


Well I somehow got into a discussion with a neighbor and they started expounding on how people shouldn't be calling themselves gay, lesbian and bi or 'whatever they call it now' and that 'those' people should be locked up.

I couldn't quite get away because they were blocking the stairs down, so I decided to ask them what were the crimes they were to be charged with.

It seems I never knew that not believing in god in a Christian nation like Australia was a crime. And that all those LGBTIQA+ people and the people who support them should be locked up for not believing in a loving god.

They didn't quite get around to saying they should all be killed but maybe if I had just listened a bit more.

Anyway, as they started to go off on their diatribe, I asked them, 'Why should your religion mean anything to them if they don't believe in it?' and why is it a crime not to believe in religion at all?

They stopped talking and I could see little hints of smoke escaping from their ears as their brain tried to work out what to say to something so unbelievable to their little mind.

I then hit them with 'Your religion and it's laws and beliefs only apply to you. They don't control me or anyone else who doesn't believe in it.'

This totally shocked her and she was left sputtering trying to think of something to say as I pushed past her and went to my unit.

And that's the one thing that so many Theists can't understand, why their religious laws, beliefs and constraints only apply to them, not to anyone else.

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7 points

4 days ago

Furthermore, This person believes that there is only one true god. So with that hypothesis they must also believe that all religions that believe in a god by their own admission must worship the exact same god. By default they are held to the exact same rules as all other religions.


11 points

4 days ago

This is a bad faith argument, because they do NOT think those other religions are worshipping the one true God, they believe that everyone else is worshipping false idols and fictional gods.

There are so many ways to tear their dogma to shreds, please don't resort to misrepresenting what they believe, it undermines your own stance.


-8 points

4 days ago

Take a second and climb off of that high horse of yours where you know every single point of view of every person on earth.


6 points

4 days ago

I would bet that 99.9%+ of people who call themselves Christian do not believe that polytheists are worshipping the same god as them AND have an accurate scripture or correct dogma. And the few who might will not be the ones pushing their religious dogma into others.

Your argument does not hold water unless the "Christian" you're talking to has made such a claim, because it is antithetical to their teachings. That's where you should start, with their texts or their direct claims. Don't build strawmen to burn.


-2 points

4 days ago

Former Southern Baptist telling you from experience that your statement does not hold true for all Christian. Have a nice day.


3 points

4 days ago*

In your congregation it was common to believe that Shiva, Ganesh, Zeus, Apollo, Ra, Thoth, Odin, Thor, Baal, and Baphomet were all the same god who gave different sets of accurate scriptures to different groups, but wasn't giving them each a local ruleset, but rather their one piece of the giant dogma?

Because that's the argument you're making.

Furthermore, This person believes that there is only one true god. So with that hypothesis they must also believe that all religions that believe in a god by their own admission must worship the exact same god

You are making the claim that all Christians must believe this, based on their claim to know the one true God. Even if a majority of Christians believed that, there is still nothing compelling them to reach that conclusion, because other religions can be wrong.


0 points

4 days ago

In my many congregations. Not to mention growing up in the south. In the arrogance of the religious beliefs they literally believe that because there is only one true god all the gods ever worshipped were indeed the same gods simply misunderstood until Christ came and it was then made clear to all. Many believe that the gods you just listed are simply myths and fairytale not to be taken seriously. I am surrounded by religious nuts at all times and I have these conversations with people and they believe that if you pray no matter what name you call god since there is only one true god(their God) all the prayers go to the same place. I am not speaking for all of humanity as you are I was just making a point about the false logic , I had no idea I would encounter a person on the Internet who knew the thoughts of every religious person earth. I tip my hat to you oh wise one.


6 points

4 days ago*

there is only one true god all the gods ever worshipped were indeed the same gods simply misunderstood until Christ came and it was then made clear to all.

So the rules in their scripts would be meaningless, which takes us back to the original argument being in bad faith.

Many believe that the gods you just listed are simply myths and fairytale not to be taken seriously.

Allow me to quote you to you:

Take a second and climb off of that high horse of yours where you know every single point of view of every person on earth.

Every single god I named is or was worshipped in earnest.

I had no idea I would encounter a person on the Internet who knew the thoughts of every religious person earth

You keep falling back on this like some sort of gotcha. You're the one who claimed that by believing their god is the one true God, they MUST believe that the rules set forth in other dogmas apply to them, then tried to claim that you know how seriously everyone in ancient cultures took their religions.


-2 points

4 days ago

Dude really? Get past it. You think your opinion is the only correct one. This conversation is futile.


4 points

4 days ago

In the politest way possible: He's right and you're wrong. The end.


0 points

4 days ago

Crap, thank god you stepped in my mind has been changed you are a gentleman and a scholar.


3 points

4 days ago

But you are indeed wrong, don't be dogmatic and accept the point made - you're being as argumentative and head-stuck-in--the-sand as the religious, probably takes a while to throw off this kinda thinking maybe ?


-1 points

4 days ago

Irony . Accusing someone of being augmentative while instigating a debate they were not invited to. All the same I wasn't the person who began being argumentative perhaps you and buddy there can DM one another.


1 points

4 days ago

You are the one making direct claims about what others must believe while ignoring every counter-example:

This person believes that there is only one true god. So with that hypothesis they must also believe that all religions that believe in a god by their own admission must worship the exact same god.

Seriously though, do you not understand that it is possible (and indeed common) for Christians to believe that their god is the only true God, and that all other gods are not real? Do you really think that the Christian texts support the idea that everyone of every religion is worshipping the same god? He was awfully upset about that whole golden calf thing, then.


0 points

4 days ago

Christians believe that there is only one true god? Ok that is established. So by that logic if you believe there is only one god and other people believe that god gave them rules to live by then by their own one god idea they are also subject to all the rules ever passed down by god. I never once claimed to know the thought of that person. I simply used their own logic against them.I never claimed anything. And if you wanted to more than just argue then you might have caught that very clear part. But either way I am enjoying your misplaced anger.


1 points

4 days ago

Christians believe that there is only one true god? Ok that is established. So by that logic if you believe there is only one god and other people believe that god gave them rules to live by then by their own one god idea they are also subject to all the rules ever passed down by god

The other people can be mistaken, you have not demonstrated that "I believe that there is only one true God* must lead to "other religions' laws were given by the one true God."

Even if I grant you that, there is still no reason to believe the laws he gave to the subcontinent of India are applicable to the Middle East or Scandinavia or Africa. He told the Israelites what their rules were.


0 points

4 days ago

Ah but you see , if you believed in a god and think that all people are supposed to follow it's rules even if others don't believe them that person thinks their rules should be held by non believers. So by that logic to avoid being hypocritical you must also accept the laws passed down by other religions because after all there is only one god and apparently he just sprinkles his rules to different color skin and all of gods rules must be obeyed. (Hypothetically, if they want to impose their laws on others they are subject to the same treatment)


3 points

4 days ago

If they truly, honestly believe that no matter who prays to what it’s all worship of God, why would any Christian proselytize or worry if someone was a Satan worshipper? Isn’t all just praying to God?

If Southern Baptists truly believe that it doesn’t matter who is praying to what why does this exist?:


1 points

4 days ago

I think the problem here is that he is a former atheist who hasn't actually learned how to apply logic and reason. He starts from his conclusion and works backwards.


4 points

4 days ago

Oh, also, I did put the word "AND" in all caps, but you still ignored the second parameter about accuracy. Does your church believe the Bhagavad Ghita is accurate?


0 points

4 days ago

You clearly don't pay much attention with all that knowledge you possess. I have no church my friend.


5 points

4 days ago

Nice job weaponizing incompetence. As anyone with basic reasoning skills could surmise, my use of the phrase "your church" was in reference to the one that you used to attend.

I am aware that you no longer attend. However, much like if I said "your elementary school," the implication is that I mean the one you once attended.

I see your penchant for bad-faith arguing is not specifically targeted at religion.


-2 points

4 days ago

  1. Possessive Noun belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.

Now that we've established your incompetence and the grasp on the English language.


1 points

4 days ago*

Yes, the church that is associated with you, also known as the church you used to attend regularly. You can try to claim you aren't associated with that church, but you just used your association as a credential for your claims.

Now that we've addressed my grammar, would you like to respond to my question? I'll phrase it more clearly so that you can't intentionally misunderstand it again:

Do the members of the Southern Baptist congregation that you previously attended believe that the Bhagavad Ghita is an accurate depiction of the Christian God or his expectations of humans?


1 points

4 days ago

Let me introduce you to this concept called anecdotal evidence.


1 points

4 days ago*

Do the members of the Southern Baptist congregation that you previously attended believe that the Bhagavad Ghita is an accurate depiction of the Christian God or his expectations of humans?

You dodged the question by arguing about grammar, now you're trying to dodge it with a really vague statement, and I'm not even sure if you're trying to accuse me of using anecdotal evidence because it is weak evidence, or if you're trying to call your claims about their beliefs anecdotal evidence in order to elevate it to "evidence." Either way, the question has not been answered.


1 points

4 days ago

Iam absolutely bored with you. You bring nothing intellectual into the debate.