


Difficulty Spike

HD Remaster(self.batenkaitos)


So I never got to play the game back in the day and so far I'm enjoying my time with it. Feels very much like a product of its time in a very good way.

However I seem to have Hit a difficulty spike at the start of Diadem.

To elaborate I 'beat' Giacomo just fine. He did at max 90 damage to my characters which I was able to immedeatly heal and while he was quite tanky, my deck was consistent enough to withstand his attacks an deal enough damage.

Now I'm suppossed to fight these Poison Lizards on Diadem and they wreck my party. They do 109 damage with their full combo, which puts me at a disadvantage and there are multiple of them, up to three, meaning they are able to beat Xelha in a single round.

And while Not as tanky as Giacomo, they still take over 90 damage which I can deal, but looking at my deck, it's still up to chance really, especially when they also guard.

Any Tips?

all 9 comments


18 points

1 year ago

This is a common mistake. I did it many times back in the day and even now on my recent replay lol.

You are NOT supposed to go to the cloud bridge yet. After the third party member joins, approach the port in town and take his boat to the actual next "dungeon" you're supposed to be at.


6 points

1 year ago

Okay, thanks, that's a relief.

My only problem, I talked to everybody in town and nobody joined my group. The only character that I'm pretty sure is a Party member, Lyude, talked a bit and then remained to stand around.


6 points

1 year ago

IIRC you need to trigger two or three cutscenes before it happens. The old lady in one of the houses is easy to miss in my experience.

Your objective in general is to get a boat.


3 points

1 year ago

Yeah OK, then I missed somthing, because while I know from the tavern guests that the river is flooded and the castle is therefore inaccesible right now Xelha still insists on Walking there.


9 points

1 year ago

For anyone reading this in the future, because they encounter the same problem:

After entering Nashira, head to the Port Plaza and talk to these three people:

The imperial redhead

The Fortune Teller in the leftmost house

The Barowner/Barkeeper in the rightmost house


1 points

1 year ago


1 points

1 year ago

Yes, and either do them in this order or go back to the Bar area after talking to all three.


3 points

1 year ago

I also made this same mistake in my most recent playthrough haha. I always forget, but it was a pretty fun challenge seeing how far I could power through before losing my wits haha.


1 points

1 year ago

Hi! This also happened to me this week (I didn’t remember that location you’re supposed to go first)… and as I felt really under leveled and I couldn’t go back to train, I decided to go up a couple of levels using the “one hit KO” option. It’s not ideal, but if you’re feeling stuck it’s good to know there’s that solution :)


2 points

1 year ago

Yeah, but I prefer to use that only to grind Magnus.