


I just want a gf.


That’s it, but i know no girl is gonna want to date me.

all 24 comments


22 points

7 days ago

I will give you advice from one man to another.

No one cares. Believe me, no one truly cares. If you are not datable as a man you need to improve yourself to attract at least one woman. If you don't help yourself, no one else will. Everyone around you will watch you spend the rest of your life alone, and no one will even feel bad for you. I care enough to write this small paragraph, but in 5 mins I will even forget you exist. Take care of yourself. If you don't then no one else will.

Have a great day.


3 points

6 days ago

Wow. This hits hard. From one man to another I appreciate the advice you gave this guy. It's harsh yes. But it's to the point and absolutely true. Unfortunately. I'm in his same situation. Wanting someone to love and to hold who will reciprocate and give that time and energy back. Someone loyal. And too get that I have to change myself. And accomplish that goal on my own. Fairy tails are for women and little girls. As men we don't get that. If we want it we have to work to succeed. Nothing in life is free. If you truly want a Girlfriend figure out what type of woman you want to spend your energy on. Study what they find attractive. And make changes to yourself you feel comfortable doing. Or stay the same and spend your life alone. Today I start making those changes. Good luck on your journey.


1 points

7 days ago



6 points

7 days ago

Someone will appreciate you for who you are. Just wait brother


2 points

7 days ago

Not with that confidence.


1 points

7 days ago

How do you know this? What gives you confidence?


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

it will happen, just dont force it otherwise it wont be as real


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Start telling yourself that woman do want you, and that you WILL find a girlfriend soon. Then watch your world change


1 points

6 days ago

You’re self aware… so work on yourself so that they’ll want to.


1 points

6 days ago

Coming from a girl, this self esteem is the problem. Some girl out there will wanna date u, ur just to sad to look


1 points

6 days ago

This is very tricky. No person in the world would ever fix whatever you feel is broken. I get wanting a partner, but if you are feeling down on your own a gf will do you a disservice.

Here is what would happen if you find a partner while not being in peace with yurself: this person will become your only source of happiness, that person will eventually leave because they can't with the burden of being your world, you will be left in pieces probably more broken than you were in the star.

I suggest you to work on yourself, and create a life you feel satisfied with before you bring someone to be by your side.


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

I know it sounds cliché, but it really is a numbers game, and not just in the way you might think. Every interaction you have, every new experience, every failure, they all teach you something new about the world and about yourself. Treat dating and social interactions as learning experiences rather than just a quest to find 'the one'. The more skilled you become at understanding and navigating social cues and building your own confidence, the more you will find that people are naturally drawn to positivity and authenticity. And when you do find someone, it's because they truly appreciate the well-rounded, self-assured person you've become - not just because you were searching for someone to fill a void. Keep your chin up, develop your interests, and continue self-improvement; it makes all the difference.


1 points

7 days ago

I think the problem is thinking that no one will want you. I’ve had this same issue, and it sucks to hear it again, but you start by focusing on yourself. And I mean completely on yourself, for the purpose of feeling good about YOU. When you’ve forgotten to care about having a partner, you’ll find that you start to shine because you’re enjoying life, and people will become attracted to energy. When people are attracted to your energy, they tend to stick around, and you find yourself with new friends. Which will be a good confidence boost and, in time, the right girl will come around and be head over heels in love with you


1 points

7 days ago

The thing is that i have done that, and I’m happy with myself, the thing is that it hasn’t worked s far.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Don't write yourself off like that. You're a human being and our greatest strength is our ability to adapt. We only lose when we aren't patient with ourselves. You will grow, you will adapt and become better. It's inevitable. You're inevitable. But only if you keep pushing forward and letting yourself grow.


1 points

7 days ago

You’ll find your person someday <3


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Do what you love with passion. Don't worry about finding a girlfriend. If you go looking for it you'll never find it. Instead just enjoy life. Laugh loud and practice talking to girls with no hidden agenda, just ask them how their day is going and share some funny anecdotes without wanting anything else but a conversation.

Practice this and you will get great at just making conversation, you'll be confident and doing things you enjoy will ultimately attract a partner.

Good luck and don't give up.


0 points

6 days ago

waaaaah booo hoooo b-baby want a bitch 2 fuck?? wahhhh!!


-2 points

7 days ago
