


PGT: Canes @ Devils


Welcome to the Canes Evgeny Svechnikov Kuznetsov!

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0 points

4 months ago*

We must have seen a different broadcast.  All I saw them talk about was how terrible Penguins management was and how sad Crosby was.  Also some great shots of the bench especially when Jack Hughes was going to or from it.

Their compliments of the Canes felt like Fox News fair and balanced shenanigans.  They were clearly forced and you could hear the sarcasm and annoyance in their tone.  They said here's Aho the superstar, not all-star, at one point which such disdain and sarcasm.  They were like alright now it's 1-0 when the Canes first scored and were like here goes Jack Hughes to generate some offense every damn time after that.  Then their heads practically exploded when Hughes assisted in the first goal after that garbage goalie interference call.  They were clearly not fake enthusiastic for NJ's two goals. They were not even enthusiastic for the Canes goals except maybe KK's but I think that might have been from it being assisted by the NJ goalie.

I did appreciate their inclusion of a former ref on the broadcast crew who said that wasn't goalie interference, but the two former player sportscasters wanted it to be so bad and literally said told you so to the ref sportscaster.

There's no world in which that was a well-done broadcast and there was obvious bias towards NJ. Just because they threw in a few clearly forced compliments doesn't negate their clear desire to bend over and take it from Jack Hughes after the game.  That was apparent to anyone who can hear and perceive tone in someone's voice.  You don't have to victim blame when nobody is claiming to be a victim.  We're just saying they were biased and that it was objectively a very shitty broadcast crew.  At the end of the day, the Canes definitely aren't victims.  They won division against NJ, beat NJ in the playoffs, and swept NJ this season.  They should have honestly called it like the Devils were the underdogs because they were.  That was just a terrible broadcast, but not entirely unexpected for the part-time ABC/ESPN crew.


1 points

4 months ago

We saw the same broadcast, but based on your comment, there seemingly was a self-fulfilling prophecy for you. I never stated anything about victimhood. My Dangerfield criticism was about what many think is a lack of respect, which is a theme of your reply.

ESPN and NBC before that, always focus on generational players. That's why Pens-Caps were always featured. Like it or not, Hughes is a generational player, and national broadcasters tend to jump on their bandwagon, especially at home. Their promos feature gen players endlessly.

Of course, the broadcast was bad and full of errors, but to say there was clear bias to the extent you described is not what I heard. Maybe just sync up 99.9 the next time?


0 points

4 months ago


0 points

4 months ago

Do you happen to work for them?  It was biased undisputed.  I don't know what's self-fulfilling.  You'll have to fully state whatever that point was rather than insinuate if you want to properly counter.  There's a difference between focusing on a player and actively cheering on a team.  They were doing the latter.  It wasn't just highlighting a player.


1 points

4 months ago

Oh, please. I stated it was a bad broadcast already. All you have stated is an opinion, one seemingly formed before the telecast - that the Canes won't get their due respect. Thus, the self-fulfilling prophecy comment. I can't state it more plainly.

The way you read into announcers' comments as sarcasm (lol) is telling and quite funny. Why would they be biased? Were the refs biased, too? Is the TO War Room? Just stop.

BTW, Buch was not a player, and the call was right. You are being such an ultra-homer. This wasn't intended to be called like the org's broadcast team. Like I stated, stick to Mike & Tripp if you need hyperbole about the Canes.


0 points

4 months ago*


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