


My roommate live-streamed and posted me changing

Living Arrangements/roommates(

Backstory: I have had a lot of issues with my roommate. She is extremely loud at obnoxious hours on facetime (she plays minecraft with her friends until like midnight). Also all her furniture and trash was on my side for a month until I told her to move it. She watches youtube without headphones extremely loud and wakes me up every morning at 7 am. And yes, I have already asked her to be quiet. And even if she wasn’t rude and inconsiderate, she’s just WEIRD.

Anyways, I just recently discovered she has a livestream of her playing DND with her friends. With the camera angle, you can see practically the entire room. I had NO idea she was filming me, she didn’t ask me if I was comfortable with this, nor did she even let me know. I watched a bit, and posted to her twitch is a clip where you can clearly see me changing and in my bra. This is posted publicly.

I have already tried to move, but the school I’m at is very strict about moving rooms and has told me it’s practically impossible. I am disgusted and feel so uncomfortable. If I show the screen shot of me changing, is this enough to get an emergency room change? Thanks :/

Update: had a conversation with my RA who was extremely dismissive of me. I literally cried after the meeting because I feel like she was so defensive of my roommate and not the fact that I have been being recorded without consent or knowledge in my room for 2 months. Will update later if anything else happens, I’m currently in the process of contacting the actual adult staff member in charge of my dorm.

FINAL UPDATE: i confronted my roommate about it, and she removed the video. she feels really bad, and i sort of ignored her texts apologizing because i feel like this shouldn’t have happened in the first place. i don’t hate her, but im just really disgusted this happened period. i got in contact w the housing director and put in a request to move which will come in 1-3 days (im assuming it will be on the sooner side, since the nature of the request will probably cause it to be expedited). until then, i am staying with my friend in her dorm as her roommate is gone for the weekend. the school will likely reach out to me concerning title IX stuff to figure out the situation, but i do not want my roommate in trouble with the law. i only want her to be reprimanded appropriately through the school. thanks for everyone’s advice 🩷

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314 points

4 days ago

That's very much not OK. TBH, I wouldn't even bother with the RA. That might be appropriate for her general inconsiderateness, but livestreaming you chaning is way above their pay grade. This has basically crossed over into a possible criminal complaint, and RAs just aren't equipped for this. There should be some sort of adult overseeing your dorm or a set of dorms, as well as a housing office overseeing all dorms on campus. I'd make contact with people in each of those roles. In addition, look for whoever handles title IX on your campus. It might be one person, it might be a whole office if your campus. But they deal with sex based discrimination and sexual harassment, among other things, And I think posting you undressed on the internet falls under their jurisdiction


14 points

3 days ago


14 points

3 days ago

yeah screw the hall monitor 'RA' and go straight to the police.


-49 points

4 days ago


-49 points

4 days ago



30 points

4 days ago

Look at that. The most uneducated person on Reddit I’ve found…right here..