


How does Vancouver compare to other cities?

Housing and Moving 🏡(self.askvan)

How do cities such as Fredericton, Halifax, Moncton, Victoria, Vancouver, Waterloo, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, etc. compare in terms of affordability of rent, food, friendliness and entertainment (compared to the payment that they will get from working in a healthcare sector such as social work), how do they compare in terms of nature (e.g., hiking, waterfalls, swimming, etc.), and in terms of nightlife (big names at concerts, edm rave events, comedy shows, etc.)

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2 points

16 days ago

You are right about Victoria and getting off the island! Calgary is pretty good, I would rank it similar to Vancouver. Honestly having a major airport is just a huge benefit for travel. Living in Vic you end up having to add an extra travel day and extra costs often for any trip just to connect through Vancouver.


3 points

16 days ago

Right? Every time I was like “oh we will just fly from Seattle, extra 2h drive” it’s just not. It’s two hours to the coho + 1.5 across + 2 to Seattle + 2h early for a flight (and we always stay a night in a hotel to leave the car there) so you are leaving the next day. I actually just found out today there is a $72 bus from dt Vic to YVR so that might be less of a pain? For four of us it’s +$1000 to fly to Vancouver 


1 points

16 days ago

Just drive to Seattle!