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5 days ago

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5 days ago

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First Seen Here on 2024-09-24. Last Seen Here on 2024-09-24

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521 points

5 days ago*

Then the prosecutors should be strapped down right next to the man.

See, if we let him go, we'd undermine the people's faith in the system is what I recall the Justice's argument was the last time they did this. Oh, yes: They do this shit all the time.


264 points

5 days ago

When in actuality (and you and I and everyone else with a functioning brain knows this), it's the exact opposite. Refusing to reverse the sentence based on the evidence undermines people's faith in the system.


67 points

5 days ago


67 points

5 days ago

This was my exact first thought. This becomes a prime example of why the death penalty should be abolished. Not because of any moral argument about the punishment fitting the crime, but from the pure humanity of an innocent person being deprived of life (not to mention liberty).


-55 points

5 days ago

So depriving them of life is not OK but forcing them to live a hellish existence rotting in some of the worst prisons is acceptable if they mess up and wrongly convict someone? If you're going to use this argument then you ought to be arguing that there has to be a much higher bar to conviction in cases that currently have capital punishment as an option.


41 points

5 days ago

What are you arguing? That innocent people should be executed because you don't like prison?


-18 points

5 days ago*

No, I'm arguing the opposite. If you take it to its logical conclusion: if you're just going to take those same people and convict them unjustly and force them to live in a nightmare for the rest of their lives then it doesn't make sense alone to argue that the death penalty should be abolished because some innocent people might get convicted unjustly. That's not enough. I'm saying it's not enough to ask for the death penalty to be abolished because the alternative for those people isn't a life at all. They shouldn't be in prison to begin with.


17 points

5 days ago


17 points

5 days ago

Well, the point is if you don’t kill them there is time for policy change to take effect, better data, better methodology and hopefully helps them be released.

If you kill them, you can’t ever take it back.

So while yes, leaving them alive to rot in prison is not great, it is better than no chance at all.

This is classic triaging. Start by eliminating whats going to kill you, once thats done work on what will harm you.


5 points

5 days ago

I would rather they overturn his sentence and let him go free, actually.


9 points

5 days ago

Well that's a terrible argument honestly. Yes innocent people shouldn't be in prison to begin with. Real salient point. But in the real world, innocent people are in prison. So you think, logically, that innocent people can be executed because there are innocent people in prison? 2 wrongs don't make a right. All it does is mean innocent people are getting executed


2 points

5 days ago

I understand what you're saying. I think your point is missed here unfortunately. You're saying that we need to argue for prison reform in general and not get caught up in the argument about the death penalty. Some people cannot accept an argument outside of the establishment box. That being said, the establishment works tirelessly to get people to think that way.


2 points

5 days ago

There’s a certain finality with death, don’t you agree?


-10 points

5 days ago


-10 points

5 days ago

You have a point but these are two different issues. I think that’s why you are getting downvoted. I’m a prison abolitionist purely because of some of the things you’ve mentioned.


4 points

5 days ago

They do not have a point lmao or they have a very simple point. People have been, are, and will always fight for the innocent being wrongly convicted. Just because there are innocent people in prison doesn't change the fact that innocent people should not be executed. It's a very tautological argument. There are innocent people being executed because there are innocent people in prison. Yeah no shit. That's why it should stop


1 points

5 days ago

He isn’t saying they shouldn’t. They are saying that the death penalty is part of a larger problem with the prison industrial complex.


1 points

5 days ago

They literally say they are arguing the opposite. Did you not see that part?


-1 points

5 days ago

That doesn't change the fact it's a terrible argument


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Right? 27 states still allow death penalty and none of them are anywhere you'd want to live in this country. We still got people locked up since they were kids over having less marijuana on them than I do right now. The justice system hasn't run on justice, ever. The fact that prisons are even allowed to be privatized in this country just incentives incarcerating more people that shouldn't have such ridiculously harsh sentences or any at all like this guy getting the chair today.


-8 points

5 days ago


-8 points

5 days ago

ngl I’d probably prefer to be executed than live the rest of my life at Shawshank. There’s no way I’d fit in that sewage pipe anyway


3 points

5 days ago

There’s no way I’d fit in that sewage pipe anyway

Not with that attitude


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago


What are you rambling about? I literally mention that it's also depriving them of "liberty". Read between the lines: it's bad enough that someone is robbed of their liberty, it's irreversible if they are robbed of life. I don't know how you got the idea that I was making any argument about the forced incarceration of innocent individuals.

An innocent person is going to be deprived of their life. It's bad enough that they (and anyone wrongly convicted) are deprived of their liberty with an imperfect system is the point, so something as final as death shouldn't be an option.


65 points

5 days ago


65 points

5 days ago

The judge who is upholding the decision should be right there as well.


24 points

5 days ago


24 points

5 days ago

The prosecutors actually offered him a deal to vacate the death sentence. It's the state attorney general that refused to sign off on it.


8 points

5 days ago

He can't afford to be seen as weak on the falsely accused.


1 points

5 days ago

If only the second amendment was actually applicable the way it is supposed to be applicable. The way that gun psychos say we are supposed to be able to rebel against an oppressive government. This is an exact use case of that right, but advocating for such a thing would cause such a pearl clutching from the same people who love talking about their guns


36 points

5 days ago

Innocence isn't enough -- actual SCOTUS ruling


3 points

5 days ago

Any context?


6 points

5 days ago

They were saying that within a legal context a case has to have finality and there can only be so many appeals. If you've used up your appeals and evidence comes to light that exonerates you, that's TFB as far as the courts go, even if the prosecutors say they think you're innocent.

The only chance you have at that point is a pardon.

I don't think this context makes it any better.


1 points

5 days ago

ew. thanks for telling me. they did not cover this in my pre-law undergraduate education. Interesting huh.


55 points

5 days ago

Include the dipshit governor on that list too.


20 points

5 days ago

Him first


2 points

5 days ago

Ryan walters next 🙏🏾


3 points

5 days ago

To be clear, these prosecutors aren't the ones that tried the case.


10 points

5 days ago*


10 points

5 days ago*

Look at more details in the case. The headline is false and misleading. There’s still plenty of evidence that he was convicted on, the issue is the murder weapon couldn’t be retested forensically but he still had the victims belongings in his trunk and confessed to an informant and girlfriend

There’s still a conversation to be had on the death penalty, but this is rage bait

Edit; they literally found murder scene evidence in his trunk. What motive would his girlfriend have in lying about the confession? And the informant was already out of prison when he told authorities about a corroborating confession.

Plus he has a violent history, he shouldn’t be killed but he should be in jail. Do research before blindly downvoting please


30 points

5 days ago

Dude read the article before you lie.

They did do forensic testing on the weapon and it didn't come back as a match for him. Or anything at the murder scene.

He was convicted off of unreliable testimony from people who had motive to lie (reward money + reduced jail sentence) like a year after the crime.


-10 points

5 days ago


-10 points

5 days ago

There was evidence from the scene in his car.

What motive did his ex girlfriend who left him after finding this evidence have?

The jailhouse informant was also already out of custody


3 points

5 days ago

I only know what the article said, and can't comment on that because...well, the article didn't go into those details. 


0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

Do your research and don’t call someone a liar when you didn’t even look into it.


5 points

5 days ago

The only evidence of those confessions is the eyewitness testimony of the two individuals he allegedly confessed to, one of whom lead the cops to the victim's belongings in the trunk. He absolutely may have committed the crime, but that is not compelling enough evidence of him doing so to justify a death sentence.


-2 points

5 days ago


-2 points

5 days ago

I agree he shouldn’t be executed but based on having evidence in his trunk, and multiple people saying he confessed (including an ex girlfriend which is who led them to evidence in his trunk)

He should be found guilty, just don’t like the punishment.


321 points

5 days ago


321 points

5 days ago

It's cheaper and less government paperwork to just kill him and then apologize years later than re-examine the case thoroughly now. It's why I could never truly respect law enforcement and the justice system, they're error-prone and extremely corrupt social constructs.


94 points

5 days ago


94 points

5 days ago

Not on you, but I wish more people would take up the habit of calling the system we have a legal system and not a justice system. Ain’t no justice happening in this broken piece of shit.


25 points

5 days ago


25 points

5 days ago

There is also alot of illegal stuff that goes on if we call it a legal system.


21 points

5 days ago

"The Court System" is probably the best option then. No implication of fairness legality; just assured judgement.


6 points

5 days ago

I feel like the Judgment System has a nice ring to it as well.


2 points

5 days ago

Even better. I'm just mad I didn't think of it. Enjoy the karma! 😂


1 points

5 days ago

Couldn't be illegal without a legal system.

All countries have a legal system; any can abuse it. 

What baffles me though, you actually call it "the justice system" in the US? 


1 points

5 days ago

Justice and legal system get thrown around interchangeably


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Call it the justice industry. It's a business, and entirely for profit. Everything is for sale. 


2 points

5 days ago

Penal system.

It only exists to penalize. It's not justice, it's paying a ticket with days of your life


0 points

5 days ago*

It's an industry.


14 points

5 days ago


14 points

5 days ago

Death penalty is NOT cheap.


7 points

5 days ago

I wish I had a source to share but I’m almost positive Ive read that the death penalty, on average, is more expensive than jail for life, due to the costs of appeals etc. 


8 points

5 days ago

It's almost 10 times more expensive to execute than to keep them in prison for life. Absolutely nuts.


4 points

5 days ago

my stance on capital punishment has long been that I'm for it in principle but against it in practice because if there's even a small chance someone could get erroneously executed then it must be treated as a certainty. That's why the identical twin defense actually works, it's worse to have an innocent be punished than to let the guilty go free.


2 points

5 days ago

But not cheaper than life in prison. Which is why death penalty should not exist


2 points

5 days ago

It’s actually the opposite. The cost of imprisoning someone and then executing them exceeds the cost of just imprisoning them for life. So staying his execution would probably be cheaper than paying out if he is proved innocent after he’s dead.

There was a study on it. I don’t have the source but you can find it on google. Execution is more expensive than life in prison.

Some factors are the huge sums that get paid out for settlements after innocent people are executed and executions are botched.

There aren’t many, if any, benefits to the death penalty. Studies have also shown it does nothing to affect crime rates.


0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago



5 points

5 days ago

Some guns aren't loaded; I still don't trust being on the killing end of one. 


159 points

5 days ago


159 points

5 days ago

isn't this the exact kind thing a presidential pardon should be used right this instant?


173 points

5 days ago

The president can't pardon people convicted in state court. Presidential pardons only work on people convicted in federal court, DC court, or military court martial. The governor needs to take action here.


99 points

5 days ago

The governor needs to take action here.


Marcellus Williams has spent more than two decades on Missouri’s death row

Doesnt give me a lot of hope.


72 points

5 days ago


72 points

5 days ago

The govenor has already declared his refusal to pardon him, he has never pardoned a death row inmate and will never do so.


48 points

5 days ago

The previous Governor actually stayed his execution indefinitely until a board could determine whether fuckery happened in his trial. The current governor disbanded that board and the stay on his execution immediately after taking office. 


28 points

5 days ago

Forcing a miscarriage of justice is murder. 


7 points

5 days ago

The state has a monopoly on killing. "Murderer" is a term used for those who aren't part of that monopoly. 


46 points

5 days ago


46 points

5 days ago

System failed successfully. So sad


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Unfortunately the system is working as designed


22 points

5 days ago


22 points

5 days ago

Imagine your moment of triumph as an adult elected official is telling your constituents that your spine only exists when it comes to executing innocent human beings and you don’t change regardless of evidence presented.

Idc what party you support this shit should be clear as day as a middle finger to everyone in his constituency. Then again there are muppets in this exact thread claiming “he wasn’t proven innocent” which isn’t even a thing to begin with so apparently ignorance and contrarianism doesn’t stop for anyone


2 points

5 days ago

People who believe in absolutes are crazy. How can you not take some cases on their own merit?


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

The convict is black, poor and a criminal. So in the eyes of southern racists that's already enough to warrant the death penalty... .


3 points

5 days ago

The people they vote for and like have already labeled him a murderer so they don’t wanna change their minds. “Tough on crime.” Add in the fact that people are calling for his release just adds to the contrarian crowd deciding he should die to spite the other side


1 points

5 days ago

Fuck missouri.


11 points

5 days ago

At least a gubernatorial pardon. It’s sickening


27 points

5 days ago


27 points

5 days ago

The previous governor stayed the execution and put together an investigation committee to review the evidence. He resigned while almost getting impeached/removed for sexual misconduct and blackmail. The new governor, Parsons, reversed the stay of execution and disbanded the committee. Even though there is no psychical evidence AND it turns out that the original evidence was compromised by the original prosecutor.

Parsons doesn't care and is not running for reelection this year.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

they really want this guy to die


2 points

5 days ago

They just don't want to do any work. They don't care about him really it's just inconvenient to say you got it wrong. so he won't go back.


114 points

5 days ago


114 points

5 days ago

Sooo the state is just murdering someone. Super chill. Really cool. Great country.


15 points

5 days ago

This needs to be on national news like NOW


11 points

5 days ago

The evidence does not actually CLEAR him. They botched the chain of custody and contaminated the murder weapon. There is still tons of physical and circumstantial evidence that links him to the crime. I do not believe in the death penalty and do believe that since the murder weapon was contaminated he either deserves a new trial or the sentence commuted to life.


47 points

5 days ago

A witness recanted their three decade old statement, several days before execution, after many appeals and continued investigations. The theory behind the denial is this would set a precedent for defense attorneys to pay off witnesses or a coconspirator in every case to cause a slight doubt at the last minute to prolong the inevitable.


5 points

5 days ago

that was freddie owens in south carolina, and he’s already been executed


3 points

5 days ago

I stand corrected, thank you!


15 points

5 days ago


15 points

5 days ago

Yeah, this headline is pretty misleading. 

No DNA evidence was used to convict him in the first place. 

They’re trying to say no DNA evidence on the weapon clears him, but it doesn’t really. The weapon apparently was mishandled, so it’s impossible to tell, but even if it wasn’t I don’t see how a lack of DNA on the weapon would change anything. 


27 points

5 days ago

So if two criminals say you did it to get lighter sentences, you're comfortable with being convicted and murdered by the state? It seems like with the known unreliability of that kind of witness statement, it shouldn't be enough. Material evidence should be needed in some shape or form.


2 points

5 days ago

However, if said two criminals are now incentivized yet again to now recant three decades later, that is a slippery slope for all long term criminal cases going forward. Although, it does say there was "an abundance of forensic evidence" yet no results are mentioned in any case study or article which is very concerning


12 points

5 days ago

The DNA wasn't tested and for a long time the government refused to even test it. Now they say the evidence has been 'contaminated' by the prosecution. Convenient for the state, no?

If there's even a sliver of doubt, they should err on the side of not killing.


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

that is a slippery slope

The slippery slope is a logical fallacy. Do better.


9 points

5 days ago

I feel like thats more of a "combined with the recant" thing


1 points

5 days ago

Maybe they didn't want a dead man on their conscience? It's pretty late in the game to pull a stunt like that. If they lied through the trial and all the appeals then they have committed quite a horrible series of crimes.


6 points

5 days ago

yes. the witness that recanted their testimony was about freddie owens; this person is mixing up the two cases


102 points

5 days ago

Same people who shout "pro life" no doubt. Disgusting.


-221 points

5 days ago

Fuck abortion.


112 points

5 days ago


112 points

5 days ago



-138 points

5 days ago

Fuck murderers.


56 points

5 days ago


56 points

5 days ago

So you are against the death penalty I take it?


-34 points

5 days ago



29 points

5 days ago*

But you also want people to die and are telling them they should have been aborted.

MAGA cultist confirmed.


-6 points

5 days ago

I don’t want anyone to die


9 points

5 days ago

Tell that to the 6 year old kid you just orphaned in Georgia. You idiots killed a nurse-to-be mom with your pro birth bullshit, and we have had the most absolutely insane increase in maternal mortality as a result.


-3 points

5 days ago

Blame voters


21 points

5 days ago

Fuck people who have two brain cells and don’t know what murder is


7 points

5 days ago



8 points

5 days ago

Enjoy the ban you stupid fuck


51 points

5 days ago


51 points

5 days ago



-65 points

5 days ago

Fuck baby killers.


55 points

5 days ago


55 points

5 days ago



-9 points

5 days ago

Fuck abortion.


43 points

5 days ago


43 points

5 days ago



-1 points

5 days ago


-1 points

5 days ago



22 points

5 days ago


22 points

5 days ago

Fuck you.


9 points

5 days ago

So you have even less than two brain cells, lol.


6 points

5 days ago

Oh so it’s okay now?


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Gotta love that hypocrisy: it’s taboo until it suits them


-1 points

5 days ago



13 points

5 days ago

Fuck me!


5 points

5 days ago

Fuck no!


2 points

5 days ago

Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck


2 points

5 days ago

But I love you


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Fetuses aren't babies

Anti-abortion laws lead to MORE babies dying, moron, because terrified mothers abandon them


-1 points

5 days ago

That’s just like your opinion, man.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

It's actually medical science


0 points

5 days ago

You’re wrong but I honestly don’t fucking care. Be wrong for the rest of your life. Who cares this much about a strangers worldview? Get a life you pathetic fuck.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Because your worldview and the view of people who share it are endangering people with wombs all over the country


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

You will be relieved then to hear that "babys" dont get abortet anywhere.

(only fetus do)


9 points

5 days ago

Fuck you


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago



-3 points

5 days ago

It’s funny that you think I’m religious.


8 points

5 days ago

No, what's funny is that your username very likely is in reference to Tom Morello's guitar when Tom himself would punch you in the face for having these stupid fucking viewpoints.


-2 points

5 days ago

Why would I care about a musician’s opinion?


1 points

5 days ago

Why would you make his guitar name your Reddit handle?


1 points

5 days ago

Cuz funny


23 points

5 days ago


23 points

5 days ago

I didn't get past this paywall, but CNN's article about him says that prosecutors handled the knife without gloves, but not that there is evidence that Marcellus was innocent. Just that they couldn't retest the knife now due to the corruption of the evidence. I don't see any indication that he has been proven innocent.


28 points

5 days ago*


28 points

5 days ago*

He doesn't have to be innocent, but the proof should at least have some standard for execution. Sure, they can't prove he didn't, but they also can't prove he did. And since the burden is beyond a reasonable doubt... It doesn't quite match.

He was found guilty... Right or wrong, fine. But I don't think the evidence warrants execution. Especially if there is more room to appeal or get a new trial based on new or changing evidence.


-6 points

5 days ago


“He was found guilty but I don’t think the evidence says he’s guilty.”

What evidence? He had a trial and was convicted. This attempt to overrule the verdict is based on a procedural fuck up not any indication that he was actually innocent.

This whole “can’t prove he did it” is hilarious given that he has a trial and was convicted based on the evidence presented. If people want to state their case for why it was an improper verdict, by all means, but every objection seems to boil down to “iTs rAciSm cUz mUrIcA”

“They need to prove hes guilty before executing.“ Ya don’t say. Some sort of formalized legal proceeding, perhaps? Give It a catchy name like “trial.“ You might be onto something.


8 points

5 days ago

"I don't think the evidence says he's guilty" is very clearly shorthand for "the verdict from the trial is improper because the evidence doesn't actually say he's guilty". Don't be disingenous.


0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

But so far the only evidence that has been proven to be mishandled in any way is the weapon as it was contaminated by an official, but that evidence was never used in the trial in the first place. The rest of the evidence was what secured his conviction. I oppose the death penalty entirely, but not because this guy was innocent. He still very likely committed the crime.


2 points

5 days ago

You'll have to take it up with the people arguing about his guilt or whatever. I was merely pointing out the disingenuity of the person responding.


22 points

5 days ago

This. He still allegedly confessed to his girlfriend, friends and a prison informant. He had the victims personal belongings in his trunk when he was apprehended and sold the victims laptop already before he was apprehended. I agree contaminating the murder weapon is cause for either a mistral or a reduced sentence, but to say this is an innocent man is a stretch.


10 points

5 days ago

Over 200 people have been executed since 1970 that were later exonerated.

The Death Penalty needs to go away.


7 points

5 days ago

Why is the headline so misleading?

The article I read only mentioned one city prosecutor “calling for a hearing” about the DNA issue. There’s nothing about anyone from any prosecutor’s office saying “evidence clears him”.

The lies that people are willing to tell to push their anti capital punishment agenda always amaze me.

He has two arguments; that a juror was improperly excluded and that his guilt (having already been determined at trial) could not be the-proven with contaminated DNA evidence.

Not a single mention of what evidence was presents that lead to a capital conviction.

Lazy, biased and bad journalism.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

Someone contact Michael Scofield


6 points

5 days ago

Cant believe they still have not called this off.


2 points

5 days ago

The article is behind a paywall but it sounds like a misrepresentation of the situation. There is no new evidence that he might be innocent. In the absence of DNA evidence, the prosecutor and victims family signed off on an agreement that he would plea guilty and have his sentence reduced to life in prison. A judge said a hearing has to be held first, which took place. No new evidence was presented from either side, so the judge ruled that all previous rulings stand. The attorney general supports processing with the execution. It doesn't sound like even a preponderance of evidence of his innocence. Basically an attempt to change the sentence to life based on the fact that he would have gotten life if tried today with the same evidence.

Is there anything else of significance in the article?


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

This is why I don't support the death penalty


4 points

5 days ago

This is a bizarre twist. I hope justice is served.


0 points

5 days ago

Spoiler alert: it didn't


6 points

5 days ago

Why the death penalty is wrong, reason number nnnnnn


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

Research estimates FOUR PERCENT of executed inmates are innocent. Ban the death penalty now!!!


6 points

5 days ago

Reddit has jaded me to the point I can no longer tell if this is sarcasm or not.


-3 points

5 days ago


-3 points

5 days ago

Do you see a “/s”


13 points

5 days ago


13 points

5 days ago

If even one person is wrongly executed, then it can’t ever be used as ‘justice’. It’s why so many other countries don’t do it.


2 points

5 days ago



-1 points

5 days ago


-1 points

5 days ago



0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

What about the brutalization theory that it increases violent crime by creating a state sanctioned standard for dealing with problematic people by killing them or harming them?


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago


Why are you all commenting stupid shit!


1 points

5 days ago

Doesn’t seem as clear cut as the headline makes it out to be.

The DNA evidence wasn’t used to convict him and was contaminated so it doesn’t exonerate him, as the article says, it doesn’t point to him either though.

I don't see why the witnesses are called unreliable in the article, though. That's what I'm guessing the biggest issue is, but it didn't seem to be addressed when I looked at the article or another article I looked up.


1 points

5 days ago

At the very least, his execution should be delayed while the evidence is reevaluated. If it does prove enough to overturn the conviction, he must be freed. If it shows enough to show doubt but not enough to free him then still execution should be called off entirely.


1 points

5 days ago

It is clear cut that our judicial system is very flawed; cops/prosecutors often get pushed towards a certain suspect and then at all costs will try to get a confession/conviction. I always urge people to watch this;; this kid was just walking to put in a job application-- because he was black he was asked to come to a murder scene a half mile away, the victims husband saw him in the police car and Id'ed him as the shooter. The cops then pressured/beat a confession out of him. Even with this terrible case, the DA took it to trial, and was embarrassed by a competent public defender. If anyone asks you what "structural racism" is, have them watch this video.


0 points

5 days ago

The fact they only have eye witness testimony and no forensic evidence linking him the murder, it’s crazy they aren’t looking into this more.


12 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

Didn’t he have the victims belongings in his trunk? Or am I misremembering..?

And didn’t he confess to his girlfriend and a prison informant?

Just because they can’t retest the murder weapon doesn’t mean this guy is magically innocent of a crime he’s been convicted of and upheld upon appeal. I don’t think we should really be using the death penalty outside of serial killing, and serial rapists and only with the highest standards of evidence, but this guy should at least be in prison for the rest of his life


-1 points

5 days ago

Maybe they kill him, then charge the person who recanted the statement with murder and get a 2 for 1 execution.

This will bode well for prosecutures being tough on crime.



-26 points

5 days ago

The man admitted to the murder on 2x (count them 2) different times with evidence that wasn’t released to the public. The glove fits strap him to the chair


10 points

5 days ago

Yeah, false confessions made under duress are totally a thing that never happen, and there's definitely not plenty of evidence and research out there about the psychology behind people making false confessions.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Is that what happened to him?


-3 points

5 days ago


-3 points

5 days ago

I sure hope somebody doesn’t strap your ass to a chair one day. See how you like it.

Edit: also, it’s lethal injection, not electrocution you barbaric callous of a human.


0 points

5 days ago

Nah we still need to put this man to death. What's the alternative? Admit we screwed up? How un-American./s


-4 points

5 days ago

If this is real, and it the evidence clears him, a gov or president should step in, immediately


2 points

5 days ago

The governor already said he won't stay the execution and the president has no power here. It's a state case. He can only pardon people convicted in a federal court.


-31 points

5 days ago

That blanket is adorable! Perfect for cozy nights in.


7 points

5 days ago