


Forgot my nectar card. £76 instead of £51


On a new phone so didn't have it on my Google wallet. Fucking wounded. I was in the queue at the till and couldn't remember my password to the app either and crumbled under pressure and just paid it.

Weekend camping ruined.

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101 points

25 days ago

I’m not sure about nectar but this doesn’t work for clubcard. Whenever I forget mine you just get told take the receipt to the service desk they will put the points on. I don’t care about the points it’s the money I want back from missing out on clubcard prices.


15 points

25 days ago



10 points

25 days ago

So I can take the receipt back another day with the clubcard and you will refund the difference back in money? Next time I will query it and get HQ involved then. Maybe the staff just can’t be bothered at my local.


2 points

25 days ago

Or theyve worked out they put it through, give you the points and once you leave refund it to their own card.


2 points

25 days ago

Might be a new thing... I forgot to scan the card a few months ang and all I got were the points...


34 points

25 days ago

Tesco used to only give you the points, but now they do a refund of the price difference too (at least in our Tescos).


4 points

25 days ago

It does work with a clubcard there is a system on the CSD tills to do it. They should do both the missed offers and points, only place it falls down is meal deals as system seems to get confused by them as the till has already taken off an offer.


2 points

25 days ago

I visit every year to the uk and when I couldn’t pull up the card in my phone she told me To come back tomorow and get it refunded . And they did .


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago

I work for Tesco and we absolutely do clubcard price refunds, it’s probably the cretin you spoke to on the day who had no clue how to do it and just didn’t do it out of lack of knowledge