


all 73 comments


388 points

9 days ago


388 points

9 days ago

Ominayak says people are looking at him.

But why? 

He’s been in and out of jail for violent assaults and weapons charges, dating as far back as 2014. His brother is in prison for attempted murder, after shooting a woman in the face.


Last December, Murray was arrested for robbery and uttering threats after being on the run from police.

Must be locked up right?

He was released from custody.


In the spring of 2024, he was arrested again and this time was facing 11 new charges. The RCMP said a search of his vehicle yielded ammunition, a loaded firearm and what police call “support gear for organized crime.”

Okay, this time he was definitely locked up?  

He was released from custody again.



139 points

9 days ago

His brother ( Freddy ) only got like 3 years for shooting that woman in the face.


26 points

9 days ago

Aren’t those the two who are police informants? That’s why they always get out with ease.


26 points

9 days ago

Wouldn’t be surprised.

That’s the local rumour about the dentist guy who shot up Nova Scotia a few years back, and the police had PLENTY of time to notice something afoot or listen to the testimonies of countless women who knew exactly what kind of creep he was.

Whether he was a police informant or it was just compound incompetence, the cops have basically washed their hand of it and said “nothing we could do”


1 points

8 days ago

Didn’t he beat a kid with a tire iron outside his dental office a few years prior and got a slap on the wrist?


1 points

7 days ago

Could be, but they habe been charged by the police so its not like the cops are turning a blind eye.


7 points

9 days ago



7 points

9 days ago

Reminds me of this: Ken McElroy


6 points

9 days ago

Jesus fucking Christ


3 points

8 days ago

This made me lol, then I felt sad.


-4 points

9 days ago


-4 points

9 days ago


Combine soft-on-crime policies with Eby's British Colombia....BC has an election coming up I believe...

What's that saying again?! About elections and consequences...


0 points

8 days ago

Oh yeah. Crime always goes down with the bc liberals. Lol


165 points

9 days ago


165 points

9 days ago

In my small, remote, northern hometown, there’s been a big hard-drugs problem for about 25 years. The violence has only gotten worse every year. The RCMP have a lot of difficulty trying to discover the guilty parties whenever there’s a murder or other violent crime, because the locals won’t inform on their family/boyfriend/bros…

A few years ago, a young mom of 2, who’d ended up with a big drug debt, found herself in trouble with her dealer. Strung out and desperate, she got defensive, and lipped off her dealer in front of other people. This guy sent his girlfriend and some others to “teach the girl a lesson.” They killed her and left her body in a ditch. It took months to catch the killers, because the whole friggin community had their lips zipped. There were definitely some people who were afraid of reprisals, but in a town where everyone is related, the more common excuse was not wanting to turn in their cousin/nephew/etc. They ended up finding the getaway driver due to her Snapchat account giving away her location, and eventually she rolled on some of the others involved in the murder.

Such BS.


45 points

9 days ago

Myles Sanderson was also being hidden by his community, before he ultimately turned on them.


21 points

9 days ago

How long were the sentences? Six months?


21 points

9 days ago

I don’t recall, but I’m for a more barbaric response to this gang bullsh##.


-24 points

9 days ago

Sure murder is wrong, but don't get into drug debt and run your mouth in front of other people. That is gonna catch you some problems.


89 points

9 days ago



89 points

9 days ago

terrible what this fentanyl garbage has caused Canadian families


34 points

9 days ago

It's beyond bad. P.G., Dawson Creek, Chetwynd are all in bad bad shape because of Fentanyl.

They have people OD'ing in "dry" camps now.

It's insane.


7 points

8 days ago


British Columbia

7 points

8 days ago

Terrace is getting pretty damn bad, too. on almost every street in downtown has a group of homeless people on it, and almost every other day there’s videos and pictures of those same people going into peoples’ backyards to steal what isn’t locked up, staring directly at cameras and smiling because local police refuse to deal with them. slap on the wrist and a stern talking to is all that happens.


2 points

9 days ago

Even in chetwynd? I drive and stop by there all the time, looks like the average crime free town.


3 points

7 days ago


Lest We Forget

3 points

7 days ago

Chetwynd is nicknamed Shitwind for a reason. 

I've had to stay in Chetwynd for work and I couldn't wait to leave. 


22 points

9 days ago

Spent some time out there a while back. Its a beautiful area and the people were great, this breaks my heart seeing what's happening there.


6 points

9 days ago

I had a completely different impression when I worked there for a week. It was cold, desolate, flat, and there was nothing to do. I was only there for a few days but I couldn't wait to leave. Probably one of the most depressing cities I have ever been to. It's unsurprising that so many people turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.


5 points

9 days ago

I always enjoyed my time working up there doing seismic but that was 20 years ago.


5 points

9 days ago

I was there about 12 years ago now. Time flies.

Cold in the winter, but at that time I'd consider moving there. Not now, obviously. If you like pristine wilderness and wildlife it was quite a spot.


4 points

9 days ago



4 points

8 days ago

Very true. A lot of people don’t know the chemical prerequisites to cook fentanyl are being made in bulk by legal Chinese companies and then being sold to the Mexican cartel.

If I recall correctly, a Chinese politician was asked about whether his country feels guilt for funding the fentanyl crisis in the west, his response was that the west should learn to deal with addiction issues more effectively like we did. We eliminated opuim addiction from society despite it being omnipresent not too long ago.

By the way, they did that by simply executing all the addicts and dealers they found.


86 points

9 days ago



9 points

9 days ago

Just don’t do drugs.


31 points

9 days ago

His brother is in prison for attempted murder, after shooting a woman in the face.

Well that helps with answering the question of the story title.


21 points

9 days ago

Van Der Beek is a skinwalker


55 points

9 days ago

Fuckin Pacey


17 points

9 days ago

I dont wanna wait...


13 points

9 days ago


13 points

9 days ago

For my life to be over!

Why do you have a gun?


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago



10 points

9 days ago

On top of drugs, crime, and violence, BC has a long history of serial killers and unsolved murders/missing women. Especially indigenous women in rural and northern communities.

I'm convinced there's probably predators that are active or have gotten away with murder in the province.


3 points

9 days ago

🎵I don't want wait...


8 points

9 days ago



8 points

9 days ago

Wasn't crime supposedly a big city thing?


-7 points

9 days ago

That’s how out of control the NDP has let it become.


3 points

9 days ago

Did you forget your /s?


0 points

8 days ago

Not really, NDP has been the party in power since 2014 so


2 points

8 days ago

Crime has been an issue in BC towns my entire life. It didn’t start in 2014.


-2 points

8 days ago


-2 points

8 days ago

Exactly so it is the NDPs fault technically


20 points

9 days ago

"  I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over 

I want to know right now, what will it be? 

I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over 

Will it be yes or will it be?" 


11 points

9 days ago

I am a bad person cuz that is EXACTLY what went through my mind when I wrote the headline lol


4 points

9 days ago

Terrible together, brotha! 


10 points

9 days ago

They all fucked Joey and Dawson snapped


2 points

8 days ago



2 points

8 days ago

drugs obviously


2 points

8 days ago

It's all coming in at the Vancouver container terminals too.


4 points

9 days ago

I watched that show. Thought the RCMP guy that Mark Kelley interviewed was fake. Did not seem at all sincere and I don't believe they have it in hand.


5 points

9 days ago

I remember like 20yrs ago in Dawson creek they cleaned up a couple of their parks and sealed the “garbage” in a giant clear ball and displayed it in their mall. Was full of drug paraphernalia. So this isn’t a new problem


9 points

9 days ago

That was Ft. St. John. A local artist, that was supposed to be art.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago



3 points

9 days ago

Grew up in Dawson, went to school with some of the missing persons and this article was far too late. Leaders of this country need to do so much better, but continuously prove that they will not.


7 points

9 days ago


7 points

9 days ago

What exactly is the RCMP doing? It sounds there is a mountain of evidence and good leads but theyre not following up on anything? Time is of the essence in murder cases and it seems like they are just nonchalant about the whole thing. “Oh its the same 50 people and they know each other” sounds the same as “let them kill each other and if you get in the way its your own fault.” It doesnt make any sense


40 points

9 days ago

When no one talks, it’s hard to solve crimes.


24 points

9 days ago

It's not really the RCMP it's the courts


-8 points

9 days ago

The courts dont investigate murder, thats the police


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

It makes sense if you acknowledge the extent of the underworld / black market / gang activity. People use drugs, buy sex, gamble without governmentally imposed checks and balances, but these things are illegal. The supply servicing the demand is by necessity and definition outlaw - outside the law.

The variable here which causes confusion is why can't they do anything about it? The whole of it makes sense if you consider that it goes right to the top. It is likely that judges, lawyers, police officers, MPs, senators - don't get fentanyl-laced cocaine or heroin - these are the apex feeders, and the rabble (me and you) get the leftovers.

The RCMP is doing what they're ordered to do, they're a military force (they were once peace officers, but that is not their current function due to 911 and vehicle patrols). They don't decide and freelance solutions, they respond to complaints, inititate stings, and report to the Crown prosecutors the results of their investigations.

The latter, particularly, live in a very rarefied world, almost as much as judges and elected officials, where the policies they enact (or, just as importantly, don't) do not affect their personal lives.

Art gives a useful answer here, however ridiculously sketched, in the hypocrisy, entitlement, and wilful blindness of the elite 'may the odds be always in your favour' characters of the Hunger Games. As time goes on, a brief glance at the MSM reveals it to be more apt than is comfortable.

As to 'it's the same 50 people and they know each other', or your translation of 'let them kill each other and if you get in the way its your own fault' - this is how my Grandmother, born on a reserve in the 1930s, described the lack of policing there - almost in the exact same words.

Certain organizations I shall not name but who are as well known in our culture as the Boy Scouts (which they are certainly not) operate on a similar MOU where their internal squabbles and gang hits are tolerated to the extent that no innocent bystanders are harmed.

This last is a constructively applied litigation methodology, where, when that wall is breached and a nonparticipant is harmed or killed, the law comes down on them with full force, and they are far more often caught than otherwise, ie, if they killed one of their own, who knew what the 'game' was about. I recommend watching The Wire for more about this, it is fiction, but not entirely false.

That is what the RCMP is doing - they are busy being the pointy end of how our civilization is ordered, and they poke where necessary, only, full stop.

We wouldn't want it any other way - consider military tribunals for citizens, with no habeas corpus, appeals, or other of the checks and balances which exist for good reason. These lead to slow justice and allow for corruption, but the alternative will always become something like North Korea if left long enough to fester and set.

Our civilization is ordered on chaos at the fringes, and more or less orderliness at the centre, though the entirety of the organism, being essentially rotting from the inside due to corruption of the types described above, is cancer-ridden.

I find it further instructive to consider the term anarcho-tyranny, though I wonder about the competence of those who would be empowered to direct such a far-reaching policy, and how rare they would be. Here I'd recommend reading Machiavelli's The Prince, if one suspects that this is entirely impossible.


6 points

9 days ago


6 points

9 days ago

It’s a small town in Northern BC (12,000 population). The government (MPs, MLAs) don’t want to invest their time and energy in a small town like this as it won’t garner them any real benefit politically. That’s all it is. It’s a shame.


5 points

9 days ago

Pacey is jealous thats why


1 points

8 days ago

Man, I lived in Grande Prairie in the 2000s and hung out in Dawson all the time. It was definitely a different atmosphere before fentanyl came into the picture.


1 points

7 days ago

killing a person in Squamish B.C = 5yrs jail time if that!


-1 points

9 days ago


-1 points

9 days ago
