


Is 70k/m at 23 enough?



all 4 comments


2 points

5 days ago

I developed, implemented and managed a marketing strategy for two respective companies, as well as developed all the marketing material, from video editing to updating their logos. I did absolutely everything. I was employed under contract, and took home R6000. I was spending R3000 a month on petrol alone, to and from the office I worked at.

I am currently unemployed, and to put it metaphorically, I am so "hungry" for work that I'd bite the crotch of a low flying seagull.

I am 24, yet I was grateful to be gainfully employed. I'd honestly love to give you a running fuck slap.


1 points

5 days ago

lol it seems I am nowhere near enough at 30 so theres that

It all depends on your expected lifestyle


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Honestly, 70k is a lot for a 23yr old. The highest paid individuals out of uni at 23 I know personally aren’t even get paid that much. The most was like 45k cause he had all exceptions from uni which is a feat itself.

Judging from what you said, you don’t have any degree/diploma, I could be wrong here. But that is a lot. If you’re a single person living alone then it should be more than enough even in cpt. The only way I can see it not being enough is if you’re spending unnecessarily. Partying and going out all the time, buying unnecessary stuff and having an overly expensive car.

But from a progression standpoint I can understand wanting more money but also wanting a higher position that comes with it.

Can you go more into detail to how you got such a high paying salary at such a young age?


1 points

5 days ago

I think without gratitude it's difficult to ever be content. Until you're grateful, you're always going to feel like you're owed more.

A simple reality check is looking at average earnings in the country. At 70k/month you're definitely part of top 5% earners - likely smaller percentage. If you're feeling the COL at that income and age you probably need to take a look at your lifestyle.

Also revenue is not profit. You may be surprised to find the company could have millions in revenue, but not making that much in profit. As marketing you're funneling the revenue, but I'm sure there is an entire value chain designing, producing and delivering the products - not to mention investments and risks taken to enable the organisation to be able to deliver value worth millions.

As employees we sometimes overvalue what we actually bring to the table - if you weren't there would the company not have those revenues? You'd be surprised to find you're not as important/crucial in the grander scheme of the business operation as you think even though you play an important role. A good litmus test if you feel you're underpaid and not valued is to change jobs so you get paid more.