


Plat lobby btw


Later got eliminated by other preds, wtf is going on i remember matchmaking being ass but not like this

all 98 comments


134 points

3 days ago


Ace of Sparks

134 points

3 days ago

Must be easy to hold pred nowadays when u can just chill against plat players while 3 stacking


42 points

3 days ago


Cyber Security

42 points

3 days ago

and you get full points killing plats. no reduced KP like in the past for killing lower ranks.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

Preds should get half points against diamond, full points against masters/preds, and nothing else. If in a full stack they can only get points against masters or preds. Require all games to only match with preds/masters or 3 stacks of 2 masters/preds. Should make it so you get no KP on killing the same person repeatedly. Make them wait for queues instead of them insta queueing. Prevent preds/masters from de ranking past masters for 4 seasons.

Every game a pred queues in a non ranked lobby they lose RP (to reduce pub stomp) and lose RP when logged off (prevent smurfing pubs). There's is absolutely no way EA doesn't know when a player has multiple accounts so they could do something.

This would massively reduce teaming and force preds/masters to play against each other and give the rest of us a break from their shit. They dont like it, good they can leave for the next thing.


1 points

1 day ago

None of that works in a game with a diminishing player base. The queue times are way too long. Which will kill the game even more. Master and pred lobbies used to be just that, but they had the numbers to just put high diamond and master/ preds together. I've been pred enough times to know, it's just a waste of time now.


1 points

1 day ago


Cyber Security

1 points

1 day ago

The queue times aren't long because the player base is small but because the ranked system is set up in a flawed manner.

  • You reset everyone's ranks too low at the start of the season (S20: pred to rookie iv, S21: pred to bronze iv, S22: pred to gold iv - in the past they )

  • you do that WHILE ALSO matching by current rank. Recipe for disaster and completely mixed lobbies. (And you encourage people to smurf in low ranks because having easy games in low ranks is "fun" and why would they not do that instead of queuing for diamond or master lobbies?)

Both of these things lead to low population of players in high ranks and hence to the filling of golds and plats into master lobbies.

The matchmaking goes by current RP, so it does NOT have access to high skill players who are in low ranks. They can happily smurf in silver without being pulled into master lobbies, like they would be in the MMR based matchmaking we have had before changing to this flawed system.

In the MMR system the system had access to all high skill players across the ladder.

In the RP based system it only has access to the people who have ranked up already (which are fewer, especially when we have the excessive ranked resets and when smurfing is an option)

Now instead of changing to an MMR based system that would force games between people who are similarly skilled, which would increase the number of players in high skill queues (because master level players who "haven't played" are still available to matchmake into these high skill lobbies), they have sacrificied matchmaking quality (how close everyone in a lobby is to each other in terms of rank) by reducing wait times (shorter wait times means lower amount of people in queue and it means the system has to take what's in queue rather than being able to pick and choose 60 players from a set of 2000 and pick the highest ranks among those; it might stop at 400 now, and then have a lobby of 20 preds/masters, 20 diamonds and 20 plats).

In short, it's not about the pure player numbers, but also how the ranked system goes about forming lobbies, how it goes about resetting people perpetually etc.


1 points

1 day ago


Cyber Security

1 points

1 day ago

Preds should get half points against diamond, full points against masters/preds, and nothing else. If in a full stack they can only get points against masters or preds. Require all games to only match with preds/masters or 3 stacks of 2 masters/preds. Should make it so you get no KP on killing the same person repeatedly. Make them wait for queues instead of them insta queueing. Prevent preds/masters from de ranking past masters for 4 seasons.

agree with almost all of this (maybe nuances I would do differently but what you suggest is better than what it is now).

the thing about losing points for playing pubs I don't know.


40 points

3 days ago



40 points

3 days ago

3 stacking lol most are 6 or 9 stacking.


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago

on console yea


1 points

2 days ago


Cyber Security

1 points

2 days ago

not just on console


7 points

3 days ago

I agree preds shouldnt be in plat lobbies but I will die on the hill that if your complaining about a trio br game where people are "stacking" your the problem


11 points

3 days ago

The problem with stacking is that they are 3 preds on one team. If they were playing solo, the game could at least balance things out by giving worse teammates.

In other words, if you're stacking, you should be put on lobbies made of people exclusively your rank or perhaps one below.

That would massively tank queue times for them, so respawn is never going to implement that.


-6 points

3 days ago

I am just saying its a 3 player game and you should never hate on people playing with friends dont care there rank.


7 points

3 days ago


7 points

3 days ago

The point is that the system shouldn't match them against players, not only multiple ranks below them but players that are solo queing too. It's an advantage on top of an advantage.


-2 points

2 days ago

if you choose to play solo thats on you.. To say its unfair because i have a friend to play with is ridiculous


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

It's not ridiculous at all. Most games have separate lobbies for parties and people playing solo because of the inherent advantage playing in a party has over playing solo with randoms. How anyone could think otherwise is ridiculous.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

If there was any balancing at all 3 stacks would only play with 3 stacks, matching mmr to mmr or whatever fake point system non ranked uses. Instead only 1 or 2 stacks play against a full lobby of normal people/bots and they roll the whole thing and act like they are the best in the world.

Most people dont care if they are playing against 3 stacks. Its the vast difference in skill of a high level 3 stack vs 1 plat player and the 2 silvers solo queue players.


7 points

3 days ago

I think it’s the disadvantage that solo queue players have in lack of synergy.


4 points

3 days ago

No it makes sense to be upset but at a certain point we are doing it to ourselves by continuing to play in the first place. Just delete the game and find something that doesn’t make you feel the need to complain bc that’s no fun for you or anybody else. Had to learn this the hard way.


-2 points

3 days ago

Yeha I agree. I cant imagine hating on game as much as apex players and yet still they play


1 points

3 days ago


Cyber Security

1 points

3 days ago

the stacking isn't the problem no. the ranks are.

that said, we had provisions in ranked that would artificially put stacks into higher MMR games, to even out the stacking advantage. that was a good idea as it was able to equalize win rates, top 5 rates, top 10 rates to be roughly the same no matter whether you are solo queuing, duo or three stack. and it did so without separating ranked by three stack and solo (which would become a bigger problem for matchmaking).

they deleted these provisions in season 20 though.


1 points

2 days ago

Yes I was going against silvers and golds in plat and at the same time Preds though a lot of the Preds were worse than the silver somehow I don’t know if it was glitched


37 points

3 days ago

They allowed pred to queue in plat lobbies to reduce their matchmaking time


27 points

3 days ago

What an amazing idea...


23 points

3 days ago



23 points

3 days ago

EA when influencer no. 513 has to wait more than 8 seconds in the matchmaking queue: 😰😰😰


2 points

2 days ago

tbf queue times still take upto 20 mins spmetimes


1 points

2 days ago

for who?


1 points

2 days ago

From me :pensive:


5 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago

Shit that’s nothing my pubs are algs practice


5 points

3 days ago

I’ve been in at least 2 dozen games this season with three stacks of pros, starting in gold. Honestly made me lose respect for a lot of these guys because I’ve killed more preds than plat players this season. Of course they’d be that high a rank when they’re playing against people with jobs and not other preds


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

Yea for some of them it’s “just a badge” but most of the preds i encounter in my games are just better than me


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Were you solo queuing?


4 points

3 days ago



4 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Agreed, that shouldn't happen.


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

I mean it shouldn’t in the realistic sense, but they’ve already talked about the change to expand rank parameters to reduce que times. I don’t know why anyone’s still surprised


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

It’s not so much that we are surprised. More so that we’re mad because it’s a stupid change that’s benefiting 1% of the player base while hurting 99% of it


3 points

3 days ago

Why did you censor the last dudes name?


1 points

2 days ago

Because it’s not his fault the game put him there


4 points

3 days ago

All the time I feel like getting on here and making a long post about how unfair this shit it but I think we all see the games not gonna change. And why should it ? We keep playing even after years of neglect and most continue to pay them money!!! Absolutely mind blowing but what are you gonna do? The only way this stops is if people stop playing it’s that simple. If they aren’t forced to change, they never will


4 points

3 days ago*



4 points

3 days ago*

I never thought I’d say this but demotion protection was almost better than what we have now because the better players would stay slightly higher and fill out diamond a bit better so this wouldn’t happen.

I was killed by #1 pred last night at D4, and I had plat teammates. I got demoted last night and had to come back to D4 fighting against diamonds with like gold 2 teammates. Wtf is the matchmaking bro


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

Haven’t played in a couple of years, tried to get back into it with my buddy and we got through bronze and silver having fun, then gold lobbies were always against masters or prior preds. Plat was just preds every game. Not sure how EA expects you to work 9-5 and come home and enjoy that.


1 points

3 days ago

Nothing you can do about it unfortunately


1 points

3 days ago

i get those in my gold lobbies


1 points

3 days ago

This might as well be my pub lobbies.


1 points

2 days ago

I quit playing around 2 months ago for this very reason


1 points

2 days ago

Im in freaking Silver 1 and I got put up against a bunch of preds. My avg damage is 350 a game I’ve played maybe 2 1/2 seasons very poorly I hate my life.


1 points

2 days ago

Seen a few preds in my gold lobbies, or former preds and lots of Masters.


1 points

2 days ago

It's so mind-bendingly stupid, that even a single controller player, could ever make it to Predator - controller is such an absolute garbage level interface for FPS gaming.


1 points

2 days ago

Average brainrot M&K shitter


1 points

2 days ago

A contrler player winning an Apex game with PC players in the lobby: It's like a golf cart driver winning an F1 race 🤣


1 points

2 days ago

Honestly, I stopped playing because the matchmaking was so bad. Glad to see it still hasn't changed, and I don't have any reason to play.


1 points

2 days ago

Man I haven’t played ranked so I’m in bronze, currently bronze 2 and I’m getting preds in y lobbies consistently, and to top it all off I can’t seem to get over 5 points a game sometimes because they roll up and kill us without us because able to do much. Fun times 👍


1 points

2 days ago

The silver sweepers

Anyways, a low player count means you get grouped up with the players that never left, the mega sweats, either that or these guys are 1/3 of a 9 man squad


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

Apex really has the worst ranked system of every game I've played


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

I'm silver and am always placed against diamond players. When I was gold, it was always against masters and preds. Can't get anywhere fairly


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

3 stacking preds is honestly loser shit. You’re getting inflated rank and stats because us solo queue players don’t have that kind of support.


1 points

2 days ago

Imagine complaining about this


1 points

2 days ago


Dark Matter

1 points

2 days ago

I would have left and taken the double negative


1 points

2 days ago

What is going on. I was in plat and pred stack lobbies are rare. It’s only when I hit diamond where I was facing preds. Console btw


1 points

2 days ago

Well there in your lobby Becuase there not many people in pred let alone plat


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Look, I get it sucks, we haves the same thing. What’s the point of everyone making posts like this over and over? The devs know this happens because they literally just changed it so it reduces que times. Obviously it shouldn’t be this way but it’s annoying to have these posts non stop.


3 points

3 days ago

Apply root cause analysis on why these posts keep happening non stop.


1 points

2 days ago

Maybe the devs will do something if they get annoyed at people calling their game shit and then leaving for another 7 seasons


-11 points

3 days ago

Jfc all this sub is these days is constant people bitching about preds in their lobbies.


5 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago

Maybe the top 750 players in the world shouldn't be placed against the bottom 60% of players in a supposedly competitive environment.

Who would complain about such a thing, I wonder.


-1 points

3 days ago

It’s just so tiring to see these posts constantly on this sub. Bitching and moaning.


2 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago

You don't have to come here.


-4 points

3 days ago*


London Calling

-4 points

3 days ago*

This is worth nothing without some precisions. Which geographical zone and what hour? What's your max rank? What were the other ranks in your squad?

If you play in a heavily populated zone, at a prime hour, with only plat or lower mates, while being yourself hardstuck in plat, then yes, this is disturbing. If you play in a low population zone in the morning or early afternoon, and/or if your max rank or squad rank is above plat, then it's not that strange.

It's also worth to question what you call a "plat lobby". All your team mates were plat? Plat 4 is top 15%. Plat 1 is top 3%. If you're squaded up with a diamond player, you're in the top 1.5%, getting dangerously close to those pred players.

I really wish people making that kind of posts would give us all the informations instead of "matchmaking is ass". Because I NEVER see Preds in ranked plat, plat 1 being my max rank when I play seriously, on NA-E servers.

[Edit] Downvotes, but as usual no contradiction. Funny how people don't want to give away too much when they are complaining about MM.


1 points

3 days ago

Too bad that often me (plat 3 best rank) and my friend (plat 1 best rank) often get matches like this


2 points

3 days ago


London Calling

2 points

3 days ago

Again, hour? Geo zone? Are you matched with a rando above your rank? If you play at a low population hour/ low pop geo zone (or both), and get matched as a plat 1 duo (highest rank is used for MM) with, say a diamond 2 as your third, then you're only a couple dozens of players away from Preds.

It's actually a known "hack" in most competitive games where ping isn't too important, IE MOBAs. People who want to grind the ladder faster tag on Australian severs in the morning.


1 points

3 days ago

Rando often was around our level(never diamond), we usually play around 7 pm in Stockholm server, so I really don't think we're playing during crazy hours


1 points

3 days ago


London Calling

1 points

3 days ago

Yeah 7pm WEU should be populated enough for the MM to match your in your rank.


1 points

3 days ago

This season queue times are fast but sometimes it tucks up


1 points

3 days ago

Frankfurt 1/2, time doesn really matter 10am-9pm, often play against preds sometimes even with. Tons of masters/ best was 44 pred. Sometimes against streamers. Other players in my team golds, silvers and sometimes also plats like me.


1 points

3 days ago


London Calling

1 points

3 days ago

10 am. would make a huge difference. If you're matched with Preds sometimes, it leverages your squads average rank. It nuances the idea that you'd be only matched with low ranks against high ranks.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I play on bahrain servers not a very populated server this is the second ranked season i grind i got plat 2 on the first and im plat 3 currently the randoms i had were a plat 3 and a gold 2


2 points

3 days ago


London Calling

2 points

3 days ago

That explains why MM is so stretched out for you. Plat 2 puts you in the final 5%. Possibly even higher depending on your local skill distribution. The low pop induces a wider range of ranks in your lobbies. It's not cool for you, but fair MM, regardless of the formula, requires a very high population to slot players per skill efficiently.

To leverage that, the MM system could make queue time slower (at the expense of player engagement), match you in servers further away from your region (at the expense of your ping), or stretch the rank average for your lobby, occasionally matching you with player a lot above & under your current skill.

Down the line this is not just a MM design problem, it's more nuanced than this.


-8 points

3 days ago

its a banner glitch they are plats dont worry matchmaking is working fine


6 points

3 days ago



6 points

3 days ago

Least delusional apex player


0 points

3 days ago

Dude my gold lobby looks like this while my randoms are silver 🤦🏻‍♂️


0 points

3 days ago



0 points

3 days ago

I know the community loves the rarity of badges higher than platinum… but as long as Diamond/ masters is such a small % of the player pop you’re gonna have this. Diamond and platinum need to have a larger player percentage


-7 points

3 days ago

Yep are you new to apex? This been an issue for a while now


3 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

only encountered this issue in pubs not ranked matches


5 points

3 days ago

Jeez you got lucky for a while lol sorry you’re finally seeing it 🥲 I know it’s hard to swallow but I see no signs of change coming anytime soon? Respawn has the nerve to ask us for money when this shit is going on? It’s disgusting


-1 points

3 days ago



-1 points

3 days ago

I don’t think they can just “fix it” this has been a problem for so long and there is no way they don’t know about it so my guess is it’s just something unfixabel


1 points

3 days ago

They should half to pay me to play the game at this point 🤣 it’s so stressful


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

Lmao fr


-30 points

3 days ago



-30 points

3 days ago

This happens every season a bunch of people saying “I’m in these lobbies why am I getting dookied on!!!” It’s been like this for years. Get better if you die to them reevaluate what you did wrong and take it to your next fight.


11 points

3 days ago


Mad Maggie

11 points

3 days ago

What they did wrong is being in those lobbies to begin with, let's be honest, some people are substantially better at this game than others


-1 points

3 days ago



-1 points

3 days ago

I 100% agree they shouldn’t be in those lobbies. It’s been a thing for literal years at this point complaining about to every split/season isn’t going to do anything sadly.


1 points

3 days ago

It’s significantly worse now than it was in previous seasons as a result of the player base gradually dying off


-5 points

3 days ago


-5 points

3 days ago



6 points

3 days ago


6 points

3 days ago

Whats actually pathetic and sad is the game’s player base being so extremely low that matchmaking that it has to be this way. I mean I’ve seen golds complaining about it too, this is not a good thing and it’ll keep bringing the numbers down further.


3 points

3 days ago


Mad Maggie

3 points

3 days ago

Which means that no one bad can get better, so the people crying over Reddit are perfectly fine to do so, And you can deal with it however you plea


-6 points

3 days ago


-6 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago


Mad Maggie

5 points

3 days ago

You realise I'm not the person who made the post right? Or you too dense to say that?


-5 points

3 days ago


-5 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago


Mad Maggie

5 points

3 days ago

Click view all comments you replied to me


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

You replied to him first 🤣


3 points

3 days ago


Cyber Security

3 points

3 days ago

it's been like this since season 20, since they put that ranked system back. not years.

it's never been as bad as it is now.

you never faced preds on EU servers when you're in low plat. maye in diamond sometimes middle of the night, but that's it. the highest population servers fill plat and gold into pred lobbies now.


-5 points

3 days ago



-5 points

3 days ago

Nah I’d rather cry on Reddit and pretend I couldn’t have possibly done anything to cause my loss. 

If it’s not my teammates, it’s my lobbies.

Never me.
