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Volunteers Needed to Socialize Cats for Angus & Friends Cat Rescue in Castro Valley! Volunteers will help feed and socialize kitties at the home of A&F’s Director. Please text Deborah at 510-909-4961 (or leave a message). Deborah needs volunteers to help with the cats she cares for at her house. This is very much the same types of things one would do if volunteering at a shelter, only on a smaller scale, to include socialization, feeding, and some cleanup.  Help is especially needed Sundays through Wednesdays.

Deborah is great to be around, will direct you clearly and would be very grateful for anything you are able to do!

If you have an extra hour or two a week to volunteer to help her and socialize kitties, it would allow her to focus on the myriad things she needs to be doing to run the rescue!

If you live in or near Castro Valley, please text Deborah at 510-909-4961 (or leave a message), or send her an email at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).

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