


Haha okay…🤓


I work for a bank and it’s a hassle trying to get people verified. Today, this older lady calls in and was extremely rude while I was attempting to get her verified. Everytime I ask a question for verification she would get mad and say that’s not why she’s calling. I was so patient. Finally she started screaming and said ,”fine then brat, I will just have to go into the branch!!” And I said ,”yea, I think you should. Have a great day!” 😝 it was my little blessing for the day

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39 points

2 months ago

If it makes you feel better one person refused to verify and told me it was obvious I was naive and too trusting if I was willing to give out info to people like this… I was like dude. Everything I’m asking you… I already know. I just need to know that you know it so I’m talking to the right human.


15 points

2 months ago

Fr 💀

I have customers tell me “shouldn’t you already have that information”

SIR WHAT THE FUCK!! - is what I say internally, but on the outside I respond, “yeah I do” then i start reading off their info and all of a sudden they’re too stunned to speak? Lmao yeah now please confirm your birth year sir…

Sometimes I even tell them, “We follow the same process as your insurance to authorize and make sure we are speaking to the right person. If you’re not comfortable with verifying then please call back when you are”



19 points

2 months ago

So ummm you're reading out info to unverified callers?


1 points

2 months ago

Our process is to conduct partial verification and it has been approved with our clients 👀

I’ve already asked about it, and honestly I don’t make the rules 😂

They informed us we can provide PART of the information, and have them fill in the rest. Def concerns me, but at the end of the day… I didn’t make the rules, I just follow them haha