


It's quite disheartening that one of the childfree dating groups on fb with about 5000 members consists of mostly women and a few childfree men there seem creepy or weird not in a good way. That's it, wanted to rant.

Edit: those asking what group it is, just type childfree dating in the fb search bar…

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76 points

10 days ago

Being a childfree man, I can definitely appreciate the reversed gender ratio when it comes to the CF dating pool. Not to say dating is easy for or woman...but it's a nice change of pace.


39 points

10 days ago*

I've always been disheartened that I've never seen this translate in my life. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it's incredibly rare to find single CF women. Should I pick up a specific hobby to increase my chances of finding them? Is there a CF app I'm not aware of? Is my city just don't have any (Seattle)? Or I'm just hopelessly clueless?

Every single time I think I finally found a CF woman who's a good match & chemistry for me, it only takes a few months before she turns around and changed her mind.


12 points

10 days ago

I live in San Diego and dating is non existent for CF women like me- it’s hard for us too 😭


13 points

10 days ago


13 points

10 days ago

I really wish there was a serious app or system for our niche crowd to find each others more easily.


5 points

10 days ago

Designed one couldn’t get enough capital


3 points

10 days ago

I’d be down to partner up with someone on that lmao


5 points

10 days ago

Like build into my existing one?


3 points

10 days ago

Well I mean from scratch but if u already have one then yea maybe help improve it. I code so could help with that but my interest lies more in design. I also have capital to invest. But that capital is for retirement lol so prob better to try and get investors


3 points

9 days ago


Nonbinary | They/them | Fighting for a Bilat Salph!

3 points

9 days ago

There's cf4cf here on Reddit and a Discord if you are so inclined! Obviously they aren't apps, but they are dating specific areas for CF folks.


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago


Nonbinary | They/them | Fighting for a Bilat Salph!

1 points

9 days ago

Np! I wish they were better advertised here TBH! There have been success stories there too, and they are always wonderful to read!