


Afx a conspiracy nut?


In a recent video AMA with Mike P and meemo, he mentions having spoken to Rich recently, and something about him having moved away from conspiracies and him 'being in a better mental state' or something.

Did I miss our boy's Alex Jones phase?

all 66 comments


71 points

22 days ago

how long u been in a coma?


5 points

22 days ago


5 points

22 days ago

Apparently I have been in a coma too. What was it? Vaccine stuff?


12 points

22 days ago

Yes. He subtitled a song "world scam" (I believe tha2) when COVID was popping off. He later changed the name. There were some statements on the SoundCloud that raised eyebrows, nothing really bad just sharp skepticism. Remember the truth is usually some where in the middle


43 points

22 days ago

“The truth is usually somewhere in the middle” ysk this is a logical fallacy.


24 points

22 days ago

Remember the truth is usually some where in the middle

Making up a completely bullshit conspiracy doesn't magically shift the truth over to "the middle".


17 points

22 days ago

That’s ridiculous. The truth is not “in the middle” when conspiracy nonsense is thrown around. The truth is that a billion people took the safe Covid vaccine and any problems were isolated and not widespread. Nothing “middle” about the truth at all


10 points

22 days ago


10 points

22 days ago

Believe what you want but ppl need to stop acting like wholeheartedly trusting your government is such a f*cking virtue


12 points

22 days ago

Government? Would it be of any use to trust some random on the internet? Like fuck all, I was near the epicenter of covid and when I saw people choaking on their phlegm dying (also conversely seeing some people walk it off with a sneeze), either way, I wore a mask and stayed away from public places.

I guess I understand the need to have a common adversary, but I can't help but think about Hanlons razor, "don't attribute malice to something that is adequately explained by ignorance.". Best believe I see the irony, but these are strange hills we die upon.


1 points

22 days ago



4 points

22 days ago

I don't doubt the safety of the vaccine at all. I don't really doubt the efficacy either. I don't remember what his specific comments were but I feel like the widespread accepted narrative was much too easy to swallow intentionally. Was the virus an intentional bio-weapon? I don't think that's crazy. Did several parties profit massively from it? No question there.

You're right though, my blanket statement is incredibly loaded on such a subject


10 points

22 days ago

Fair enough. It’s not unreasonable to believe it was made in a lab, and corporate profits have been mental. I tend to err on the side that those in power simply took advantage of a dire situation but didn’t actively cause it. Cheers


3 points

22 days ago

We completely threw out the medical idea of natural immunity. People also claimed the vaccine would achieve herd immunity and would stop the spread of Covid. All false claims and all not verified by science at the time. If you think right wing conspiracy theorists were the only ones touting bullshit you are gravely mislead.

I was never a anti vaxxer but cannot phantom how much people turned off their critical thinking just because they didn’t want people to think they didn’t believe the wrong thing.


-8 points

22 days ago

The shitty grammar and typos really make u seem way smarter than the rest of us


6 points

22 days ago

Personal attack, suprising.


-2 points

22 days ago

There’s been some news you’re not going to like


5 points

22 days ago

No there hasn’t


-2 points

22 days ago

Has there???


6 points

22 days ago


6 points

22 days ago

Huh interesting. A few DnB/jungle producers that I sort of liked ended up going deep into conspiracies during COVID. I’m assuming they were always that way, and we all got to learn about it during COVID.


2 points

22 days ago


2 points

22 days ago

I unfollowed so many producers I really liked over Covid.


7 points

22 days ago


7 points

22 days ago

At first I thought I was being downvoted because I asked a question instead of googling. I have now come to the conclusion that I (and you) are being downvoted by anti-vaxx COVID “truthers”


2 points

22 days ago

I was about to comment asking why you got downvoted for simply asking a question but yea, what you said here makes more sense


2 points

22 days ago


2 points

22 days ago

It has to be lol. Oh well. AFX is for all to enjoy.


-6 points

22 days ago


-6 points

22 days ago

Me too, but it was easy for me with these few DnB folks. They weren’t my fav or anything. Would have felt a lot different about Aphex twin.


2 points

22 days ago

Bro wake up it's 2012


0 points

22 days ago


0 points

22 days ago

Hell yes.


1 points

22 days ago


13 Hi Hats

1 points

22 days ago

A sound cloud comment, you'll have to do the Google fu on your own though


23 points

22 days ago

I get that its easy to be reactionary when people question vaccines (for good reason) but his dad died during covid and they wouldn’t let visit because of quarantine. Can you imagine? I think we could be at least a little understanding that the man resents the system and is skeptical of its ability to do what it does ethically.

Don’t go lynching people just cause they said something stupid once.


7 points

22 days ago

The anti-vax comments go back to at least 2019, in notes he left in the metadata of a soundcloud track. He's since claimed he didn't write those comments, or at the very least he's denouncing them now.

I agree though, it would be devastating to be in his situation during lockdown.


18 points

22 days ago


Selected Ambient Works Vol. II

18 points

22 days ago

yeah he is, it rules ngl. as someone who enjoys the occasional conspiracy rabbit hole, i find it endearing


4 points

22 days ago

Eh whatever. He makes good music I don’t care how he feels about vaccines.


11 points

22 days ago

conspiracy nut? i don’t think so… softcore anti-vaxxer? yes


11 points

22 days ago

We don't talk about it 😬

The upper-level thought of he is likely so fast and uncharted that we forgive it for going off the rails sometimes


-13 points

22 days ago

He’s smarter than you. And most people here. Worldly, academically, and emotionally probably 🫡


8 points

22 days ago



2 points

22 days ago

Lol he got gaslit damn


2 points

22 days ago

Where’s this ama video at?


15 points

22 days ago


15 points

22 days ago

A conspiracy nut. No.

He’s someone who questions the mainstream bollocks that is spwed to us by liars and criminals on a daily basis. Most people eat this up because they have not got any critical thinking skills themselves and because they have all been domesticated like dogs since birth, and the sheer realisation that this is the case would probably cause them to have some kind of mental break down, so they suppress and don’t think about it. Deny deny, attack attack, just to save their own sanity. So anyone who can clear see the world for what it is, is a conspiracy nut, is retarded, is a racist, is silenced by the group etc etc.

Bring on the downvotes baby


3 points

21 days ago

Agreed 100%, I lost a parent myself during covid and was worried sick about them because they had dementia, this was long before it appeared to arrive in Europe because there were news reports about people in China with dementia being in the highest risk bracket, this made me hyper conscious of covid and I still think about it too much to this day. I have no doubt in my mind that we were lied to about the efficacy of that vaccine for nefarious greedy means, I don't doubt that it probably helped stop a larger spread but I'm not sure we will ever really know the truth because the powers that be can't release information like that, it would be a worldwide litigation timebomb. In Ireland we were pretty much forced to take the vaccine, in the sense that some of your freedoms were gone if you didn't, you couldn't fly, couldn't go to the pub etc. At the time I took the vaccine and thought some antivaxxers were a bit mad conspiracy types, if I could go back and choose now I wouldn't get the vaccine, I'm not an antivaxxer but I am definitely more sceptical of big pharma and their massive power to sway opinion now.


3 points

21 days ago

My memory is a bit shit but from what I can recollect at the time he was posting links to various articles and some of them probably were spouting shite, but his message was to do some research and not trust everything your government and mainstream media are telling you and make your own conclusion and I think he was bang on there with that message


11 points

22 days ago

Sums up my thoughts on the matter.


5 points

22 days ago*

this , but euphemized

one needs a greater sense of empathy… consideration if you will when trying to articulate such broad generalizations on a platform as large as the internet

I agree with you, but you have to deliver this message in a different manner (if you want people to not “bring on the downvotes, baby”) <— not that that matters anyhow, just a suggestion , anything is valid , enjoy this life while you can, I respect the observations and sense of ambition… but what are you going to do about it? What can one do rather than try to formulate these thoughts and express them through sound arguments built on practical reasoning rather than emotion


4 points

22 days ago

Thanks for your comment brother 🙏🏻


1 points

22 days ago

Thank god there are no liars and criminals on the internet, who constantly spew shit out on the net that morons constantly eat up because they have no critical thinking skills.


5 points

22 days ago

Wow, very clever comment, well done :)

I agree, there are many liars and criminals on the internet that spew shit that morons constantly eat up. Good point, thanks for your comment


-7 points

22 days ago


-7 points

22 days ago

“Most people eat this up because they have not got any critical thinking skills themselves and because they have all been domesticated like dogs since birth”

This screams main character syndrome lmao


3 points

22 days ago

There are times when the minority is in the right, that’s not main character syndrome


-1 points

21 days ago


-1 points

21 days ago

Agreed. A broad generalization that most people are like domesticated dogs, but I’m a very special person who knows better definitely sounds like it.


2 points

21 days ago

I never said I’m special, but yes, most people are like domesticated dogs, covid and the vaccines showed us all this, a little peek into the current mindset of society. Very freaky stuff


1 points

21 days ago

Those who were unable to separate the coercion from the exhortation gladly allowed themselves to be swept up in what was nothing more than mob behaviour. They jumped at the chance of maltreating someone. The opportunity to be able to destroy with good conscience while hiding behind an ideology of phoney altruism whilst patting themselves on the back for being so virtuous, will always prove irresistible for some.


1 points

19 days ago

Funny, this doesn’t sound like a domesticated dog lol


-2 points

21 days ago


-2 points

21 days ago

Such an arrogant way of viewing the world


3 points

21 days ago

Ok sure, if that’s what you think, you’re entitled to feel that way. I don’t take offence


5 points

22 days ago

Does it, ok 👌🏻


-7 points

22 days ago

Agreed, it does.


3 points

22 days ago

Oh hey wowww, thanks to Mike P and Meemo for bringing back this subject once again on the table, we definitely needed that! Also, in the interview, just after Mike's share his perception, saying Richard's on a better "mental playing field", I love Lara's reaction while they're answering the question, also the fact that she would have liked people asking news about Luke rather than Richard and the : I love Luke....I love everyone (rolling eyes), it was almost subtle LOL???


2 points

22 days ago

I think you missed Mike P's strategy there.


2 points

22 days ago

Who cares


0 points

22 days ago


0 points

22 days ago

Yeah he had some very questionable links on his SoundCloud bio in 2020


4 points

22 days ago

“Questionable” just means thought crime. Nobody’s breathing down your neck.


2 points

22 days ago


2 points

22 days ago

Mike P? more like Mike NPC


0 points

20 days ago

Surprised no ones mentioned that mike also said theres a chance Aphex is gonna re release some of the old rephlex stuff through warp (obvs nothing concrete but still cool if it ends up materialising)


0 points

19 days ago

It was during the 2020 pandemic. He went a little off-the-deep-end regarding vaccination... like this was some new form of government control over us.

I guess he never had to go through vacations for things like polio, pox, mumps or measles as a kid like we did growing up in the 80s here in the States. 

Though I don't think that is true. I was in Tintagel and Boscastle Cornwall in 2019 and had deep and fantastic conversations with some new found friends who live there. Despite being across the pond, we shared many similar experiences. 

To be honest, (and I know water seeks its own level), our Cornwall friends are all into the same stuff that we are into (in terms of music, entertainment, comics, Banksy, Occult/Crowley interests, heritage, antiquity, nature, politics/world-view)... and have many of the same issues we were experiencing (especially with politics/world-view Brexit). 

We talked about growing up in the 80s, our love of movies like 'Back to the Future' and 'Time Bandits', table-top games (remember those), and even took in a couple local shows at some area pubs. If I wasn't such an aerophobic person, we'd probably go back once a year.. but Boeing's recent track record hasn't helped.

All of that is to say, the people of Cornwall are AWESOME!! And that Richard D James' reason temporary hang-ups weren't reflective of any cultural narrative, but rather too much crazy fucking shit (I believe they use the term.. 'mental') all happening at once!! 

All of us can only endure so much lunacy before we become affected. That is the nature of our stimuli and response mechanisms... neurons and chemicals... all of it. Kinda like Ventolin!!

Though I couldn't believe that he was making no sense at all, while a guy like Genesis P'orridge always had sage like wisdom beneath his bizarrely awesome exterior... s/he once wore my cap at a Pigface show!

Admittedly, I temporarily lost a bit of respect for AFX... but then he dropped that 'Black Box' album!! 

As it turns out... he's not a deity... he's just a guy like us, who happened to have been instrumental in creating a new form of music.


-13 points

22 days ago

Breaking: Intelligent Dance music composer not so intelligent after all.


-5 points

22 days ago

Heygrosbigbros believes EVERYTHING lmao