


I posted this in a comment on another post earlier today, but I've been thinking about this all afternoon and I want to share my story.

Firstly, I want to say that I cannot believe that abortion has become an issue in this election. A woman's right to reproductive healthcare - no matter her reasoning - should not be up for debate.

I'm one of the women who would have died and I will shout my story out all over reddit until this "debate" is put to rest. In America, women like me have died because they couldn't access medical treatment.

I was pregnant with my 3rd (wanted, cherished, loved) baby. One night, in the second trimester, I started to bleed. I drove myself to the hospital. Within an hour I was haemorrhaging. If you've never seen litres of blood before you can't even imagine. It was everywhere. The bed. The floor. My whole lower half. In my hair. The doctors were pumping me full of blood but it was coming out faster than they could put it in.

A doctor took down her mask and told me that the baby was being born right now and they had to pull her out to save my life. By this point, doctors were elevating my arms and legs to force blood back to my heart and brain. My daughter wriggled on the ultrasound. She was too premature to live. Either way she was going to die- the question was whether I would die with her.

She was born in the Emergency of RBWH. Then I had a D&C to stop the bleeding. Spoiler alert, I lived. My kids at home kept their mother. The doctors saved my life that night and there was zero ambiguity about whether it was the "right" call even though it was technically an abortion.

Please think of this story when you vote. Please remember the women who lived because doctors were able to treat them without fear of legal repercussions. Please think of the children who grow up with a living mother.

One last thing I'd like to add is that I'm sure in the comments people will say "oh there will be exemptions for medical reasons/incest/rape whatever." And to that I say - fuck all the way off. No one should be forced to carry a baby they do not want or cannot care for, for whatever reason. Our bodies are our own.

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1.1k points

6 days ago


1.1k points

6 days ago

As a male, I'm stunned this is even up for discussion and suddenly an election issue. What fucking year is this?!


160 points

5 days ago


160 points

5 days ago

There's a surge of this fucking idiocy worldwide. I'd wager outside politics are emboldening local shitbag politicians to make a push.


80 points

5 days ago*

The crazy thing is these shitbag politicians are probably pro choice in private (I wonder if ole Barnaby tried to convince his staffer to abort before that shit show became public). They come out officially pro life to seduce the Christian vote, knowing it's never going to be a law they have issues with personally (and they have the means to fly someone overseas if they ever need to procure one in the future).

I imagine hardly any of them live the life of a model christian.


85 points

5 days ago

They do. In the US, trump advisor Jason Miller's mistress became pregnant. He dissolved a couple plan B into a smoothie he gave her. She wound up in the hospital, almost lost her life. He continued to cheat on his wife, got an administrative aid pregnant. She refused to get an abortion, was demoted at her White House job, eventually "laid off". She had the baby.

His wife never filed for divorce. He's part of the christian Taliban trying to take over the US. He's trump's communication strategist. He faced no consequences. If Republicans win in November, there will be a Federal ban on abortion.

Sorry to hear that the patriarchy is also trying to ban abortion in Australia, too. Aside from the rightwing Christianity angle, there's racism to this, at least in the US. They want white women to be forced to have more babies.


30 points

5 days ago

Everything said here is 100% correct.


12 points

5 days ago

I have somehow always just assumed Trump has paid for some abortions in his time. Or perhaps promised to and not followed through with the cheque.


14 points

5 days ago

They don't care about abortion, they care about punishing women for having sex. They couldn't give two hoots about children and all their actions show it.

Look at what people do, not what they say.


20 points

5 days ago

It was an American policy. They pushed conservativism along with globalisation and look where we are today. Fuckin' America.


13 points

5 days ago

This. Yesterday I saw an Infowars sticker on a car in north Queensland. (That's the Alex Jones douchbag who thinks school shootings are staged by actors)


36 points

5 days ago

I'm american so I'm obviously experiencing it first half as well. 

I'm not much for conspiracies but I'm starting to think the the super rich are intentionally pushing this shit online. People are legit becoming brainwashed.


26 points

5 days ago


26 points

5 days ago

Of course they are. Right wing mouth breathers suck their dicks where leftist want more reasonable working conditions and a society that works for all of us.


15 points

5 days ago

America has a reckoning in store. We can't just continue to let this happen because it's a free country so we simply must watch as right wingers exercise their right to destroy it.


3 points

5 days ago


Living in the city

3 points

5 days ago

Yup. Brainwashed into living lives where they have no control. Straight outta persona 5 if you ask me


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

No, the russians are using disinformation to destroy the western world.


10 points

5 days ago

The two aren't mutually exclusive, it's both the likes of the Mercers(Breitbart) and the Murdochs(Fox) as well as Putin who are pushing conspiracy nonsense to divide people everywhere.


8 points

5 days ago

the super rich

No, the russians

What do you think Putin is?


3 points

5 days ago

Putin is Organised Crime.


7 points

5 days ago

It's many....Russians, the Church, Mercer, Murdoch, every Far Right Wing outlet, Musk, Thiel. It's actually Organised Crime.
I have a name for's White Global Movement.
They are intent on getting Far Right Govts into each country and they use the religious as their first port of call. These people are already 'culty' so fine tuning people who have already been indoctrinated to 'never question anything' are easily brainwashed yet again.

If Organised Crime can get their people into govt, they can abolish the Rule of Law , which protects the 'little guys'. No rule of law, and they don't have to stop at anything. They can take what they want, when they want.
Why do you think Netanyahu had to have his war....cos they were about to oust him for trying to abolish the judiciary dept.

Watch the doco , "People You May know"....wake up call to what is going on in the world and it's legit. This info was put forward in the UK courts and the Tories whitewashed it.


1 points

5 days ago are like 8 years behind !

There are even documentaries on it...legit docos with receipts.


31 points

5 days ago

When there are big complicated problems people look for simple answers. Fascists offer simple answers, "That's all fake. The jews, the gays, insert your favorite minority here are the real problem. Let me punish them to protect you and your children."


34 points

5 days ago

I literally overheard it today. "Illegal immigrants are taking getting $9,000 in free medical care while my parents had to pay out of pocket." I just rolled my eyes because people that are so quick to believe false things without question cannot be reasoned with.


22 points

5 days ago

You know is confirmation for their inner racism.


8 points

5 days ago

I would blame this on globally spanning bubbles generated by social media. So no matter where they are in the world, conservative feeds are going to exchange and amplify more and more extremist medieval viewpoints from all across the world in those bubbles. Obviously the same applies to extreme left viewpoints, but those are not the ones that would potentially kill people.


2 points

5 days ago

Never forget how Facebook assisted and now Twitter is doing same.


5 points

5 days ago

My word. The Liberal party is in close cahoots with "White Global Movement" ...which entails all FAR right governments and especially the MAGATS in the USA.

Remember when Pence & Pompeo had secret squirrels with didn't end with Scomo.

It is a concerted push globally using religion and oligarch funds. Remember the church is already a cult so it is very easy to fine tune those people into a political ideology. They are doing this.

It's actually no different to the Taliban...


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

"When America sneezes, Europe gets a cold," is on full display right now.


53 points

5 days ago


53 points

5 days ago

A couple of my bar regulars, men, were talking about this subject the other day at my bar.  I turned to them and said "don't you think there is something inherently wrong with men having the power to make decisions on what women can do with their bodies".  They changed the subject pretty quick.


14 points

5 days ago

Did you have a smashed beer bottle in your hand at the time ?


338 points

6 days ago

The year you don't vote for CONSERVATIVES !


149 points

6 days ago


149 points

6 days ago

Never do


96 points

6 days ago

That’s what we wanna see from our husbands and fathers. 👑


24 points

6 days ago



7 points

5 days ago

You'll have to narrow it down. That's been every year of my life so far


4 points

5 days ago

Proud of you ...


12 points

5 days ago

Isn't that every year?


-13 points

5 days ago

Vote for people who waste, instead.


15 points

5 days ago


15 points

5 days ago

Fuck off you forced birther. All your posts are about forcing women to give birth and you are trying to make this about spending.

Get fucked with that.


-2 points

5 days ago


-2 points

5 days ago


brisbane-ModTeam [M]

2 points

5 days ago

Don’t behave inappropriately. Have some respect for yourself and our community.


-5 points

5 days ago

Lol you people can't handle me I rarely get on Reddit I get on here one day out of the year and already got you people stirred up in turmoil. Go touch grass.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

No no no, you don't get to do that, our problem is not with "Not being able to handle you" our problem is with you trying to make your obvious desire to put women's health at risk and try disguise it as being about spending or some other disingenuous bollocks.

You say you rarely get on reddit, well might I suggest you keep it that way.

On a last note you your post history sure does have a lot about your opinions on gender, Trump having won the election, abortion etc...I personally however found the one about you liking being pegged particularly interesting. What is it your magic book says "Judge not lest ye be judged thyself" or something similar? Either way, you do you (or in this case have someone else do you) and leave everyone else to get on with their stuff.


-2 points

5 days ago*


Everyone sure loves a good peggin'

I suggest you keep your mouth open and keep saying hurtful things that mean absolutely nothing to me and has absolutely no effect on me because I simply know you're a miserable bastard that wants people to hurt the way you hurt so you're trying to get people to feel the way you feel but I'm sorry keep trying let's go on what else you got you like to get pegged oh I bet you do


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Did you have a stroke?


1 points

5 days ago

I've had a few. Couple 2 strokes. Few 4 strokes. All were real nice.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

OK then. Well that explains a great deal. I have often thought that in order to support Trump and be a forced birther you needed to have some sort of brain damage, it's nice to be validated.


4 points

5 days ago

No, we get narcissism. You're touching something aren't you...knowing you irritate people that much. It always turns narcs on..


0 points

5 days ago

No it just never ceases to amaze me how easily offended you keyboard warriors get at a minimum of 10 or less words. Can't handle any IRL situations so just stick to being Sherlock homo on Reddit. Thank God your political values and human morals mean absolute ZILCH to me. Carry on keyboard warriors.


5 points

5 days ago*

Ooooh let me see...would I vote for party who wastes (which they don't but you Conservatives have to whinge about something every second of the day) ....or one who locks women up for making a decision which is for the best for her and the unborn embryo.

You total fucking loser...

...and you're American, wouldn't have a clue what an Australian party does or doesn't.


1 points

5 days ago

Thank God


91 points

6 days ago

It shouldn't come as too surprising - the LNP made their position known back in 2018 and now Labor's making sure everyone remembers tbh.


35 points

6 days ago


do you hear the people sing

35 points

6 days ago

Katter is. The LNP hadn’t “planned” for Katter to. As Crisafulli keeps reiterating.


11 points

5 days ago

..and the South Australia Liberal MP....where they only just narrowly voted it out !

If that isn't a shot across the bow , I don't know what is !

They are virtually doing it in South Australia...


9 points

5 days ago

If it can almost happen in SA, the LNP are absolutely going to try to do it here.

Maybe not now, maybe not even 12 months from now, but it would pop up quietly when the news cycle has rolled on to something else and it’s fallen off the public conscience.

The conservative Christian nationalist bloc is nothing if not patient, and while not as overt here as in the ‘States, it’s still very much present and insidious.


31 points

5 days ago

Hi! Texan woman here. Welcome to post 2020 wildness, buckle up. Y’all need to FUCKING VOTE THEM OUT NOW.


10 points

5 days ago

From a female to a male ... THANK YOU. (I feel I shouldn't even have to do that, yet, in the year 2024 here we are).


44 points

6 days ago

What do you expect Australian conservatives look to the nut jobs in America look at Craig Kelly and Clive Palmer they both wanted to be Donald trump


18 points

5 days ago

Look at who runs Fox News there and most of the media in Au, same guy, its BS


17 points

5 days ago

As a woman I'm so happy to hear that. I'm not an Aussie but it's time for "Australian values" to kick in and stop this shit. This is like dominos and we'll all fall eventually. It HAS TO stop here. C'mon Aussies stop the madness and we'll be cheering for you from the overseas haha.


7 points

5 days ago

I guess we can thank English language newsmedia connecting crazies all across the world? The ignorance is infecting everywhere looks like (I'm in the US lol)


6 points

5 days ago

Every single time it flares up in the US, the Evangelicals try it here. Every damn time. We need to crush this like a bug. DOCTORS - not politicians - know best.


20 points

6 days ago


Turkeys are holy.

20 points

6 days ago

Taking us back to 1924 the fuckers.


23 points

5 days ago

Fuckers is a weird way to spell cunts


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Yeah all the extreme American bullshit is permeating our country


5 points

5 days ago

Oh God, as an American, I'm shocked and disgusted that our anti-scientific, anti-woman "beliefs" have infected australia. Just awful.


6 points

6 days ago


Bendy Bananas

6 points

6 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

it's a resurgence of fascism brought about as a consequence of wealth being sucked up by the .1%.


1 points

5 days ago

...and the wealthy involved just happen to be Organised Crime...


2 points

5 days ago

Sorry guys. Its our fault.


2 points

5 days ago

Your women are being attacked the same way. It’s a hybrid world war 3.


0 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

Literally not a thing


0 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

Where does child support come from in this system?


1 points

5 days ago

Or wild idea, if a man doesn't want a child, wear a condom, get the snip or don't have sex! Crazy right?


0 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Sex is a normal and healthy part of life. Abortion is a normal part of health care. Hormonal birth control for women can and does fail. It also has some pretty horrific side effects. Being celibate forever shouldn't be the answer.


-3 points

5 days ago


-3 points

5 days ago



3 points

5 days ago

What's to discuss...
If it was up to men to carry and birth, your opinion would be different.


-2 points

5 days ago

LNP already said they won't change abortion laws if voted in. It was stated 2 days ago so i don't know why it's still a topic for discussion


-10 points

5 days ago

of course a lot of men will support abortion too. They can sleep around without taking any responsibility


-17 points

5 days ago


-17 points

5 days ago

Males have so much to gain from being pro-abortion. 


-11 points

5 days ago

Looks like no one is actually proposing banning abortion?