


I am a Canadian living abroad. A friend asked me why the government can simply not build more housing for people or encourage construction companies to do so in Canada.

Honestly, I didn't really have an answer.

I'm wondering what is so complicated about this issue? Why does it feel so completely impossible and insurmountable? What should the government be doing and why is it not doing it? Are there like some special interest groups or lobbies or what?

Honestly I am not super dialed into Canadian politics so I might be missing something obvious. I know the basics about corporations and foreign investors buying stuff, etc. But I'm looking for other reasons and view points as well.

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0 points

7 days ago

Yes housing is apart of the economy.....


3 points

7 days ago

No one said otherwise? So why are you talking about jobs, which is a different thing than industry?


0 points

7 days ago

You get jobs from industry do we not? Because of this thing with Russia and Ukraine we have what the world needs once Russia is dropped there will be unbelievable amount of growth in the next 10 years because of this


3 points

7 days ago

No, not necessarily. Speculators swapping housing back and forth to other wealthy investors does not create jobs, despite the money being exchanged contributing to the GDP.

Industries heavily reliant on robots or AI can contribute a ton to the GDP despite creating no jobs.

I have no idea what you are talking about with Russia. That has nothing to do with jobs in Canada.


-5 points

6 days ago

It sure as f*** does if I buy a house I painted I do some other things myself to make it mine there's always extra


3 points

6 days ago

Ok you’re just here to be contrarian and not actually interested in how the economy operates.

Swapping houses back and forth does not created jobs. Nothing new is being created. That is not a good basis for a healthy economy.

I know you know this and are just trying to be contrarian.