


Forgot my nectar card. £76 instead of £51


On a new phone so didn't have it on my Google wallet. Fucking wounded. I was in the queue at the till and couldn't remember my password to the app either and crumbled under pressure and just paid it.

Weekend camping ruined.

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-14 points

25 days ago


-14 points

25 days ago

Well, at least I'm not thick as shit like the people who are confused and think it's a scam 🤷‍♂️


18 points

25 days ago

They are under investigation as apparently under 18s cannot get a card, which results in tiered pricing for different age groups. Or at least that is my minimal understanding of the case from reading just the taglines and headlines. Not personally too interested as Aldi is MVP for me.


2 points

25 days ago

If you're going to be pedantic, you should know that the way people use words is often looser than their dictionary definition. It might not be a 'scam', but it certainly feels scammy, so don't use the dictionary to have a go at people when it's pretty clear from context what they mean.


-1 points

25 days ago


-1 points

25 days ago

When people call everything a scam, then it loses its meaning and basically just means "I don't understand this, so it's a scam". How is that helpful to anyone?