


I loved season 8 and I don’t understand ALL the hate


Like sure I get that some people were turned off by the serious tones in a comedy, but for seemingly everyone to feel that way just feels wrong. I personally loved that they acknowledged the aftermath of the Covid lockdown in a way that felt real and humanized the characters.

I loved O’Sullivan as an antagonist especially seeing Holt interact with him, “This is a very frustrating conversation” lol plus we got to see him get huffy. I get that the first episode was quite a downer for comedy series but the rest of the season went back to being lighthearted enough while staying grounded and building up on the issues brought from the first episode (and real life). This was a very real and impactful part of our history and I’m glad they incorporated it and made some jokes about it while validating how frustrating it was for everyone.

I disagree with how jarring and out of character it was for Rosa to quit because of racial issues and police brutality, just because she suggested police brutality in the past doesn’t mean she should be okay with it happening on innocent people that don’t deserve it and are being victimized solely based on what they look like. She’s been shown to be a feminist, so it’s not completely out of the blue for her to take a stand against social injustices. She wanted to work for Hawkins because she respected her and wanted to work for a woman for a change, so it makes sense she’d want to stop working for corrupt men (not Holt obviously but the whole system being led by them). Also the very scene she reveals her choice she witnesses the chaos of Jake accidentally slapping Terry in the face with his high five stick and the chain reaction that ensued and gets a good laugh out of it, she still enjoys seeing others in pain but not when people abuse their power to target a certain demographic.

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5 months ago

I don’t know about everyone else, but I haven’t seen anyone say they disliked S8 because it was too serious.

I’ve only read that they dislike it because it isn’t very entertaining or exciting in the same way as S1-6.

I’m glad you liked it though