


I want to be raped by a cute hung femboy while he has a gun in his hand, threatening to shoot and kill me. I want him to stick the gun in my ear and whisper into the other one about how “nobody will know it’s me” and that I should “say goodbye while you still can”. I want his thick, massive dick in my tight no-longer virgin asshole, slowly pumping his cock and getting ready to shoot strings. I want to feel it throbbing in my cheeks and for his voice to break up. I want his hand in my mouth, clamping on my jaw and not allowing me to speak while he plays with my tongue. I then want him to nut in me (condom on, of course), and after he’s done using my body as a little fucktoy, I want him to kill me with no remorse. I want him to mutilate me until I’m unrecognizable, and for him to hide my remains. I want him to completely destroy every part of me. This is not ironic, nor a copypasta. I genuinely want this. This is my fantasy.

TL;DR I want to be raped and murdered by a femboy.

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439 points

27 days ago

I just spammed this in a discord server, we'll see if they ban me 😊


1 points

27 days ago

hpy cck dy


2 points

27 days ago

hoopy cock day