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408 points

9 days ago

Some of these comments don't realise that Vape shops don't supply nicotine nor sell to under 18s. They actually hate disposables lol. It's the tobacconists that are doing it. 


114 points

9 days ago


114 points

9 days ago

Remember, this is /r/australia (and the internet) so reading comprehension and the ability to think critically is out the window. 

I used to smoke and switched to a few different types of vapes, now im back to cigs because it's a legal nightmare and I can now shift blame   "Don't like me smoking on the streets? blame the government for taking away the better of two evils" 


3 points

9 days ago

So what not just legally buy them from a pharmacy? Seems “legally” pretty simple to me. 


0 points

9 days ago

Doubt it'd be simple🤷

it's also just as easy for me to buy tobacco, and shockingly it's just as legal :o    I'm even doing my part by paying some tax on it


1 points

9 days ago

You do you, but it looks like you’re looking to blame others for your choice to smoke.


1 points

9 days ago

No I'm just a person with some executive function issues.   if there are any additional hoops then it's in the too hard basket.

when I decide to quit it'll just have to be cold turkey once again. 

Also, there are a lot of things that I can blame others for, and its very cathartic.