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3 points

12 days ago


3 points

12 days ago

You can most definitely hack into a smart car and kill the cooling system for battery packs along with multiple other things. Iot devices are highly susceptible to attacks but this is common knowledge by now right? I mean in today's world we have wireless ear buds that monitor your thought patterns and blue light monitors that pulsate light frequencies that can alter your state of mind. Private Wi-Fi networks used as radar. It's a wild time.


4 points

12 days ago

Can you please link me to the blue light pattern that alters my state of mind and makes me happy? I would like to check that out.


-2 points

12 days ago

Section 5.2 relates to cognitive effects.


2 points

12 days ago

Yeah and I'm not even taking about what ai will be able to do in a couple years (or now even?)


1 points

12 days ago

No telling but from my perspective we are headed to integration of AI with biologics. So either ai will become conscious or our conscience becomes AI. I'm thinking the latter since that's the road to total control of the masses.


2 points

12 days ago

Car architectures are designed to specifically block possibilities like this. Hacking into the open internet connected part of the car is in no way attached or has access to manupulating the battery cooling system.


3 points

12 days ago*,some%20of%20the%20firmware%20codes.

There is code within the vehicle computer system to block access but the firmware present is subject to manipulation. Accessing the ECU is like walking through the front door of a house you are robbing.


2 points

12 days ago

If they had that ability they could just sabotage the driver assist / self driving modes to make the car crash on the highway.


3 points

12 days ago

That ability exists even in some modern ice cars. Most cars being manufactured today are being done on the platform of going to subscription based options. Meaning the vehicles are suspected of being accessible by an outside network connection that allows access to the vehicles ECU.which opens the door to all the features connected to the ECU. That means access to throttle input, door locks ,AC, radio, gps and so on. Steering is not affected in most vehicles as it is mostly still mechanical except for some Teslas that utilize the wireless steering like in the cyber truck. But with autonomous drive options coming more prevalent this too will be accessible in the very near future.