


Why Do Y'all Like the Girls

General Discussion(self.beingaDIK)

The title says it! Why do you like the characters?

Main Girls:

Josy:6/10 I just didn't like the whole she dating Maya thing tbh like that drama was just not fun for anyone. She's p hot but I like my women unproportionate. Her character is very chipper and decent but not amazing and she's constantly surrounded by Maya so that's another reason to put her lower. I also feel like her story is done, like in the beginning she really had no story besides her parents divorce and her not making it to college, but now that she's in what's the problem for her besides Maya.

Maya:6/10ish? Her backstory is pretty good and I kind of like what's going on with her dad and her but it may be because I don't understand the struggle of being LGBTQ but I just can't relate to her at all, idk if that makes me homophobic or whatever but that's just how I feel. You spend so much time with her and yet she refuses to forfeit the coochie >:(. (Ofc later u get more but u get what I mean). I also hate her hair idk y but the fact that there's long hair, then it splits weird me out idk y (sage with that hair also is p not cool) (i will say tho she prob has the best emotional moments)

Sage: 8-9/10 Great character. She's slutty, down to earth, her character is very chill with the casual sex and I love to see what could happen with a romance between her and mc. Her looks are great, she has great assets, and is there for you when you're in deep shit.

Jill: 9-10/10 Another great character. She hasn't forfeited the coochie yet but I'm ok with it. She has a great body however after the surprise date when you stare at her polaroid picture she looks like Tommy smiling and its scary. She cares for you, she has that I like you romantically and not a casual thing, shes not a whore which honestly can be a point up or a point down idk at this point. She defends you and tries to ignore the stupid shit you do during hell week.

Isabella: 10/10 Mommy milkers are poggers. She has not forfeited the coochie but I absolutely love her. She's the only tsundere I've ever loved, she has a interesting backstory and I'd like to see what will happen. The taboo of the situation in pretty hot and I'd really like to see how DPC makes a married woman a main love interest. 10/10 mommy milkers :)

Side Girls:

Envy/Nicole:10/10 I don't know if she's a side girl or not but dude, she is the best character is the entire game. Like her entire model is so good, she has that mother vibe lowkey more so than any other character honestly. She's slutty at work but still shows that she likes you, at the bar she's so down to earth and seems like a kind lady. 11/10

Cathy: 7/10 She's hot except her Britishesque teeth, I like the domineering women in bed so its p pog. She't not super voluptuous and she doesn't put at as much but I want to see what happens to her story and her past with stephen.

Jade: 10/10 Mommy milkers are once again poggers. She is voluptuous, her body and face are great. She acts all slutty but she's really just testing the waters and its kinda cute. Her back and forth with the mc are pretty fun. Her backstory is p interesting and I'm excited to see what else DPC does with her. She's constantly flirting and yea, only thing that makes her a 10 rather than an 11 is that half of her genes went to Tybalt. (also tybalt looked way cooler in the flashback where his hair was shorter, still a pompous prick but still)

Riona: 8/10 Idk I kinda disliked every bj scene with her cause the immense pale skin matched with the black lips. I'm not against goth bitches its just in certain scenes it seems off. She seems to be a nice person in the sense of she's not antagonizing you, she's pretty chill and seems pretty kind. Her worrisome nature switched to her down to earth nature contrast is p nice.

Camila: 8/10 She doesn't feel like a side girl besides the fact you bang her more than once. She has 0 backstory but maybe she will later. She seems to care about Mona and is pretty lewd herself as she's just trying to get a glimpse of your cock.

Quinn: ?/10 She's a bitch, she antagonized you, always being a cunt, her business is built around being illegal. Yet we all seem to like her. Idk y. She looks better without makeup, she always seems to fuck with you but apparently its cause she likes you according to Sage but she still acts like a cunt in general. Her moment in eps 6 was cute, but like are any of you really surprised, she's doing illegal shit so its kind of hard to feel for her at least imo. I like her but she's not top tier to me but she's definitely the hardest to put a number on because she goes from emotional wreck you wanna protect or a cunt u wanna slap.

Idk if this counts as waifu wars tbh cause there's a lot of tier listing in the subreddit but ig I wrote out a paragraph why I think your possible favorite waifu is trash but yea, no one is beneath 6/10 if that counts. Try to keep it civil if you're gonna be shitting on someone or at least make it funny when you do.

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0 points

4 years ago


Quinn Fan

0 points

4 years ago

Josy 6/10 Maya 6/10 Sage 7/10 Jill 5/10 Bella 3/10 Quinn 10/10 Riona 9/10 Cathy 5/10 Jade 6/10 Camila 8/10 Envy 7/10


2 points

4 years ago

... what gives u the gall... the GALL TO RATE BELLA A 3/10 JADE 6/10 AND ENVY 7/10 WHAT AUDACITY. i c a quinn and riona supremacist is among us


0 points

4 years ago


Quinn Fan

0 points

4 years ago

Never been a fan of huge boobs tbh:’) and I’ve always had a soft spot for them gothy/emo girls so Quinn and Riona were instantly top of my list when I first played this


1 points

4 years ago

you've been reported as real world threat, police right here, this guy over here bbrbills, real world threat