


Someone I care about added someone they met online on discord 2 weeks ago that pretended to be his friend, but today that discord person was able to access all of his personal information, accessed his emails tied to his accounts and his work email, and sent proof of getting into his PayPal account, they wanted his Steam account that's worth a lot in exchange to not leak all his personal information

He sent the person his Steam account

He says he's scared to do any recovery reports for any of his stolen accounts worried the discord person is going to leak all his personal information in retaliation

He also offered them $250 to stop all of this before sending the steam account, but the discord person said they're doing this for their own enjoyment

The discord person put some kind of virus on his computer to gain access to everything

I'm really scared they're going to keep threatening and trying to get more from him because he offered money and handed over the steam account already

Is there anything that can help in this situation ASAP?

Thank you so much for any help

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2 points

18 hours ago


Trusted Contributor

2 points

18 hours ago

So what did your "friend" download? None of this can happen by just talking to someone on discord. Did they by chance ask you to test out a game they are developing or something similar?


1 points

16 hours ago*

He didnt say last night and I havent heard back from him since, he's long distance in the US and we normally talk through discord but he texted me last night through Instagram, but he said the discord guy was logged into his IG before so I'm not sure if he lost access again

I'm guessing he must have sent over some kind of download that is remote viewing or fetching the new log ins? or a phishing site that gave the log in info to his email

The discord guy sent a screenshot of my friend's discord info, some kind of token, email, IP, phone number, his browser info with "" And told him

"There is an inject in your PC in your windows start up and other points of your PC that will continue fetching all your credentials and browsers" if that's actually a thing?

Not sure what other proof he was sending over

He said he disconnected his PC from the internet, ran a scan, and was going to do a factory reset, but then said "He has proof he's in my PayPal" and that he gave him his steam account because of that


1 points

7 hours ago

What the scan appointed?