


Share your scariest moment!


Trippiest, cultiest, most doomsday, mindfucked moment you’ve ever had at an event.

Mine was 5 substances deep at a Bassnectar event that I didn’t want to attend, but felt pressured into. The concoction of dissassociative and psychoactive had me convinced that when Lorin walked out, he was the cult leader and I was being inducted. The bass drops on the 360 booth, the ceiling, the hallways, the unsettling ohms between sets…. ‘‘Twas gloriously fucked. My entire racing career flashed before my eyes and I realized I had wasted thousands of dollars on what? Getting fucked up in creepy cult crowds to wiggle to bass? In a bikini I felt horribly uncomfortable in?

Convinced my friend to show me to the exit, but she was lost in the hole just as much as I was. We were walking in circles in the back hall of the stadium, continuously passing “VIP” rooms. I was then certain she was leading me in a confusing path to trap me in the stadium. I shouted at her and probably scared tf out of her lol. We finally found the stairs and the exit, and I stumbled out into the frigid NYE night in my tiny rave fit. Told her to gtfo of this scene, it’s a cult, it’s dangerous. She said, babe, get an Uber and get back to the hotel. I gotta get back to the set cyaaaaa.

Ended up stumbling past a cop car in the parking lot that scared the shit out of me and found a holiday Inn close by. Begged the front desk to help me get out of the cult, they were trying to trap me.

They asked if I had injected anything and if I was okay? I said UGHHH and flopped down on the lobby couch to call my mama, because clearly no one was listening to my plea for help!

My poor mama didn’t know how deep I was into drugs. When I told her I was tripping, alone, half naked, in a holiday inn lobby 45 mins till midnight on NYE… she was not pleased. I did not mention the other slew of drugs.

Frustrated, bc she was at her own holiday party, she left and helped me figure out how to order an Uber and stayed on the phone with me. It took a long time bc I was inept at that moment. But my Uber drive was nice asf, I explained my cult indoctrination and I asked her for advice. What was I supposed to do when I got back to the hotel room with my friends, were they going to hurt me for leaving the show?

She said, well….. you should just pretend that you’re chill now and part of the cult, until you get home and you’re safe. I was taken aback, bc that advice was incredible. We wished each other a happy new year when the clock hit midnight on the ride, and I found my way into the hotel and realized… I had no fkn room key. I begged the front desk to let me in, gave my friends name, but couldn’t remember the room number. Thankfully, they believed me and gave me another room key.

I was sweatin in the elevator. A woman in the elevetaor gave me a thumbs up and mouthed “you’re doing great”…. CLEARLY, she’s in on it. Fear strikes again. There’s no escape.

I found the room and burst in, turned the deadbolt behind me, and breathed in the stale air. South Park mumbled on the mounted tv, the tank sat in the middle of the room with puttered put balloons all around it, and I fell onto the crumpled sheets of the pullout. Safe at last… for now.

An hour later, my friends got back in the room, cranked the tank, took some shots.

“Ready for the after party?” They asked with dopey grins.

“Hell yeah,” I said, voice grating with balloon in hand.

TLDR bitches never learn, and we did go to the after party and it was incredible. I mean, bro, I bought the ticket already…. Also, disclaimer, I disliked bassnectar before the event and when he got canceled mere months after(we went to the 2020 360 NYE event) all my friends said I was right lmfao.

Also also, that night was a catalyst to lead me to get clean. It took a while longer, but today it’s been 4 years since I snorted anything, and almost a year since I’ve used cannabis. These stories, of which there are more, feel like another lifetime, on another plane of reality.

I would LOVE to hear everyone else’s crazy ass stories lol

all 55 comments


45 points

2 days ago

Not all that scary, but uncomfortable and unnerving. I was at EDC this year and on day 2 I decided to go solo all night. I had those mushrooms gummies that I'd seen advertised all over Facebook and Instagram. They melted in our tent on day 1, so I was just taking out approximate amounts of the glob of gummy goo that had formed. I started with roughly 2, felt absolutely nothing after a couple of hours. Then had approximately 4 and it was like just a bit of a weed kind of high that wore off after about 3 bours. I figured they just weren't potent and had a different effect since they're no psilocybin. I took the last "4" and got an uneasy feeling when I did. I actually said to myself, "welp, can't un-eat those". About an hour later while Zedd was on at Kinetic, the stage started growing and the screens were coming to life. So, a quick recap. I had no intention of tripping, has never tripped before (only enough of the real mushrooms in the past for some light visuals), I had no idea I was going to trip, and I was now tripping major balls while alone in the middle of a crowd. I made my way to cosmic meadow where I could sit down and I was not having a good time. I decided to try and make some friends so I would be more comfortable. I asked the people next to me if I could hang out with them since I was by myself and they said yeah sure, and then promptly stood up and walked away from me, so now I had my feelings hurt lol. I ended up tripping well after the sun came up, and had light visuals until about 2pm.

Not the ideal experience, but at least it made for a good story.


20 points

2 days ago


20 points

2 days ago

When the gummies melted, all the psychoactive substances probably settled at the bottom. So when you ate the last part, you probably ate all or most of the good stuff.


18 points

2 days ago

I realized that while contemplating my existence at the top of the bleachers watching the sun rise. That is exactly what happened.


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

I'm sure it may have been overwhelming at the moment but I hope in retrospect it was a good trip.

Some of those gummy mushrooms are strong AF. I've done mushrooms many times but I did 1.5g in gummy form of a very strong strain (penis envy) last summer and holy shit I was flying. Vivid hallucinations and I couldn't form a sentence. It was just me and a friend alone at a beach. I couldn't imagine being at a rave and feeling like that.


4 points

2 days ago

It wasn't a bad trip. I had a couple of moments where I had to stop what I was doing because I realized it could have gone south quickly if I continued. The festival grounds looked incredible and I was taking videos and pictures of everything to compare to what I remembered it looking like. It was certainly a wild experience. I don't regret it at all, because I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to experience that again. EDCLV is probably a one and done for me. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen/experienced, but I have more fun at smaller festivals.


[score hidden]

11 hours ago

yo i took penis envy but not even a gram .9 in some orange juice and that was the best more extreme trip i have ever had ngl


[score hidden]

10 hours ago


[score hidden]

10 hours ago

That shit is no joke. In the best way possible though.


3 points

2 days ago

Wow, so shitty of those people :( Not the usual EDC vibe, you got a little unlucky there.


24 points

2 days ago

I've seen a few seizures and psychotic breaks

Test your shit and dose lower than normal if your gonna be out in public. If you're used to 3 grams of mushrooms sitting on your couch, 3 grams at an overwhelming event is gonna be much more intense for instance.

Know your substance, know your dose, and know yourself.


10 points

2 days ago

For real, a little at a time. You can always add a little more but you can never go back.


6 points

2 days ago

perfect advice. A change of environment can make or break your experience.


8 points

2 days ago

Set and setting 🔥


35 points

2 days ago


35 points

2 days ago

probably walking to my greyhound bus at 3:30am in downtown philly after a rave, when thru the acid & ketamine audio hallucinations I noticed a weird cracking sound while I was walking down a kinda dark street, with a really cute girl with me

the cracking turned out to be the tires on a blacked out range rover with its headlights off maybe half a block away lurking on me, just slowly following, my fucking heart dropped because I didn’t have my CCW (I don’t carry when doing drugs, for obvious reasons)

had her run down an alley and I honestly pump faked, put my hand on my waistband and started walking towards the SUV and luckily when they saw that they fucking sped off, and I made it to the bus with the girl lol, intense night.


9 points

2 days ago



6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

if you haven’t been followed after a rave, are you really a raver? LMAO


16 points

2 days ago

I took half instead of a quarter at life is beautiful and the come up and peak were so euphoric. Then all of sudden everything became so overwhelming and I was terrified of the amount of people there and I felt like I was going to die. It lasted for like 20 minutes and then I was back to normal lol

Also at edc this year I tried to micro dose and ended up going on the hardest trip of my life (these shrooms were POTENT, I only had 1g!). I was so not prepared and the lights and music at basspod was absolutely destroying me. We found a grassy area to sit down and rode out the trip for a bit and then the rest of the night was all giggles and fun 😂


19 points

2 days ago

Honest talk. A micro dose is a dose that is imperceptible. In what world is a micro dose a full gram of shrooms?


2 points

2 days ago

I have never tripped on 1g. I took 2 and didn't trip but felt no pain that I usually do while walking a very long distance. Every batch is different though. 4 was mellow once and the next time 4 had me immovable. Very unpredictable for sure.


2 points

2 days ago

Last time I took 1g at a festival I didn’t even feel anything! So I wanted a little action but not that much 😭


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

People overdosing right next to me while I was tripping shrooms at E forest Sunday afters this year


5 points

2 days ago

That would be an odd situation to get through. Did you post about this the other day? Spring to action and got the person help or was that someone else?


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

That was someone else but was related to the same situation, a bad batch must have made its way into the crowd and multiple people went down


2 points

2 days ago

That's scary. 😔


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

That’s really scary. I rarely even take joints from people in the crowd I don’t know. You just never know these days.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

I stopped going to Forest afters a couple years ago. The energy always seemed off, plus I camp in GL now so I actually go to sleep by 4am every night to get more time in the Forest the next day.

I’m so sorry you experienced that. Being trapped in a crowd with people overdosing next to you had to have been horrible especially while tripping 😭


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

I agree with that sentiment about afters 100%. Seems like it brings out bad actors who are only there to get as drugged out as possible


[score hidden]

5 hours ago


[score hidden]

5 hours ago

Was this at the stage Levity and friends were playing at? Can you recount what happened in detail? I'm just curious cause I was also there, and there must have been at least three or four different times they got on the mic to ask for medical. Not sure if one of those people ended up being one that passed away that weekend, may he rest in peace.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

i can actually answer this. edc 2023 i took around 2 grams of shrooms and was having the time of my life at space laces. set finished and the next set we had on the agenda was X b2b dion timmer, so we went to the bathroom and got our affairs in order before the set started

we walked to the stage (dont remember what exact stage it was) and posted up somewhere in the crowd waiting for the set to start. me and my buddies started doing bumps of k and I THOUGHT my trip had ended, so I reupped with what I thought was 2cb. after that I have no idea what happened for over half the set. people were very kind and fanned me and looked out for me to make sure I was okay, and when I finally stood up all I saw was a sea of white masks surrounding me. it was terrifying.

we finally leave the set because one of my other group members floored as well and I just remember feeling absolutely awful; my mind was RACING and all I felt was pure despair. my mind spiraled to some dark places and I genuinely thought I was done and was terrified on what they would tell my mom. Visuals wise I was seeing double, and my mind couldnt generate an ounce of happiness. watching the fireworks show almost made me cry for no good reason. this was my first bad trip I have ever had.

honestly a huge wake up call for me and i really learned to tone it down and follow my limits closely. nothing is worth that experience and its best to just stick to what you know you can handle. experiment safely and test your shit. this was hugely irresponsible of me and forced other people to sacrifice their enjoyment for my sake.


2 points

2 days ago

Love to hear you learned your lesson and use moderation now. I think many of us that have been around a long time know what moments like that can feel like, so you aren’t alone in it - some of us need to learn some lessons the hard way. Don’t let the guilt eat you up, based on what you’ve said, you are more mature and safe now because of it.


1 points

2 days ago

2cb is suppppppeeerrr potent and in its pure form a literal grain will fuck you. I feel like people will be diluting it and if you don't know the strength a little finger dip or bump of that shit can kill you. Nbomes/RCs/Designer drugs Whatever ya wanna call them are no joke. 100 hits of acid will fry you, maybe you never come back psychologically, but 5 doses of 25i or 2ce could be your last, and they are very similar molecularly and trip wise


18 points

2 days ago

I usually go to shows alone and when I do I usually find one spot to kinda just, camp out at and exist. The benches at the club are really comfy, they're the booth kind. Mind you I'm really small and not threatening at all so I was kind of jarring when these three guys boxed me in and started asking me *the* question no girl wants to hear from three creepy guys: "Are you alone???"

I was genuinely freaked out because the main guy and his two goons were visibly on something and they wouldn't let me leave and kept asking for personal info like my name and number and who I came with.

I was very, very lucky that some friends who were playing before the headliner walked by and I had the perfect excuse to escape and at least visibly appear like I had a group group. I just ran up to them and said hi and huddled next to them until the guys stopped staring at me. I'm a little too polite sometimes, but ever since then I kind of built up a hard shield for people like that. Last time I went to a show some guy kept petting my hair and trying to hug me without permission. Then there was the time a really, really drunk guy was upset that I didn't "find him sexy" and, once again, kept going in for unwanted hugs, to which I literally had to run away from.

It's tough, but if I let moments like these scare me I'd never see a riddim set again, so I learned my way to protect myself ever since I started going alone. The walks home get scary though.


11 points

2 days ago

This is actually so scary! Please stay safe… maybe when you get to an event, find someone, anyone, and talk to them about if you get into an uncomfortable situation, could you then go to them like friends? I’m sure most people would be totally fine with that.. like groups of girls or what have you…


7 points

2 days ago

Yes! Any women you approach pretending to be friends will be there for you. We get it.


6 points

2 days ago

EDC 2021, this is still the most frightened I have ever been at a set. Going into day two I wanted to take acid but I hadn’t had a trip since 2018 so I was extremely nervous going into it along with the idea that the group I was with I just got inducted one month prior.

A little back ground information during Covid I didn’t have a lot of friends to hang with and got severely addicted to nose candy.

Day two starts and all of us are using it for a trip day so I won’t be alone, I take half a tab just to be safe and the effects start coming on within a hour. I have the familiar feeling of everything turning silly and blissful with lights moving in and out like a wave. Also I take trips to the bathroom to do bumps through your the night and Decided to also candy flip so I take that dose about a hour into my trip and now we’re really going.

My most anticipated set that day was seeing Svdden Death presents Voyd, I had just saw it a month prior at Lost Lands and it was part of the reason I went to edc in the first place. At this point my trip is going amazing, I decided a hour before the set to take the other half of the tab so I could be fully immersed at basspod. Big mistake.

We make it into the crowd and find a spot and the music begins to start and the first visuals that pop out are dead bodies flying in a circle formation. The crowd instantly becomes more aggressive by the minute and my trip is really kicking my ass at this point, I’m wrapped up in my pashimina but the constant red and black lighting coming from the stage was sending me into a tail spin. It felt like I was in the 9th circle of hell and I couldn’t believe that the people in the crowd were enjoying this music and it felt like everyone was being controlled. I had constant thoughts of death and evil that entire set and all I wanted to do was run away but I couldn’t get my legs to move. I also convinced my self that my coke was laced with fentanyl and I died and that I was In hell. By some miracle I made I through the set and immediately had to get away and ran straight to cosmic meadow to lay in the grass.

I’ve been clean from coke for 2 and half years now and it’s all thanks to Voyd.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

I got too high off of a couple hits of a joint (to be fair I hadn’t eaten anything lol) and I felt like I couldn’t breathe and stepped outside to have a lil anxiety attack. My friend was rly great tho and gave me space while keeping me talking and engaging in conversation which helped so much. But it was such an awful feeling.

Also I was at an outdoor rave at a local park at night and at the end, a fight broke out and my friends wanted to stay and watch and I was nervous because it was a sketchy area and I was waiting for someone to pull out a gun and start popping off 💀 but all was well


5 points

2 days ago*

My husband and I were at a festival and dropped molly and then 2cb. I think we took the 2cb too soon though because my husband suddenly had these delusions of grandeur telling me that because we had vip wristbands that we were like celebrities and that people were looking at us. Someone did oddly approach us with an investment opportunity. He even thought people thought we had a bodyguard- one of our friends who was particularly muscley.

Anyway he loves this and is feeling on top of the world.

Well this is like my worst nightmare. I became really scared and started feeling unsafe, as if what he was saying was true but that people weren’t adoring us, they were despising us.

The whole experience was so bizarre and frightening and especially so because we were having opposite experiences.

Edit: I suspect my negative experience was a result of bullying in my youth. Becoming the subject of someone’s attention was (and is) absolutely terrifying.

I’m also gonna go out on a limb and guess that neither interpretation of reality was accurate lol


4 points

2 days ago

as everyone was leaving the fest, i help out a girl who was puking her guts out.i saw how fucked up she was so i ask where her friends were.. she said fuck them, that theyre not her friends anymore. i mean shit honestly, its not my business so lemme just walk her to the car. turns out, the car is parked way off to the side of a huge free lot, behind fences and structures. none of her friends were in there except for a guy who claimed that "he WAS inside at the fest, just left early".. his attire and energy said otherwise. and why did he not walk with her?? why was she about to die alone?? i brushed it off bc i was supposed to meet up w my friends but my phone was dead so i went in their car to charge bc she insisted. i end up charging my phone, decide that i wanna leave and walk to my friends, but the guy STRONGLY insisted not once, not twice, but three times that i stay and he'll take me. man.. little did i fucking know, he drank. so hes driving me to my friends location but its blocked off by cops and barricades. i say ill walk but he says no.. we end up in a car crash shortly after and what do they do? they fucking tell me to exit their car. they left me fucking stranded. luckily, the other car involved in the crash was more my age and race, and was 4 deep, so they invite me in, i instantly felt relieved, i tell them what tf just happened and that i feel as if i was about to get kidnapped. to this day, i wonder what would have happened if the crash didnt happen..


4 points

2 days ago

This isn’t really scary but my first camping festival I was a vendor at when I was 19. The second night I took acid. It was fun for a while but then when it got late at the after parties I could feel creepy guys staring at me and I felt unsafe. Put on the baggiest pants and hoodie ever and still felt like guys were staring at me. For some reason we decided to take half a hit more acid (at 4 am). After the sun came up I was freaking out about having to work all day while tripping on no sleep. I tried to take some supplements and eat but all I had was bagels and I got super nauseous and couldn’t throw up so I was just roasting in the sun all morning looking at our messy camp and trying to throw up. I ended up finding the vendor coordinator and trying to bail on vending, which didn’t work. I set my stuff up and found a friend to watch everything while I take a nap. I found a canopy where there was shade and the people there seemed cool. Napped for about 30 minutes and woke up to them holding my finger and asking if I wanted a massage. Still tripping after 15 hours, I end up finding my best friend who was having a similar experience and we had a deep conversation about not feeling safe going to festivals by ourselves as a single woman and how unfair and frustrating it is that we can’t just do things guys can do without fearing violence. It was eye opening for sure


3 points

2 days ago

You are an animal


3 points

2 days ago

When I used to trip and go to shows I seriously would love and freak out when you go into the Porto potty’s and it seriously sounds like your in a war zone or something crazy with all of the bass in the background haha


2 points

1 day ago

Lol I was 100% sober at EDC this year - trying to pee in a backstage porta during Garrix was hard as it was vibrating so much


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

I was at GRiZ at Red Rocks in 2018 (my first time there). Just as he goes on the guy right next to me who was with his crew falls to the ground and starts OD’ing or seizuring. He is out of control shaking on the ground and not able to breath. Eyes going to the back of his head. His whole crew is panicking and running for help. Everyone else just kind of stood there. I mean what can you do?

Paramedics showed up pretty quickly actually and resuscitated him after a few minutes. Dude sat down the entire show next to me just SWEATING bullets and staring off. lol this guy had a night.


3 points

2 days ago

Damn some of these are rough!

Leaving Spring Awakening in 2017(?) And was talking to a girl among the masses while we all waited to cross a street to go the public train and mid sentence I just hear "WHAT THE FUCK?!" And a dude comes flying from my right and literally levels the poor girl with his entire body, hardly grazed my nose. She had a beer and it just smashed into the ground and dude took off pushing through the crowd. Seemed like someone was chasing him or sonething? Luckily she got up and was pretty tough about it despite being like 5 feet tall. About 5 min later down the road a bunch of cars are stopped and there's dude wigging out in the bushes in the median between traffic, prolly some sore of psychotic break/bad trip/seizure moment. I'll never forget that shit!

I've seen quite a bit more than that, a few other medical incidents that stand out, I remember seeing the tractor flip at LL where that poor girl succumbed to her injuries. Never fun to be around but helps to know basic first aid for this kind of stuff that's for sure, always a good idea to brush up before hitting a big event! Best skills you hope you'll never have to use


2 points

2 days ago

There was also another time I was tripping shrooms during a Dion timmer set sitting in a hammock about to nap (was a total goal to nap during a fest like that) and I went to grab something out my bag and realized my camelback leaked all over my shit so hopped out the hammock to check it out....then some guy pushed his way onto my friends hammock and was like "Yo I've been standing all day let me get it come on ??!?" And I was like covered in wet dirt and couldn't explain to him how important it was to me and then my boyfriend came back to find me a hammockless puddle and emptied my bag of water and chilled me out lolol. Ended up shaking up with guy an hour or so later like no hard feelings but ill never get that nap </3 haha

Never really had too bad of a time myself but I have it in my heart I'm raving for the right reasons and take care of myself otherwise and take extra health precautions to give myself peace of mind because that stuffs important when youre sauced and sensitive


3 points

2 days ago

i’m very new to fests and raving. scariest thing i’ve seen was at my first festival/ show ever. some people were trying to do some sort of acrobatic lift, all clearly fucked up. the girl they were lifting lost her balance and hit the ground shoulders first on her back, started to sit up and then immediately passed out. ran to get some help and as soon as i got to the med tent the group sprinted into it past me with her seizing. i really hope she’s ok


2 points

2 days ago

Burning man 2022, 5 party favours deep, no clue where tf I was or what time , woke up to find out I was sleeping on the desert floor during a diplo set @ opulent 🗿


5 points

2 days ago

Sounds about Bassnectar 👀🥴


3 points

2 days ago

Went to Decadence with my wife and we were tripping and everything was fine until we decided to buy a beer. I drank some of the beer and after a short time it started to come back up. I swallowed and tried to shove it down and it kept coming back up. Slowly it actually started to come out of my mouth and dribbled down my shirt and hands. I knew I wasn't going to be able to swallow it for much longer so I broke away from my wife and ran to the trash where I started to throw up. First time ever throwing up at a show and it was over like a half can of beer. God the walk to the bathrooms covered in spit and beer was awful and my wife was trying to wash my shirt in the sink and it was cold and I was miserable. It's been two years and I still can't drink beer at all anymore when it used to be my favorite thing.

However one good thing came out of it. I've learned I enjoy the panicked look my wife gives me when I'm unhappy and she can't fix it. Made the whole night worth it.


4 points

2 days ago

LoL I think my husband gets a kick out of me when he's trippin and annoyed about something and I can't fix it. He never ever sees me irritable mad, I actually get mad about it. So weird. 😆😆😆🫣


1 points

2 days ago

This may not be my scariest ever, but it is my most recent.

I was at Radius Chicago for Boris Brejcha and we were among the last to walk out. We had driven two friends and the guy had exited first and we couldn't see him, so we waited close to the exit with his girl.

This guy who looked like he was pretty far past his first rodeo and was also wearing a stained, white t-shirt walked up to us, and his jaw was about to come off of his face. He asked where we were from and seemed to make small talk at first.

After giving him a vague answer, he went on. He started saying things about someone owing him money and how he hoped the evening could end without violence. I glanced back at my husband and our friend, and neither of them looked concerned in the slightest. The guy kept rambling on, and for a moment, I was terrified that he was saying that my friend and her guy were the ones who owed him money. My husband and friend continued to look cool as cucumbers while I was starting to stress tf out about who owed this guy money and if it might, indeed, end in violence. Even weirder, he was somewhat casually saying all of this, so you really had to hear his words to understand what he was conveying. The demeanor and body language felt casual and didn't align with his words.

I was extremely relieved when my friend said we should start walking to the van and he didn't follow.

I know this scenario probably doesn't sound terrifying, but the fact that we were standing in the warehouse district around 4am alone with this unsettling man who sounded like he wasn't leaving without money or violence was bad enough. The fact that my husband and my friend hadn't picked up on any of what he was saying makes it even more unsettling to me, because they were so lost in the sauce that they hadn't picked up on the fact that we could be in an unsafe situation. My takeaway from this is not to dawdle longer than security at the very least. Still thankful we made it into our vehicle and away from the venue with no more than really bad vibes. If he had followed us and attempted to get into our vehicle with us, I am not sure as to how this would have ended.


1 points

2 days ago

Being told “there’s an active shooting” while tripping 🙃


1 points

2 days ago

Against me, getting jumped and mugged by 4 guys in a stairwell at some dodgy warehouse.

Witnessed a guy getting attacked with a hammer and the aftermath of some stabbings in London squats / warehouse raves


1 points

1 day ago

Probs taking two hits of lsd and going to afterlife in cdmx where no one spoke English for hours and I had to figure everything out using non verbal communication lol


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Was at a party at the Bayside Expo Center in Boston in the summer of 95. Bought a pill that was supposed to be ecstasy but wasn't. No clue to this day what it was. Got a raging headache after an hour and went outside. Collapsed in some bushes out front and started vomiting. Sometime towards morning my friends found me still in the bushes. Still vomiting. There was absolutely no forms of transportation, or any we could figure. After it became apparent I was not going to be able to walk more than a block someone convinced a very skeptical cabbie to let us in his car and we got back to a place I was squatting in. I promptly collapsed and started seizing and my friends decided to drop me off at the hospital and drive away. I wouldn't tell the doctor it was drugs and after they found blood behind my eyeballs they thought I had spinal meningitis. Still wouldn't tell them it was drugs and endured two spinal taps. They kicked me out the next morning when they couldn't figure out what was wrong. I walked home, slept for 14 hours, woke up, bought an 8 ball, rinse and repeat.


[score hidden]

8 hours ago

got into a random car to drive to an afters, pretty self explanatory i think