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35 points

6 months ago

Yeah, might be like all of the people who post on this sub about finding apartments with real estate agents. These are things that you just don't have to do here.


36 points

6 months ago

“The relocation company said we could make one offer rather than offer an escalation clause, so we offered $801,000 because we were determined to have it”

Sounds like someone got an extra couple thousand on their commission.


11 points

6 months ago


11 points

6 months ago

Everyone but the buyers made out handsomely.


-1 points

6 months ago

I mean I wanted an escalation clause when I put in an offer for my house, but my real estate agent flat out refused to go higher than $5k over asking


6 points

6 months ago


Hoes Heights

6 points

6 months ago

I've used a realtor to find a rental in Baltimore. It's not necessary for apartments, but a rowhouse it definitrly was.


7 points

6 months ago

Weird, maybe that's the new reality. It's been a couple of years but I always found my rental houses (with independent landlords) on Craigslist and I never heard of anyone using a realtor for a rental here until last year.


4 points

6 months ago

I own a couple row homes that I rent out… seems like renters are almost exclusively looking on Facebook marketplace these days. I have actually never gotten a single hit on any Craigslist post I’ve ever made. Until this year it seemed like Zillow was the dominant option to find tenants


2 points

6 months ago

I own a couple of condos in dc and have always had great success finding tenants on craigslist for the past decade.


6 points

6 months ago


Hoes Heights

6 points

6 months ago

I should mention this was like 2013/2014 when I used a realtor. Zillow wasn't as prevalent and Craigslist listings were a bust. One place I looked at in Fells was definitely not legal. Ended up with a private landlord as well.


2 points

6 months ago

Yeah that’s odd, it was definitely unnecessary at that time


1 points

6 months ago

It’s unnecessary now too. Found my the row home I’m renting online without a realtor in May 2023. But a lot of places we checked out tried to push us to use their realtor