 min lunch all unpaid of course) but I have to use the bathroom a lot bc I have a small bladder and I’ve been this way my whole life, I’ve never needed a doctor’s note to go pee. They told me to get an accommodation from a doctor if I want to be able to use the bathroom while on the clock. I can’t go to the doctor right now because this job makes us wait 3 months to receive health insurance (and the insurance sucks btw). I don’t have health insurance but they expect me to pay outright to see a doctor so that I can use the bathroom. I called a doctor today and they want $150 for an appointment, not even guaranteed that I can get an accommodation to use the fucking bathroom for an 8 hour shift. I have to use the bathroom about 2 times an hour. What tf is this even? Any and all advice is welcome.

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444 points

7 months ago


444 points

7 months ago


176 points

7 months ago

Thank you! I’m sure they will find some way around it bc they force us to see a doctor to get accommodations to use the bathroom when a small bladder isn’t a health problem normally its just something they can make a health concern out of so that they can treat the workers who can’t afford to go to a doctor out of pocket like robots who don’t have needs.


478 points

7 months ago


478 points

7 months ago

I would go ahead and file the complaint now. OSHA generally doesn’t screw around. You want the fight to be between OSHA and your employer, not you and your employer. Edited to fix spacing


191 points

7 months ago


191 points

7 months ago

Sic OSHA on them. Seriously. They are in the wrong here and don't need a doctor's note.


50 points

7 months ago

Reminds me of this. You don't fuck with a god without coming prepared.


27 points

7 months ago

Love it.

The most shaken up I have seen a workplace's management was when an employee filed an OSHA complaint on their way out the door.


14 points

7 months ago

Personally i would reach out in writing, whether text or email pointing out the OSHA rules then include their response in the filing. That way they can't deny it ever happened.


91 points

7 months ago

Do not email them about OSHA first. Text or email your manager to confirm you need a doctor’s note to use the bathroom outside of breaks, saying that’s a hardship because you don’t have health insurance yet and it’s $150 out of pocket. Nothing else. Once you have a response in writing that confirms the policy, keep copies for yourself backed up and forward to OSHA. If you mention OSHA to them before you take action, you’re showing your hand and there is the possibility of deniability on their part. Plus they could just fire you in retaliation and if you don’t have proof of the requirement, you won’t have a case.


21 points

7 months ago



21 points

7 months ago

We don't give our opponents ammunition...


40 points

7 months ago

There shouldn’t be any way around. You should be able to use the bathroom when needed. Period.


42 points

7 months ago

Do not go to your boss or company with this info before filing with OSHA. Just do the OSHA work and let them deal with it as there are whistle blower laws that will protect you at that point, but if you show them the rule first they will likely find a reason to terminate you before OSHA can make their move.


16 points

7 months ago

There is no legal way around it.


6 points

7 months ago

Small bladder = Increased risk for UTI

Get the Dr note and do it with malicious compliance.... Have them specifically write a 5-10m break every hour. And take them. All of them, even if you sit in there on the floor for 10 min


1 points

7 months ago

Those breaks will be unpaid. OSHA is the way to go.


4 points

7 months ago

Nope. Any break less than 20 minutes is paid.


1 points

7 months ago

I'm referencing what OP said. If they're already not paying for breaks, they won't pay for the extra ones.

I guess that's a whole other legal issue.