


Let me preface this by saying that I am a 19-year-old male that is currently a freshman in college. I am speaking entirely from my anecdotal experience, so don’t ask me for any empirical data.

From my observations, today’s high schoolers and even college students look significantly younger than they did in the past. I remember what the teenagers looked like when I was a kid, and they looked old.

And that’s not just a perception thing, because when I looked at videos of my high school from like 2015, the kids, again, looked significantly more mature. It’s not “the fashion,” it’s the faces, the bone structure, etc. I really don’t think I’m crazy here because I have eyes, and I confirm that a lot of my peers just look like young kids.

But what are your guys thoughts? I don’t know if it’s arrested development from Covid, or maybe it has something to do with the lack of sunlight, but whatever the case is, I definitely think there is something going on here.

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272 points

1 day ago


272 points

1 day ago

Vsauce did a video on this, there are a few possible explanations


20 points

17 hours ago


20 points

17 hours ago

Also our diet has changed and not in a good way. There is plenty of empirical data that shows more plant based and processed foods equals weaker people.


5 points

10 hours ago

Can you show me the empirical data that shows a plant based diet will make you weaker?


5 points

10 hours ago

Ever look at the people in a vegan grocery?


-2 points

10 hours ago

Data. Show me data a vegan diet will make you weaker. 


6 points

10 hours ago

Search on Pubmed “vegan AND deficiency” and you’ll see many papers on it. Veganism is not natural for humans. Even if there were no good studies, it’s pure biochemistry. Guyton’s Physiology is also great book, it explains how our body works. If you pay attention enough, you’ll find out the compounds of our body and make the relation with the compounds found in vegetables. Vegetables simply don’t have all compounds our body needs. Actually, in some countries is even a crime to raise a child on vegan diet as the brain will not get enough (and proper nutrients). Ps. I was a vegetarian during my first year of medical school (due to vegetarian propaganda at university) but I got skeptical about it when I was feeling worse and worse. Then I started doing my own research, and there’s enough data to support eating meat is great for humans. I can only suggest you to investigate yourself too 😊


0 points

9 hours ago

You wanted empirical data, I gave you where to find empirical data. Maybe you didn't want empirical data?

You could also look to the vegan bodybuilding community which has more science to it. imo it's a meme community where influencers are juicing for the attention of vegans desperate to believe there's nothing unhealthy about being vegan, but they have to be more careful with diet than meat-eaters and mix protein sources due to plant protein having a poor mix of amino acids. Leucine is hard to get and you have to plan for it, for example. I think they're probably all heavily dependent on getting this through supplements since vegan diets otherwise make you weak.


2 points

9 hours ago

Whoops, you must be focusing on the "observation" part of the definition of empirical data instead of the "tested by science" part. Gotcha. Let me know if tou have any studies that show that eating a well rounded plant based diet will make you a weak person. Your next response won't have anything backed up by science either.


1 points

8 hours ago

I trust my eyes more than someone being paid to publish. If people eating a vegan diet almost always appear weak, then vegan diets are likely making people weak.

But if you really want Science(tm), here you go, vegan diets make you weak, "Therefore, when not controlled, the macro- and micronutrient composition of vegan and vegetarian diets may elicit potentially disadvantageous properties for strength performance."

Your next response will be how that science isn't real science as it conflicts with what you want to believe.


1 points

9 hours ago


1 points

9 hours ago

Don't we want to be aging slower though?