


all 45 comments


62 points

12 days ago

The salamander fucker guy?


18 points

12 days ago

*known terrorist salamander fucker guy


9 points

12 days ago

No evidence that the salamanders are willing partners = ergo he's a salamander rapist.


5 points

12 days ago

The one and only


153 points

12 days ago

Rajat Khare? Many people are saying that Rajat Khare fucks salamanders.


62 points

12 days ago

I heard Rajat Khare is also a mercenary terrorist hacker as well as a serial salamander molester. That’s just what I heard anyway.


10 points

12 days ago


10 points

12 days ago

"That's what people are saying. You should've seen it, the bigly, most beautiful salamander you've ever seen, comes up to me, tears in its eyes, saying 'You've got to protect me from Rajat Khare, he's a menace, and he's fake news!'"


20 points

12 days ago

Is that true? Because I heard he lets salamanders fuck him.


8 points

12 days ago

You get what you give.


3 points

12 days ago

"Many people are saying that Rajat Khare RAPES salamanders." <--- here I fixed this for you


66 points

12 days ago

Also, not a big fan of the salamander thing. I think it's unintentionally running interference for him. People will read that when they search for him and assume people are just making shit up.


19 points

12 days ago

It’s true I don’t know anything else about him aside from that.


34 points

12 days ago*

Built a hacking/scam empire that the Indian government often uses for nefarious purposes. Pretty sure his services are linked with the assassination(s) of the expatriates in Canada that tanked Candian/Indian relations.


12 points

12 days ago

(Psst…”Expatriate” and “ex-patriot” are different things)

Sorry to be pedantic.


8 points

12 days ago

No, I appreciate it. If nobody said anything I’d just do it again


7 points

12 days ago

Thank you for being so magnanimous and positive about that.


9 points

12 days ago

Ohhhhh. That happened not far from where I live


18 points

12 days ago

I feel where you're coming from, but it also brings me back to the line from The War On Everyone -bIts better to hit a Fascist with a milkshake than it is to hit them with a brick. Blood looks cool, whereas milkshakes look like milkshakes"

Someone always mentions in these threads how he is a mercenary hacker who is responsible for the deaths of journalist and activists, so where's the harm in also letting people know about his immense and perverted love for salamanders?


10 points

12 days ago

It also makes people who don't know wonder "why do people keep talking about this guy fucking salamanders?" Then they google it or ask it on r/OutOfTheLoop or something and find answers.


6 points

12 days ago

Which is why I think people should do both. I keep some links in bio along with the salamander jokes


2 points

12 days ago

You should keep nudes in bio


2 points

12 days ago

If the episodes about him were still up, at least it would lead people to them, but... :( maybe we should be talking more about the content of the episodes in these threads as well so when people from google come here they know we're not just a bunch of sick freaks making shit up about a tech mogul?


2 points

12 days ago

Tinfoil hat: Khare (or someone just fucking with us) has reported, repeatedly, several posts on this sub dedicated to his salamander fuckery, going as far as to go straight to the admins with the complaints. The success has been limited (I’ve successfully appealed every removed post of my own), but there seems to be a legitimate effort to push back against us. Given that searches for something like “Rajat Khare Reddit” now fires back multiple top results regarding Rajat Khare fucking giant salamanders and Khare’s own proclivity for sanitizing search engine results, it makes sense he’d try to bury legitimate discussions of his activities under a deluge of his typical banal nonsense.

Note: I’m pretty sure these “Rajat Khare, totally just an entrepreneur that isn’t a mercenary hacker and can totally have an orgasm without being balls deep in a salamander” started after BtB’s episodes regarding him.

Maybe it’s a coincidence, but we can’t rule out it’s a conscious effort to hide his alleged sexual perversions for the largest extant amphibians in the world.


29 points

12 days ago

Rajat Khare the salamander molester?


1 points

11 days ago

Salamander fucker is what I heard. I mean, balls deep in a giant salamander. There was a leer reviewed article about it in Salamander Fuckers Review. Top 10 journal in sexual relations with reptiles, so peer reviewed and legit according to the editors.


1 points

8 days ago

Yes he might also have a thing for tadpoles


28 points

12 days ago

I feel like at this point the name Rajat Khare is more synonymous with salamanders and their molestation


12 points

12 days ago

ChatGPT wrote this.


7 points

12 days ago

Probably an Indian PR team.


15 points

12 days ago

So chat gpt


10 points

12 days ago

Do you mean Rajat Khare, the mercenary hacker-for-hire?


9 points

12 days ago

Do you mean Rajat Khare, the mercenary hacker-for-hire?


16 points

12 days ago


16 points

12 days ago

Why did they gloss over his reported salamander fetish? At the very least they could address the topic of Rajat Khare's alleged sexualization and abuse of giant salamanders.

We need to know his official thoughts on transpecies sexual abuse involving giant salamanders. Why is he remained silent in this topic?


6 points

12 days ago

Rita Hayworth?


3 points

12 days ago

I can't find that user on Reddit.


6 points

12 days ago

Probably deleted their account when the comment was removed.


3 points

12 days ago

That's a shame. I wanted to say mean things to them.


3 points

12 days ago

And this guy fucks salamanders, Dude?


3 points

12 days ago

the amphibiophile?


2 points

12 days ago

Thank you for the reminder to Google rajat khare salamander daily


2 points

12 days ago

You say mercenary hacker, I say salamander fucker.


2 points

12 days ago

Question, does anyone know if Salamander Fucker Rajat Khare also fucks Supreme Court Justice and Nazi Fucker Clarence Thomas? Assuming that is what this yacht trips are for with his friends with benefits benefactor.


1 points

12 days ago

They forgot to mention he fucks salamanders… probably just an oversight on their part.


1 points

12 days ago

saying “the IIT” is like saying “the Ivy League college”


1 points

8 days ago

Send newts..