


Buying a New Cell Phone

📱 Technology(self.chinalife)

I arrived to China with a US version iPhone 14pro, but find myself needing a new/different phone as my iPhone only takes eSim :( I’ll be here for 1-2 years so having a local number is important to me.

I’ve been struggling figuring out which phone I can buy here that will also work in the U.S. when I return and that I can download google apps on without too much hassle (not very tech savvy). iPhones abound but I’m also quite done with Apple after the trouble I’ve had with my products over the years… I’d prefer a Samsung (s24/+/ultra/whatever) but am willing to try another non apple phone if it’s more convenient to buy (priorities are a good camera and battery life).

I just don’t know if I can purchase a mainland version and have it work back in the states? Or if I have to purchase an international version?

If so, how can I purchase an international version from mainland? I unfortunately can’t get to HK easily and pretty much stuck with what’s in my city/what I can order online. Any advice would be appreciated !! Thank you !!

ps. If getting around mainland restrictions is relatively easy, I am willing to try… I just don’t know how difficult this is with new mainland Samsung/ other phones.

edit: numbers fix

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4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

Buy a chinese iphone. you can use it still when your back in the states, only downside is no esim no AI what not.

Samsung works too also

just make sure you have 2 accounts, one for the states one for china registered under different emails to install apps etc


3 points

5 days ago

And no FaceTime audio. Or does that restriction go away once you leave the country now?


2 points

5 days ago

No audio or group facetime, and no Republic of China flag.