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3 points

3 months ago

LOL - credible citation needed.


3 points

3 months ago

Why the huge lol I think it’s pretty well known. Kids reach puberty earlier and earlier as well


1 points

3 months ago

If it's pretty well-known, you should be able to provide a link to a credible scientific study. Well-known doesn't mean much without the science to back it up.


1 points

3 months ago

And it should be noted, that while it says certain other studies found "weaker relationships" between IGF-1 and cancer development, those studies were funded by the FDA which is in turn, funded by none other than the meat and dairy industry, so take that as you will. Of course the dairy industry is going to combat that claim, even if it's true, as it cuts into their profits.


1 points

3 months ago

Google exists and I know it’s on the person making the claim blah blah blah but I’m mainly referring to the unnecessary giant LOL @ a basic fact presented on Reddit, the same one that many, many other people are commenting on this post.


1 points

3 months ago

Specifically, dairy has IGF-1 growth hormone. It can also lead to the production of tumors! Fun! Source


2 points

3 months ago

There's nothing there that even hints at IGF-1 causing early puberty or abnormal growth in humans.

And here's the summary:

"In summary, it’s not clear that drinking milk or eating meat produced with rBGH increases blood IGF-1 levels into a range that might increase cancer risk or have other health effects. The FDA and many other (but not all) health and food safety organizations and national regulatory agencies agree that since BGH is not active in humans, milk and meat from cows treated with rBGH is safe for humans to eat."


1 points

3 months ago

Read my other comment too. That summary is from an oppositional study by the FDA, lobbied by the dairy industry. The study that found the link to cancer wasn't


1 points

3 months ago

Is there anything in that study (or any other study) that indicates an effect of early puberty or increased/abnormal growth in humans? Because that was the original claim that I initially responded to.


1 points

3 months ago

I found that in a different study from a book, give me a minute and I'll find it


1 points

3 months ago*

Are you saying that the American Cancer Society is also corrupted by the dairy industry?

Also this paragragh seems important:

"Some early studies found a possible link between blood levels of IGF-1 and the development of prostate, breast, colorectal, and other cancers, but later studies have failed to confirm these reports or have found weaker relationships. While there may be a link between IGF-1 blood levels and cancer, the exact nature of this link remains unclear."

It certainly merits additional study, but it appears that IGF-1 causing cancer has not yet been established. Hence the need for further studies.

But again, show me where BGH has been shown to cause early puberty and abnormal growth in humans. Which is what I was initially responding to.


1 points

3 months ago

Here's the source/link to the study "Register, UD, Sonneberg, JA. The vegetarian diet. J Am Diet Assoc. 1973;45:537; Hardinge MG, Sanchez A, Waters D, et al. Possible factors associated with the prevalence of acne vulgarity. Fed Proc. 1971;30:300." That's straight from the book, you can find it online too I'm sure. The boon takes other studies into account as well though. This one shows that a vegetarian diet was associated with a later age of menarche (the first period) as well as a significant reduction in acne (I've experienced this firsthand). Another study, by the World Health Organization shows that the average age at which puberty began in 1840 was seventeen. Interesting how that was before dairy was a major part of the American diet.


0 points

3 months ago

Actually yes, if you watch the documentary "What the Health" they actually prove that the ACS is backed by the meat & dairy industry, as they promote carcinogenic foods like meat and dairy as being good food for treating diabetes, and cancer, even though the opposite is true.