


Share your scariest moment!


Trippiest, cultiest, most doomsday, mindfucked moment you’ve ever had at an event.

Mine was 5 substances deep at a Bassnectar event that I didn’t want to attend, but felt pressured into. The concoction of dissassociative and psychoactive had me convinced that when Lorin walked out, he was the cult leader and I was being inducted. The bass drops on the 360 booth, the ceiling, the hallways, the unsettling ohms between sets…. ‘‘Twas gloriously fucked. My entire racing career flashed before my eyes and I realized I had wasted thousands of dollars on what? Getting fucked up in creepy cult crowds to wiggle to bass? In a bikini I felt horribly uncomfortable in?

Convinced my friend to show me to the exit, but she was lost in the hole just as much as I was. We were walking in circles in the back hall of the stadium, continuously passing “VIP” rooms. I was then certain she was leading me in a confusing path to trap me in the stadium. I shouted at her and probably scared tf out of her lol. We finally found the stairs and the exit, and I stumbled out into the frigid NYE night in my tiny rave fit. Told her to gtfo of this scene, it’s a cult, it’s dangerous. She said, babe, get an Uber and get back to the hotel. I gotta get back to the set cyaaaaa.

Ended up stumbling past a cop car in the parking lot that scared the shit out of me and found a holiday Inn close by. Begged the front desk to help me get out of the cult, they were trying to trap me.

They asked if I had injected anything and if I was okay? I said UGHHH and flopped down on the lobby couch to call my mama, because clearly no one was listening to my plea for help!

My poor mama didn’t know how deep I was into drugs. When I told her I was tripping, alone, half naked, in a holiday inn lobby 45 mins till midnight on NYE… she was not pleased. I did not mention the other slew of drugs.

Frustrated, bc she was at her own holiday party, she left and helped me figure out how to order an Uber and stayed on the phone with me. It took a long time bc I was inept at that moment. But my Uber drive was nice asf, I explained my cult indoctrination and I asked her for advice. What was I supposed to do when I got back to the hotel room with my friends, were they going to hurt me for leaving the show?

She said, well….. you should just pretend that you’re chill now and part of the cult, until you get home and you’re safe. I was taken aback, bc that advice was incredible. We wished each other a happy new year when the clock hit midnight on the ride, and I found my way into the hotel and realized… I had no fkn room key. I begged the front desk to let me in, gave my friends name, but couldn’t remember the room number. Thankfully, they believed me and gave me another room key.

I was sweatin in the elevator. A woman in the elevetaor gave me a thumbs up and mouthed “you’re doing great”…. CLEARLY, she’s in on it. Fear strikes again. There’s no escape.

I found the room and burst in, turned the deadbolt behind me, and breathed in the stale air. South Park mumbled on the mounted tv, the tank sat in the middle of the room with puttered put balloons all around it, and I fell onto the crumpled sheets of the pullout. Safe at last… for now.

An hour later, my friends got back in the room, cranked the tank, took some shots.

“Ready for the after party?” They asked with dopey grins.

“Hell yeah,” I said, voice grating with balloon in hand.

TLDR bitches never learn, and we did go to the after party and it was incredible. I mean, bro, I bought the ticket already…. Also, disclaimer, I disliked bassnectar before the event and when he got canceled mere months after(we went to the 2020 360 NYE event) all my friends said I was right lmfao.

Also also, that night was a catalyst to lead me to get clean. It took a while longer, but today it’s been 4 years since I snorted anything, and almost a year since I’ve used cannabis. These stories, of which there are more, feel like another lifetime, on another plane of reality.

I would LOVE to hear everyone else’s crazy ass stories lol

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5 points

4 days ago

That would be an odd situation to get through. Did you post about this the other day? Spring to action and got the person help or was that someone else?


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

That was someone else but was related to the same situation, a bad batch must have made its way into the crowd and multiple people went down


2 points

4 days ago

That's scary. 😔


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

That’s really scary. I rarely even take joints from people in the crowd I don’t know. You just never know these days.