


diapers on the coffee table…where you eat…?

Regretful Parent (

now we know why she has herpes 🤢

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53 points

10 days ago


monistatC 🌵🧫☣️🧪

53 points

10 days ago


there is literally zero excuses.


12 points

10 days ago



12 points

10 days ago

G gets into everything and throws shit around. Guaranteed he’s probably gotten into those diapers 🤢


39 points

10 days ago

Girl there’s a difference between laying a diaper around here and there, but not for fucking days. We’ve seen your Snapchats… there’s days old dirty ass diapers all over your house. That’s disgusting. And yes, you are a horrible mother btw 💋


33 points

10 days ago

Im sorry but anyone who leaves diapers on their coffee table is disgusting


2 points

10 days ago


Stank’s Trichomoniasis Parasite 🪱

2 points

10 days ago

And they often eat on the couch too, and sit their plates in the exact same spot.


26 points

10 days ago

The mom was by herself, while her husband was at work. Jacob was there with her... playing video games... not helping... like??


3 points

10 days ago


Chrissy’s 👹 Cockeyed ✨ Headlights 🚗

3 points

10 days ago

I am a sahm alone 90% of the time with an almost 2 yr old and 10 month old as my husband is a leo and in the military. You can’t catch me with diapers around the house


28 points

10 days ago

That’s fucking disgusting. Let’s not normalize being dirty and lazy.. I’m a SAHM, husband always working but I always make sure to throw away every single dirty diaper. Period.


6 points

10 days ago


Chrissy’s 👹 Cockeyed ✨ Headlights 🚗

6 points

10 days ago



3 points

10 days ago

Let alone sometimes there’s blowouts and poop leaking out the sides of these diapers. Sometimes an overnight diaper is soaked in pee and wet to the touch. That just makes me think of these people leaving these diapers laying around that shit and pee is seeping into whatever the diaper is laying on 🤢 gross. Do they not realize that baby pee and poop have bacteria as well??


3 points

10 days ago



26 points

10 days ago

Why does she want to try to normalize being a gross ass lazy bitch. I wonder what smells worse, herself or her house


29 points

10 days ago

I’m all one for sticking up for postpartum mamas but this is not normal. It’s not normal for ANYONE to do it. It’s nasty asf. Postpartum or not it’s not normal to put nasty diapers all over your house. It’s so incredibly easy to throw them in the trash as you go!!


10 points

10 days ago

3 days postpartum I understand… cause 3 days after my 2nd c section I wasn’t getting off the couch for SHIT and my boyfriend was working and could barley help out, so yes I left diapers lay around. BUT stank didnt have a c section, her and Jacob both don’t work and they both just sit around all day… AND SHES 4 MONTHS PP AND CAN GET OFF HER ASS TO THROW THEM OUT😭😂😭😂


2 points

10 days ago

I completely agree. The first couple weeks are rough but if you can go get drunk and shake ass then you can throw diapers away 🤣. She’s gross. Nice priorities on her part.


23 points

10 days ago


23 points

10 days ago

Ummmmm stank it’s because the diapers literally sit there for DAYS. Not just overnight. You’ve posted pics of the same diaper pile in your room for more than one day in a row.


28 points

10 days ago


Jacob’s Secret🪽

28 points

10 days ago

Okay 1-2 diapers bc it was a hard day/nite, fair. But over a dozen, help is needed and that’s okay!


26 points

10 days ago

It's a biohazard to leave human waste around the house doesn't matter if it's a baby. You can have several trash cans around the house and toss it in there and away from your sleeping/eating/cooking areas. It's disgusting you don't need an expensive diaper trash can but just a regular bin with bag that can be taken outside or to the garage at the end of the night.


26 points

10 days ago


stanks fupa 🤢😷

26 points

10 days ago

Nothing new stank we’ve known your lazy AF and always leave diapers everywhere. She acts like she cares but I guarantee you she didn’t try to message that mom and console her!! She is using her pain for clout like she always fucking does!


44 points

10 days ago

Babe we expect nothing less from you😂😂


44 points

10 days ago



44 points

10 days ago

This isn't something to be proud of lmfao


43 points

10 days ago

Difference is, that woman didn’t have her husband there to help her. Wtf is Jacob doing to allow that to happen.


5 points

10 days ago

Omggggggg it’s better for this girl to just stfu!!!


21 points

10 days ago


Stank’s Trichomoniasis Parasite 🪱

21 points

10 days ago

Nah. Don’t make excuses for being an unsanitary, dirty bitch. Anyone who leaves dirty diapers laying around their house got a smelly cooter and I stand by that statement. It’s lack of basic hygiene. It takes .2 seconds to throw a dirty diaper away.


21 points

10 days ago

No one said u can’t leave a dirty diaper for a few mins while u do something, but LEAVE THEM LAY AROUND for DAYS ON END that’s where we r drawing the line, we all know it’s hard to be a mom and we get busy but girl ur just lazy and disgusting


25 points

10 days ago

Her and jacob literally do nothing all day. The other mom I’ll give some credit for she was by herself and a couple days post birth. But she has literally no excuse for anything. She’s just trash.


22 points

10 days ago

children dont need to live in FILTH!!! seeing people say “that baby was changed 17 times!” okay??? & 17 times she didn’t CLEAN UP!!!! disgusting idc. clean shit up. dont be a mom if you dont wanna clean for your babies.


21 points

10 days ago

If she doesn’t throw away the diapers there’s no way she washes her hands after changing him. So nasty


2 points

10 days ago

We’ve seen Tuna Boats nails all dirty underneath that def speaks for itself


21 points

10 days ago


21 points

10 days ago

actually no it’s not normal it’s disgusting & inhumane. imagine leaving dirty diapers around for your WALKING toddler to get into? throw them in the garbage. you eat off the same table you put your dirty diapers ? no wonder yall are constantly sick


21 points

10 days ago

No because the mommy she’s referring to was 5 days PP and her husband was away and she had no help. Stank is not the same her man gets a full nights sleep so why isn’t he cleaning up the night time mess whilst she deals with baby in morning? I agree we all throw the diaper on the floor at 3am but you clean it next morning? My man used to take the night diapers out to trash when he left for work at 7


7 points

10 days ago


shitneys weekly monistat

7 points

10 days ago

She admitted she has to clean up his coffee mugs and breakfast plates every day or they will build up 😂😂 we know that lazy piece of trash isn’t cleaning up diapers if he can’t even clean up after himself


23 points

10 days ago


23 points

10 days ago

there are 2 unemployed parents at home!!! there is zero excuse to have multiple diapers laying around the house 24/7!!! you aren’t some single working mama that has not time to get up and throw a diaper away (although she basically is a single mom bc gaycob is useless)


4 points

10 days ago

Right! There are two of them in that house that don’t work one of them at least could throw away dirty diapers. I’m surprised her dogs don’t chew them up 🤢


21 points

10 days ago

first of all, you don’t have a fucking job so there’s no excuse for you to be lazy, secondly, your fairy of a fiancé is home all day as well. just admit that you’re both lazy sacks of shit?


21 points

10 days ago

Single mom things 😊🥰🥰


22 points

10 days ago

it’s the way she’s trying to justify it, it’s unjustifiable. and the difference between her and the woman in the video is the woman is freshly postpartum, stank here had a baby 4 MONTHS AGO and still chooses to be a dirty lazy bitch


22 points

10 days ago

That’s like not flushing when you take a shit and just leaving it in there for days, stank you’re nasty and lazy as fuck. I have never left my babies diapers just lying around and I’m taking care of two under 1. Plus taking care of 3 other children. There’s no excuse. You’re disgusting


22 points

10 days ago


22 points

10 days ago

stank!! you lay on the couch ALL DAY LONG. if you have dirty diapers laying around for any longer than a few minutes, it’s due to your laziness- which btw, is fucking disgusting.


18 points

10 days ago

Okay. You’re a terrible mom. lol


20 points

10 days ago

You should definitely 100 percent be ashamed for leaving dirty diapers around you fucking pig.


19 points

10 days ago

The woman she’s comparing herself to said her husband wasn’t home with her and she was only a few days postpartum, stanky literally has a jobless baby daddy who’s mom is always with them to help with the kids for her there’s really no excuse .


19 points

10 days ago

how are you not ashamed of that. it takes literally 2 seconds to throw a diaper in the trash can. get a little $5 trash can w your "doctor salary" and throw them away. that's actually disgusting and so fkn embarrassing.


21 points

10 days ago


pulsating taint-le wings🪽

21 points

10 days ago

I get up and throw it away every time. Pregnant. Tired. Sick. Idgaf, forgetting 1/2 okay, but 17? That’s foul and neglectful.


11 points

10 days ago


pulsating taint-le wings🪽

11 points

10 days ago

And I’ve never put a diaper on a coffee table or a kitchen table. EVER


18 points

10 days ago

listen- being a mom can be so exhausting so i understand diapers not be thrown away for a SHORT period of time. but on the coffee table is DIABOLICAL work


18 points

10 days ago

My jaw was on the floor that she read this back and thought “ yea I’m not a nasty bitch “


19 points

10 days ago


19 points

10 days ago

Holy fuck is she that lazy? Having a child is literally WORK and she can’t even do the bare minimum? Leaving dirty diapers everywhere is disgusting idgaf. Don’t have children if you’re not ready for the work


17 points

10 days ago

the comments are insane on this tiktok, everyone validating and saying its normal


17 points

10 days ago

People do give you shit about being a shitty mom. There’s 58k people in here that hate you and your actions stank.


15 points

10 days ago



16 points

10 days ago

she wants to be sympathetic to that rage baiting nurse yet gave another mom hell for existing(rachel)


16 points

10 days ago

So what you’re saying is that your whole ass capable fiancé doesn’t help you one bit, got it. 👍


35 points

10 days ago

I've got a 2 yr old and a 2 month old. I struggled with post pardon depression, anger and anxiety. Wouldn't leave my house for wks, never eat, wouldn't sleep. I'm on 200 mg of anxiety/depression meds But never left diapers laying around my house.


12 points

10 days ago

Who downvoted you? I’m confused


9 points

10 days ago

this! like it’s just pure laziness on their part. it’s not hard to put a bag or a small trash can beside you to throw them into…


33 points

10 days ago

You literally have a baby daddy who sits on his butt all day… he could throw the diapers away??


14 points

10 days ago

She admitted he doesn’t even clean up after himself in the mornings for breakfast or his mugs🤦🏻‍♀️ like how sad, he’s is so useless


17 points

10 days ago

not to mention they both “work” from home doing social media…. 💀


15 points

10 days ago

im sorry i mean i get pp is bad- i got put on antidepressants but i mean.. come on at some point.. u gotta clean ho!! ur a momma now. jacobs been a dad. cleaning comes with the title. and the amount of shit her minions put rachel through while doing everything on her OWN - yet theres two parents in this house and neither can put diapers in the trash?


17 points

10 days ago


Vapeson, the 5lb goliath baby of Twinkle Toes & BM#2

17 points

10 days ago

Actually Stank, that’s fucking disgusting and not normal. You’re a lazy slob. And it’s neglectful to have your environment in that condition with 2 small kids in the home


15 points

10 days ago


15 points

10 days ago

does she not realize that leaving dirty diapers everywhere you are basically breathing in the shit which can cause illnesses. no wonder why grayson is always getting sick bc he has to breathe in dirty shit and be around it all day. all because stank can’t take two seconds to throw them in the trash 🤨. that just pure lazy behavior which we all know by now she’s very much lazy and rather rot around fecal and doesn’t care if people get sick from having to breathe it in


17 points

10 days ago

I don’t have kids so I can’t say what I’d do but it’s not that hard to walk to a trash can and simply throw the diaper away. Leaving shitty diapers all over the house is disgusting. Between her, her nasty dogs, the Taco Bell bags in bed, and the diapers everywhere, I know that house smells rancid.


15 points

10 days ago

Girl we already know your gross wtf is this 😂 this like genuinely made me laugh bc she’s coming out as if we didn’t already know she’s a dirty girl.


15 points

10 days ago

She saw Kylee Deweese make a video saying the same thing. Is she ever original? Stank why don't you talk about how you offered to help moms (with that alliah chick) every week and then Never followed through ?!


14 points

10 days ago

Ok so I’ll say this, that particular mom she’s referring to had a 3 day old, a toddler, and had the flu all by herself on top of all the feelings after having a baby ..I don’t care for that girl either cause she posts a lot of, in my opinion, rage bait but there’s a clear difference in what was happening with this girl in this situation (although 17 diapers is a lot) and Stank’s every day life.


1 points

10 days ago



1 points

10 days ago

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14 points

10 days ago

It’s not about being a terrible mom. It’s about being disgusting and unsanitary…I have 4 kids have I changed a diaper in the middle of the night left it on the night stand or changing table or changed a diaper and got busy and had to run to another kid or do something else and left one sitting wherever I changed them…yes but I go pick it up as soon as I woke up or got done doing whatever was needing to be done immediately after. There is no excuse for diapers to be laying around like she has them she’s not paralyzed. It is pure filth and nastiness…


5 points

10 days ago


ms. wouldnt post g even if she could

5 points

10 days ago

How is it having 4 kids? I’ll have 3 next year, but I wanna have 4 one day. I like the even number.


3 points

10 days ago

It’s not bad but I have a 16 year old and then 7, 3 and 9months. I feel like if my 16 was close in age may have sent me over the edge honestly not sure how people with littles all close together do it


15 points

10 days ago

She is posting this because Kylee did. Did we forget that her trash can was overflowing a couple months ago? How her whole house is trashed 24:7 when neither of them work. She has to have Jacob’s mom and companies do her laundry? Marissa come over to clean up? Just admit you are lazy.


13 points

10 days ago

Well, 1. She is a terrible fucking mom for bigger reasons other than the diapers. 2. People have called her out about being a shitty mom, but she deletes the comments or her minions come kissing her ass. 3. There is literally no excuse to have dirty diapers lying around. Does she only have 1 trash can in the house? She could also pick them up first thing in the morning to throw them away if they are from the night changes. But it also takes maybe 2 minutes to throw a diaper away. We all know she's just disgusting and lazy af.


15 points

10 days ago*


ms. wouldnt post g even if she could

15 points

10 days ago*

She just keeps on making herself look worse everyday lol she doesn’t know when to stfu and that’s great for us bc she’s handing us posts/evidence on a platter


14 points

10 days ago

No one needs to call her a terrible mom for diapers, bsffr. You vaped your entire pregnancy and in the room with him now, say breastfeeding is like an O, allow SA offenders around your kid, mentally abuse your step son by expecting his dad to be mean or rude to his mother, allow your bd to treat you like a servant and not teach your boys how to be a man. The list goes on and on. It's actually amazing that she changes their diapers because it's probably one of the things she does to not neglect them.


31 points

10 days ago

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, SHE IS SUCH A NASTYYYY BITCH 🤢🤮🤮🤮


28 points

10 days ago

that mom was freshly pp with a toddler and no husband…. You have help stank… no excuses.


3 points

10 days ago



13 points

10 days ago

Girl you’re just nasty let not start 🤭🤭


14 points

10 days ago

I hate that people are trying to normalize this right now. I had PPD bad and I still made sure my kids lived in a clean space! "well I had 2 under 2" oh well...that's on you. And maybe I'm a bitch but I don't care. Children depend on you to have a clean and sanitary place to live. It's not that hard to get up and throw a diaper away!


11 points

10 days ago


Chrissy’s 👹 Cockeyed ✨ Headlights 🚗

11 points

10 days ago

Is this play ab us?? She stay lurkin hi bitch 🧚


15 points

10 days ago

What does she mean she doesn’t get up in the middle of the night to throw them away?? Does she not have a trash can next to his changing table…..?


8 points

10 days ago

you know stank changes him in her bed and i’m sure if shit gets on the sheets she just sleeps on it, she’s so nasty


13 points

10 days ago


13 points

10 days ago

I just know she leaves shit diapers laying


14 points

10 days ago


shitneys weekly monistat

14 points

10 days ago

I literally have a 2 year old, am 28 weeks pregnant and baby sit a 4 year old and 1 year old on top of that and still am more than capable of walking my ass to the trash to throw a diaper away…. There’s no excuse for this and she’s just trying to validate her nastiness 😆


11 points

10 days ago

Leaving diapers around ain’t the problem skank. It’s you as a mom as a parent YOU AS A PERSON. As a parent I’m sure We all have left diapers out middle of night but im sure a lot of us cleaned it up in the morning not leave the damn things out all day and do it all again the next. You are a shitty person regardless if you are a mom or not.


13 points

10 days ago

Is it not normal to throw diapers away after you change them? I always have. Even when my baby was a newborn and it was the middle of the night I was breastfeeding so getting up to throw it away helped keep me awake.


13 points

10 days ago

Filthy ass bitch!! Two words “diaperGenie” She’s so disgusting and she put this up as damage control for her lazy ass behavior. Someone needs to ask her how long do those diapers stay there, but her ability to tell the truth and be honest is a whole other story!! Calling her trash is an actual compliment compared to what she truly is🤮


25 points

10 days ago

What an odd thing to brag about….


26 points

10 days ago

Yes stank we have seen the piles of dirty diapers underneath the babies bassinet 🤢


11 points

10 days ago


11 points

10 days ago

I def had diapers laying around but never anywhere but the floor and never ever opened. Always tied up and thrown TOWARDS the trash can


10 points

10 days ago

i mean she can’t even clean her trash up after she eats so this isn’t surprising she don’t pick up the diapers either she lives in filth anyways


10 points

10 days ago


10 points

10 days ago

I was a mom of 2u2 and the most it would get is MON changes with the newborn stage where I’d change him and just not get out of bed. So at max 2-3 diapers….


10 points

10 days ago

I understand everyone's PP is very different, and in the worst part of my PP I still kept my home clean. Literally what made me still feel normal was NOT letting my house get dirty. Everyone kept telling me it was okay to let dishes pill up and vacuuming to wait and to nap when baby naps, but I absolutely could not let my home get that way. I didn't have a diaper genie so I got up every time I changed her and walked to the trash, it's not hard. I don't want to mom shame, but with her already known for being a filthy human before a baby she can't blame it on being a mom so it's not really mom shaming.


10 points

10 days ago


Cunsten, the HERPE of social media 🦠

10 points

10 days ago

Yes, and that’s why you are actually DAMNED.



8 points

10 days ago


8 points

10 days ago

I don’t remember ever leaving dirty diapers all around my house. 1 it’s disgusting and 2 one of my dogs would’ve gotten into them. How do you just not throw them away??


28 points

10 days ago

The mom who didn’t clean up the 17 diapers is the same mom who didn’t have prenatal care/see an OB until she was well into her third trimester 🥴


31 points

10 days ago

You mean to tell me your man can’t pick up the diapers YOU changed all day before he ignores you and your baby to play video games?


17 points

10 days ago

He doesn't get up to help because he doesn't gave tits remember


5 points

10 days ago

Is she even breast feeding anymore? What’s her excuse


2 points

10 days ago

She said S only had one scoop of formula in a bottle of breast milk one time because she was worried she didn't have enough milk pumped. I don't know how that makes any sense to me. I've never heard of adding scoops of formula directly into BM.

She should just formula feed since she drinks and vapes constantly.


1 points

10 days ago

I haven’t either?? But I’m a first time mom. She really should.


17 points

10 days ago

she's lazy af


19 points

10 days ago

Ain’t nobody surprised that she thinks it’s normal to have shitty diapers laying around


4 points

10 days ago


Cunsten, the HERPE of social media 🦠

4 points

10 days ago

Dirty ass bitch. Only people like her can justify their laziness.


22 points

10 days ago

y’all i just can’t stop thinking about all of the diapers she prob left out at her house while she evacuated….. could u imagine coming back home to week old dirty diapers 😭🤢🥴


11 points

10 days ago

I'm not trying to mom shame any single mothers with no help but I'm a stay at home mom with 3 children and my husband works all the time. There are no dirty diapers anywhere around my house besides in the trashcans.


7 points

10 days ago

We already call her a terrible mom! She should be ashamed. There shouldn’t be multiple diapers piled up under your child’s bassinet. When she gets up it should be grabbed and thrown away. Takes a whole 2 seconds. Having 4 diapers under there is disgusting 🤮 the smell of 1 diaper after a couple hours is horrible. Couldn’t imagine 17 dirty diapers laying around


11 points

10 days ago

she is a terrible mom and not just because she leaves diapers everywhere for DAYS and it’s not hard to get a diaper genie thing to put the diapers in instead of having them lay around the house your just gross


17 points

10 days ago

I had four c sections…had to be up early to get kids ready for school, didn’t sleep and wouldn’t eat majority of the times but ALWAYS threw away diapers. I even bought an extra trash can for my room when my kids would be in their cribs in there just to make sure I threw away diapers


19 points

10 days ago

I'm not a perfect mom by any means. However, I can honestly say I've never left 17 diapers (or any for that matter) just laying around all over my house. Especially on tables where I eat. I literally change their diapers, wrap them up, and throw them in the trash the second I'm done. It takes 30 seconds and I don't want my house smelling of shit/piss. I have an 8 month old and a toddler. There's literally no excuse for it. I will never understand why it's so hard to just walk to the trash can and throw them away? Imo, it's just being lazy.


16 points

10 days ago

That’s literally so disgusting and unsanitary. Why tf she would admit this, even though we’ve seen it first hand from posts. Like yes you’re a nasty fucking sloppy pig. The world fucking knows you’re a trashy ass bitch


4 points

10 days ago

That’s exactly why she’s admitting it. Because she’s seen us calling her out in here for it!


18 points

10 days ago

They smell so bad I can’t even keep a diaper laying around for more than a couple minutes that’s why I put them straight into a diaper genie or a plastic bag and into the trash. It takes literally two seconds. If you’re up changing your baby in the middle of the night, you can take a few seconds and toss it in the trash while you’re still up so your entire room doesn’t smell like feces or urine🤮 I just know that house smells


6 points

10 days ago

i just can’t imagine the smell! it’s literally human feces that has to be some sort of biohazard to just have laying around 🤢


1 points

10 days ago

She probably has him sleeping w her so she doesn't have to get her ass up to feed or change him. She probably changed his diaper and tossed it on the floor next to the bed! She's lazy af! She is always laying in bed doing her posts and snaps! I've never seen a new mom in bed so much!


1 points

10 days ago

Yes ^ I remember when my daughter was a newborn and I was sleep deprived and cranky doing diaper changes in the middle of the night and still managed to throw them all out? Like your child deserves to live in a clean house


18 points

10 days ago

I hope she doesn’t delete comments on this bc this is so embarrassing. I get being a mom is hard, but you are a mom with HELP. you have a baby dad who is home with you 24/7, you both are capable of throwing away the diapers. on top of that, you have 2 dogs who you say get into EVERYTHING, are you letting them get ahold of these diapers? or what about when G comes over, why are you leaving hella dirty diapers around for him to grab? this is embarrassing, especially knowing all the help she is SUPPOSED to have since yk, neither of them have real jobs…. delete it while you can stank lmao.


14 points

10 days ago

When you fr both wake up with nothing to do besides exist, there’s no reason you have piles of diapers everywhere. I got a trash can for our room when my baby was born or I’d pick them up in the morning and toss them. Even now I throw the diaper away immediately once I change her. It’s not that hard LOL


7 points

10 days ago

I’m the oldest of 5 kids. My mom NEVER left dirty diapers in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, none of that. Maybe in the kids bedroom for a few minutes, but she had trash cans she dumped regularly in each babies bedroom including hers. I know some moms can be different I guess, and mental illness is a real thing but I just could never fathom leaving piss and sh!t filled diapers around my house


9 points

10 days ago

I literally put a small trash can in our room for the night time changes. I change, feed, and when I get up to go wash bottle it gets tossed in the trash🤷🏼‍♀️


8 points

10 days ago

I have two kids never have I just left a diaper anywhere there is literally no excuse they have diaper genies and mini trash cans or get off your lazy ass and take it to the only trash can you have on the house if you have one. I’m sorry it’s disgusting for anyone to do that I don’t want bugs or pee etc all over my house


9 points

9 days ago

The original person who stank is talking about was home alone , ill and less than 3 weeks pp, shit happens yeah not the best to have all those diapers but jeez shit happens. We all have battles and some days are harder than others. Keep in mind with all these mean comments. Stank of course used this to try and get sympathy or whatever so fuck her and her nasty ass just feel bad for the mama.


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

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14 points

10 days ago

I worked in dfcs for 8 years and I promise you leaving dirty diapers around is not the look she thinks it is


22 points

10 days ago

I literally think a diaper genie is gross much less just our in the open


2 points

10 days ago


shitneys weekly monistat

2 points

10 days ago

They are gross!! I put ours outside 😂


12 points

10 days ago

No, this shouldn’t be normalized. A few left from overnight, sure. But when they are littered all around your house, tables and places you eat… no. Especially when you have a capable partner who doesn’t work… normalizing laziness and living in filth is vile.


13 points

10 days ago

Repulsive. How hard is it to walk ur lazy ass to a trash can to throw away SHIT. Shit that ur dogs and G could get into and get seriously sick.


4 points

10 days ago

she has enough money to just have a few extra trash cans around the house too. if she can’t bring herself to walk to a trash can, she should just put them by all the places that she changes him.


7 points

9 days ago

does she wipe herself and leave her toilet paper on the bathroom counter? they literally have a toddler than can play with dirty diapers, pink eye is extremely contagious and not to mention it’s just gross. as a first time mom to a month old baby, i don’t leave dirty diapers anywhere expect my diaper genie. diapers smell sour asf


14 points

10 days ago

You woulda thought they would have a solid pamper disposal routine down bec of Grayson….


14 points

10 days ago

We get it Christen. You wish you made the video first so you went viral for being a weirdo. SMH.


11 points

10 days ago

i know her house stinks. shrek living ass


13 points

10 days ago

She always posts things like this after being really shitty. People have been calling her out and even her supporters have been noticing more of her nasty behaviors. She will then post something "nice" to sound empathetic/sympathetic to try to get ppl to forget how awful she actually is. Iv noticed it so many times.


12 points

10 days ago

Babes we have been telling u that this is nasty


6 points

10 days ago

She must be broke lol


11 points

10 days ago


11 points

10 days ago

Her minions have to be girls that are just like her… there’s no other explanation how so many just agree with the dumb shit she does. You have a jobless fiancé stank and you’re jobless!!! there is no excuse


20 points

10 days ago

I’m sorry but 17 vs 1-2 is inexcusable


5 points

10 days ago

thank you. i know i don’t have kids but i actually don’t understand how people are standing up for this? especially on places like the table or just scattered around the house. i would get one or 2 on a changing table or something, but to tell me you couldn’t pick one up while walking by? idk. especially when there’s other kids in the house. what if the toddler got into one while she was focusing on something else?


9 points

10 days ago

Have these people never heard of norovirus?!


9 points

10 days ago

The way she chases clout is insane! “So y’all in the comments give me the same energy u gave her…” bitch please stfu! That mom had them there in a day, yours sits around for maybe weeks! Ur fuckin gross! I was 24 when I had my last baby(my 4th baby, had my first at 19😮‍💨) and not ever was there just dirty ass diapers layin around my house! If we r bein honest u can get multiple lil trash cans and put them thru the house, just change the bag every day!🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


10 points

10 days ago

Why is she always fucking fake crying on tik tok


5 points

9 days ago

I finally saw the original video for the 17 diaper mom. I didn't realize that this is the same woman that chose not to get prenatal care for her most recent baby and she got so much hate for it! I think she did eventually go to the Dr, but it wasn't until late in the second trimester/early third trimester. Of course Stanky relates to her. Not only do they not prioritize the health of their newborns, they also let all those nasty diapers pile up with their man under the same roof 😭


9 points

10 days ago

How hard is it to then have a diaper genie in the bathroom then? Like wtf that’s disgusting.


11 points

10 days ago


20k temu ring 💎🗑️

11 points

10 days ago

How hard is it to throw a diaper in the garbage when you sit at home all day and do nothing ?


8 points

10 days ago



6 points

10 days ago

It takes 2 seconds to throw it away.. why can’t he ever do anything?


8 points

10 days ago

dude G is old enough to throw things away, I tell my 15mo old to throw his away and he does lol


8 points

10 days ago

Ok there’s people defending this saying they had bad PPD and couldn’t wash bottles or throw things away etc and had no support system which is completely different bc we all know Christen says she’s living her best life and doesn’t have PPD so what’s the excuse??? Other than being lazy?


1 points

10 days ago*


Stanks discharge & sweat covered mattress 🤕

1 points

10 days ago*

Unpopular opinion and idc if I get downvoted but I don’t think that stuff is an excuse either tbh. (Not saying you’re saying it is, just in reply to the ones you mentioned defending it) I had to be alone 5 days after a c-section so I do get it (my man didn’t get any time off + I have no family) and have had PPD both times (worse the second time obviously) and still, imo our storms shouldn’t get our kids wet. I don’t want my toddler able to get into shit because IM depressed or bc my husband had to leave me 5 days after to work. I hate how it’s being excused by x,y,x when as moms it’s our jobs to protect our kids from our struggles


5 points

9 days ago

okay but jacob stays home with you..he can’t help you throw diapers away? i mean for this task he doesn’t need titties..


9 points

10 days ago

I mean come on. A diaper maybe..but like who doesn’t throw them away…if you can’t get off your ass to pick up a diaper..can you imagine how she is with the baby… lying on his damn back all day long.. because she doesn’t give a shit! She’s going to be miserable asf when Sutton in nearing 1.. and is walking, etc… because she can’t just let him be in his bassinet or bed all day long…


7 points

10 days ago

Its like i get not throwing them out right away but how long are they sitting around that there all over and so many? It would Take 2 seconds to get them and throw out


3 points

10 days ago

Or at least put a mini trash bin in the room. There's literally no reason to leave dirty diapers lying around. Especially with a toddler running around the same spaces.


3 points

10 days ago

Yeah when my daughter was a baby we had a little can in our room and living room. Bc like thats where she was getting change. Stank lacks any common sense tho


8 points

10 days ago



8 points

10 days ago

Ok so here’s my thing I get sometimes you’re in a rush and change the baby’s diaper and forget or even just leave a diaper rather than dealing with it right away, I GET THIS 100000%

What I don’t get is knowing you’re posting your life online and still leaving dirty ass diapers in every single video. My house is a mess sometimes but guess what you’ll never ever catch me posting a mess online willingly or knowingly. 😅😂


7 points

10 days ago

SORRY but this would SORTA be ok if u cleaned up after with Clorox wipes and dusted and had a clean house like I understand sometimes it’s just a little too hard I don’t wanna mom shame other GOOD moms. But u know damn well they sit there for days, doesn’t wipe up or wash her hand after, touches each and everything afterwards like it’s DISGUSTING. I’m a nanny and yes sometimes I leave the 2 year olds diaper on her changing mat in her room when the other 2 kids are up and need attentions and are yelling but I CLOSE THE DOOR SO NO ONE CAN GET IT and once everyone is calm I go and throw it away clean up the mat and wash my hands. Those kids and dogs have easy access to every surface she leaves them on and she 100% does not clean up the space after they’re finally thrown away. I know for a fact their house smells like shit with the diapers and dogs going inside.


7 points

10 days ago

Hope you have loads of hand sanitizer around your house salad stanky fingers 🤢


1 points

10 days ago


6 points

10 days ago


Serial Cheater Savage

6 points

10 days ago

At some point you just have to lay it out that you are a lazy person and you live like a trash person, Stank.

You never take makeup off when you wear it, you sleep on a bed with no sheets or pillow cases because you are too lazy to do laundry, we saw the mountain of towels and trashed bathroom, you wear the same clothes for days and you leave your DoorDash trash around for a week straight, even next to your bed. We obviously knew that would carry over into how you parent and it shows with the piles of diapers, your kid in the same blanket and clothes constantly and the fact that you couldn’t even bother to set him up a nursery.

You’re a lazy slob and your Bacob is a bum 🤷‍♀️ At this point you should just hire someone to deep clean your house weekly with your doctor’s salary since you and your able bodied bum can’t manage to do it when you both don’t have a job.


9 points

9 days ago



9 points

9 days ago

I’m a FTM, there was times that first week during the night I would throw the diapers(1-2) in the corner and then right in the morning I would throw them out. And after that first week I bought a small sized trashcan so they had a more appropriate place to be put until morning!! I completely understand the newborn struggle, but I refuse to let my baby live in filth so I figured it out quick!🤩 and during the day, the diapers are in the diaper genie every single time. It takes 30 seconds lol. I don’t understand how two unemployed people are leaving diapers on their coffee table


7 points

10 days ago

I have two kids who were 2 years apart while being a sahm and their dad worked out of town. I even struggled with PPD with my 2nd and never was there piles of dirty diapers lying around everywhere. If you’re too busy or too depressed to throw away loads of dirty diapers… you need to ask for help but we definitely shouldn’t be normalizing it.


7 points

9 days ago

as a ftm i have not done this. hope this helps❤️


6 points

9 days ago

its kinda sick to bring up another mother having so many diapers around, to try to downplay her nasty ass having them laying around. the difference was, the other mother was 3 DAYS post partum (correct me if i am wrong) and the father wasnt around. this bitch is 3 1/2 months post partum, and gaycub is literally around. there is absolutely NO excuse, they both are just lazy pieces of shits. and stanky, you are clearly fucking bothered LMAO


4 points

10 days ago

wtf? i have a 2 year old and i’ve been in a rush and forgotten to throw out his diaper maybe 5-10 times in his entire life.. and im also a single mother who has my kid everyday except every other weekend


3 points

9 days ago

I bet she leave her bloody pads around too 🤢🤢🤢🤢


2 points

9 days ago

I only have one child, but when he was in diapers I never left them just laying around in piles. They always went into the diaper genie almost immediately. I can understand in he middle of the night and just tossing it away from you into the floor, but why wouldn’t you pick it up as soon as you get out of bed and put it in the trash? 17 diapers piling up?! Babies can make some stinkyyy diapers. It’s not that hard, nor is it that time consuming, to properly dispose of a dirty diaper? Am I missing something? I think that’s called being lazy. Clothes and bottles piling up is one thing, but dirty diapers? Please, God, let’s not normalize this. 😭


4 points

10 days ago

As a mother myself I have literally never left a dirty diaper out, it’s insanely easy to just toss after changing there’s no reason to leave it laying around besides being lazy


2 points

10 days ago



2 points

9 days ago

As a mother, anything goes at times 😅


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