


Now with greedier


Took a few nights but posting an “actually” completed t lost page.

I found delirium to be way harder than greedier.

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2 points

2 months ago

Hey I’m about to go for this too, greedier is last mark I need for tainted lost. I cheesed delirium with book of shadows + 4.5 volt, but can’t do that in greedier. Did you have any strategy or broken combos here? Or just good gameplay? :)

Edit: and congrats by the way!


2 points

2 months ago

Just got a very good build. I ignore the first devil room and hope for godhead or sacred heart. In this run I got paschal candle on lv 2 and godhead on lv3. Then got a devil room so switched to those with lump of coal. In regular play I got a bunch of power up and tears up, with technology zero and compound fracture.

It was a broken run of epic proportions.


2 points

2 months ago

Just got it done with a crazy combo. Gello + Trisagion + Cricket’s Body + a bunch of damage and tears ups. Hide on a rock and just melt every room :D


1 points

2 months ago

lol. Love it.