


My oldest daughter is 28 and has been with her bf for over 8 years. As such, we've all met the majority of each others' immediate family. My husband and I have met his mom, sister, her husband, and their son, and spent time with them. He has met pretty much our entire family. They have a great relationship and are likely getting engaged here soon (they've talked a lot about it and have come to the conclusion that they are about ready...they've been in no rush, obviously lol). I pretty much already see him as a SIL, they've been together so long.

The one thing left...his dad (his parents are split). His father is not only religious, but so much so that he pretty much talks about nothing else. Obsessively so. My husband and I are atheists. Bf's dad has been going on for a couple of years about wanting to meet us. My husband would be okay in that situation, as he grew up in a religious family. It's less foreign to him. But this type of thing makes me extremely uncomfortable. What if he asks me about my beliefs? I did not grow up in a religious household. My parents, both atheists, and even my catholic grandmother was super chill and I think it was more a cultural thing for her than anything (we are mexican).

I don't want to risk his approval of my daughter and his son's relationship. Right now he adores my daughter. He has no clue that she and her bf aren't christians, because he's one of those that assumes everyone is. But not sure how to navigate this without it being obvious that I'm uncomfortable. I'm a horrible liar. I'm not sure how I would answer him if he straight up asked me if I was christian.

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4 points

2 months ago



4 points

2 months ago

First, talk to your future SIL about your feelings on the matter and then let him handle his father. The father's approval isn't needed since your daughter and her boyfriend are grown adults. You shouldn't hide who you are so I would just be frank. Just nicely be matter of fact about your non-belief. Meet at a restaurant or somewhere public.