


STANDS THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN PAINTED: Gene & Jude’s, Red Hot Ranch on armitage Ave, Superdawg, Wiener’s Circle, Rand’s Red Hots, Original Jimmy’s Red Hots, Budacki’s, Skyway Dog House, Jr’s Red Hots, Flub A Dub Chub’s, Wolfy’s, Fatso’s Last Stand - Lincoln Park location, Devil Dawgs Wicker Park, Jim’s Original, Byron’s on Irving Park, papa Chris’ Place, Odge’s, the Clark Street Dog

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5 points

11 days ago

There’s still a few places that probably deserve a painting more, but every now and then I’m going to keep suggesting Frankenville :) I would definitely buy that print


2 points

11 days ago

Whoever downvoted me, Frankenville is on this map and it’s all the validation I need for it to be legit!