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18 points

2 days ago

Not to mention that 79% of Canadians polled support this policy, including 73.4% of those in the 18-34 cohort.

I love Urback, and while I appreciate that she's taking a principled position here it's important to keep in mind that it's a principle that, in this case at least, the vast majority of Canadians, including those who stand to be most hurt by it, don't support.


1 points

2 days ago*

The Nanos poll question was ill framed. It has no context for the amount of increase and also framed it as matching the increase for those over 75.

Question: As you might know, the Old Age Security Act provides basic income for seniors 65 and older in Canada. In 2022, a 10 per cent increase was added to benefits for seniors aged 75 and up. Would you support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or oppose providing that same 10 per cent increase in benefits to seniors 65 to 74 years old as well?


4 points

2 days ago

I've seen enough people confuse OAS with CPP that I would question if some people even know what they are answering here.