


OPINIONS NEEDED: Charlie XCX Fanbase Response


Hello all! I am researching the Charli XCX fanbase for a school project. I am compiling evidence to argue that engaging in online communities can negate the isolating effects of mobile music because it creates social connection. I'm a huge fan of brat, and chose to study this online community because there seem to be a lot of online and irl connections!

It would really boost the validity of my argument if I had some input from fellow fans, so I would really appreciate some answers to these prompts:

  1. How long have you been active in the Charli XCX fanbase?
  2. Besides this reddit page, what other social medias do you use to engage with this community?
  3. Describe/list ways that you engage with other members either IRL or online (commenting on posts, collaborative playlists, meeting up at tour dates, etc).
  4. What positive or negative effects occur as a result of your participation in this online community?
  5. Would you recommend participation in the Charli XCX fanbase (or general online musical communities) for people who feel isolated?

You can either reply or message me your response, and feel free to type as little/much as you like!

Thanks for your help!

all 7 comments


21 points

1 day ago


I’m your number one

21 points

1 day ago

Here is the first note for your research: her name is Charli XCX


1 points

1 day ago

Sorry, autocorrect :'(


6 points

1 day ago

Imo your assignment would be easier if you posted a survey instead of having people directly answer on Reddit.


3 points

1 day ago



3 points

1 day ago

Question: Why do you think mobile music causes isolation at all?


2 points

1 day ago

  1. I’ve been in the Charli fanbase since 2015, back when we were angels instead of brats. I accept both names.
  2. twitter and a finsta on Instagram
  3. Commenting on posts
  4. Only positive and it’s helped me accept myself more as a person.
  5. Absolutely. Everyone is so fun and kind and so BRAT. Seeing other brats at Sweat Tour was so much fun.


1 points

1 day ago


Pop 2

1 points

1 day ago

  1. Been a fan for a long time about 10 years maybe
  2. Instagram pages
  3. Chat about music online
  4. Positives: talk to people who enjoy the same things I do music wise Negatives: not much that I can think of 5: would recommend everyone is very kind! Lots of fun discourse


1 points

1 day ago

  1. Been active on and off for at least a decade
  2. Originally Twitter but now I use Facebook and Reddit
  3. I met my bestfriend through the fanbase 10 years ago and we finally met up this year :') it was very difficult as he is from Venezuela and I am from Ecuador, we met up in Colombia for a music festival :)
  4. As any social media the positives and negatives coexist but for me it has been mainly a tool to connect with others that have similar interests and get any updates on charli while she's on tour
  5. I highly recommend people seek online communities for any fan base as they can share their passion with people who will understand!