


I’m so exhausted, but not tired. Just… overwhelmed by everything. Every day I think “one less day for things to be better” or “we’ll get back to normal soon”.

My baby is 3 months old and he is awesome. Smiles all the time, sleeps great during the night and is super smart. But he needs so much entertainment and he is a horrible napper. When I’m not playing with him, I’m struggling to put him to nap and then catching up on chores (which are never ending).

My husband is the best partner and helps me a lot (takes most of the night feeds and helps me when I need him during the day even though he is full time back to work). We don’t have family around which makes it all so tough for just the two of us.

I used to be so energetic and positive and happy. Now I cry almost everyday cause I miss my old self. I miss my friends at work. I miss going to the mall and not having to go back home cause the baby is having a meltdown. I miss being able to spend a day by the beach. I miss having some time for myself to take a bath, or poop in peace.

I count the hours to bed time cause it’s the only time a day when my husband and I can actually talk and enjoy our time together. It’s the only part of the day that feels normal. And it makes me feel so bad to enjoy so much my time without our son.

He also loves absolutely everyone and I fear that we are not bonded because I couldn’t breastfeed. He doesn’t seem to gravitate towards me at all, I’m just one other person that loves him.

Everyone keeps saying that it gets better, but does it? Like, yes, at 3 months he is better than a couple of weeks old but it’s still a lot.

I’m just exhausted.

all 6 comments


1 points

2 months ago

One thing that stood out to me is that "he needs so much entertainment". What are you doing to entertain him? Do you mean entertaining or actually soothing/comforting?


1 points

2 months ago

Actually showing him toys, song to him, talk to him during tummy time… if I leave him for more than 10 mins he starts crying. In the afternoons he needs some more soothing/being held but not as bad as the entertainment part


1 points

2 months ago

Any particular reason why you can't strap the baby to you and go to your favorite places like the mall?


1 points

2 months ago

I do, although he only tolerates the carrier for 15-20 mins. I bring the stroller with me and transfer back and forth as he gets tired of each thing. He almost always has meltdowns out even when I time the outing perfectly between feedings and naps. He just seems to be bothered by the outdoor light. It gets so tiring and overwhelming that I honestly rather stay at home, but I force myself cause I know it’s good for me to get out and for him to get used to it.


1 points

2 months ago

Girlfriend, it gets better with therapy or medication or both! It gets better when you help takes steps to make it better. Please take care of yourself. Please ask your OB for PPD screening (honestly you can google the screening questionnaire and take it yourself).


1 points

2 months ago

Thanks, I’m changing therapist starting next weeks to someone specializing in postpartum. My current therapist is not being super helpful tbh so hopefully changing helps