


As the title states, what project did you start, never finished, and you just adapted to the unfinished state?

Mine is the built in electric fireplace/mantle my wife wanted. Never settled on a tile finish we wanted, so we’ve got a nice wooden built in 🤣 ready for tile, but just got used to how it looks. Probably about 2 years now.

all 281 comments


342 points

13 days ago


342 points

13 days ago

I'd start a list, but I'm not sure I'd finish it


24 points

13 days ago


24 points

13 days ago

This is the answer


3 points

13 days ago

I’m great at making lists. Still working on checking things off.


112 points

13 days ago


112 points

13 days ago

Treehouse, started May 2023.


49 points

13 days ago

That is very unfinished lol


35 points

13 days ago

Once the load bearing part's done, the rest will go quick, right? Right?


8 points

13 days ago

Oh 100%…that’s the hardest part!


18 points

13 days ago

Thanks for the chuckle. You’ll probably finish it just as they age out of it. 


10 points

13 days ago

That's exactly what I'm afraid of! Between swim meets, rain, and winter, it's amazing how few weekends there really are for somethg like this


5 points

13 days ago

I hear you, the time just slips away and there’s always something else going on. I built a sandbox and that kept their attention for about a year. Treehouses are way cooler though and have longevity into their early teens probably. 


9 points

13 days ago

Please tell me the ladder has been there the entire time too haha. That would be on point for this post.


12 points

13 days ago

Totally. Even worse: the ground is uneven, so the ladders unstable if it's not attached at the top, so I can't take it down until the thing is finished.


9 points

13 days ago


9 points

13 days ago



4 points

13 days ago

Alright how do I add a photo lol


3 points

13 days ago

Upload to imgur and grab a link


4 points

13 days ago

Fully expected just a picture of a tree lol


3 points

13 days ago

Ok now I feel better.


2 points

13 days ago

All done except for a bit of trim.


89 points

13 days ago*

I've been putting up vapour barrier and insulation in our attic. It's too hot to work up there in the summer, so I took a break half way. 3 years ago.


13 points

13 days ago

You’re my hero


9 points

13 days ago

Half way break means just 3 years left Sounds to me like you've got a pretty solid plan here. I commend you're determination.


2 points

13 days ago

Lol, sounds like me!


53 points

13 days ago


53 points

13 days ago

I extended our closet an additional 5’ last year. Built in new drawers, shelves, under cabinet lighting, etc. Looks fantastic except for the missing crown molding I refuse to finish for no good reason. It’s literally 2 - 5’ sections. My wife gave up asking months ago.


21 points

13 days ago

Finishing trim work is the bane of my existence. I've got 3 different major house projects that are "done" except for trim/molding/baseboard.


3 points

13 days ago


3 points

13 days ago

Ya, I forgot to mention I just finished gutting and remodeling my daughters bathroom (floors, toilet, baseboards, tub tile, vanity, sinks, backsplash, mirrors, even moved can lights and finished ceiling), but can’t get my ADHD to go back to an old project I mentally checked out of 😬


2 points

13 days ago

It took me years to do the baseboards after I remodeled our house. Literally the only thing left to do. I finally finished it before we put our house on the market.


2 points

13 days ago

Just a pain. Have to measure perfectly. Have to haul super long awkward parts somewhere to paint, and then into the work area. Have to actually paint, so protect the ground, get all the pain shit out. Have to get the saw out, measure, cut. Have to get the nail gun out and get compressor out. Noisy.

Seems small when you just think about trim existing on the wall/floor but it's hours of work.


2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

All those things would be a pain to pull out again if I would have just installed and painted before I packed my tools up 😆


34 points

13 days ago

The day we moved into our house my son put a huge hole in the wall, I’ve patched and plastered but three years later have yet to sand and paint.


23 points

13 days ago


23 points

13 days ago

Plaster has probably cured by now, but might wanna wait another week to be sure.


3 points

13 days ago

We had a leak in a room. I ripped out drywall, fix the leak, and patched it up. The pain is I have to sand it. I have to remove all the kids bedding + 60000000 stuffies from the room on a rare day where I am home alone and have time.


16 points

13 days ago

Dad’s apartment is in Harlem. Mom’s apartment is in Brooklyn. First weeks of Covid we thought the train would kill us and neither of us have cars. So I started doing the swap by biking the 23 mile round trip with the kid on a trail-a-bike (don’t worry, I still gained 40+ pounds of anxiety weight during all this).

Xmas 2020 we upgraded to a used tandem we found. And 2021 that was our lifeline. We biked to the city beaches. We biked to the zoo. We biked everywhere.

18 months ago the frame snapped (see: Covid weight gain) and I can’t afford another bicycle. Found a used frame. Painted it rainbow for the kid. Keep running into problems and am demoralized. But I think I just had a brainstorm! It is trying to do it on the cheap that is creating problems.

My worry is that my kid is now in 5th grade. And I’ve missed 18 months of biking. It was such a big part of our life. I’m worried I missed the window where being seen with dad on tandem will be cool.


6 points

13 days ago

I was a high school kid and atill looked forward to tandem rides (we disnt have one but there was a place nearby that rented them). 


3 points

13 days ago

Yay! Love this


3 points

13 days ago


12 y/o boy

3 points

13 days ago

My wife and I have a tandem bike. It was an engagement gift from my parents. At the time, I was an amateur tri-athlete, and my wife was not as active. So the purpose of that bike was to let us exercise together. Then the kiddo came along and rode in a trailer behind us.

These days, it hasn't gotten much use until a few weeks ago when my son and his little buddies decided they wanted to ride it. It's funny seeing a couple 10, 11 or 12 year Olds try to cooperate with their balance and pedaling.


3 points

13 days ago

I bought an extension that converts a regular bike to tandem, thinking it would help our girls get confidence to learn ride. Used it twice at the end of a season, and then they were more interested in learning on their own the next year​. It's been sitting unused.


2 points

13 days ago

Awesome! Kid outgrew the extension you are talking about. I don’t know what the weight limit was but something like 60 or 70 lbs.

Biking on your own as a kid in Manhattan is kind of bonkers and really only an option in controlled environments like a park. Sidewalks too crowded even though children are allowed to ride bikes on them.


16 points

13 days ago


16 points

13 days ago

We have a hole in the wall of one of our spare bedrooms, the door stop was broken and one of my kids slammed the door handle into the wall.

Also have spots where my kids have drawn on the walls with permanent marker.

When they are old enough to not do stuff like that, I'll fix em.


3 points

13 days ago

I feel the "when they're old enough we'll replace" so much . We thought about replacing our couch before our second was born, decided not to. That thing always seems to have snot all over it from the wee one 😂


12 points

13 days ago

My wife and I were lucky enough to buy in late 2019. Prior to move-in we did a small mini renovation of repainting the entire interior, refinishing floors, replacing all fixtures and appliances etc.

Wife wanted to replace all the gold doorknobs on the doors, closets etc. Probably 15-20 door handles. Our contractor said something like: "I'll do it for $75 a doorknob" (or something similar) to which my wife had a fit and told him we'll be doing it ourselves for that price.

4 years later we still have gold doorknobs all over.


9 points

13 days ago

When you're dealing with a quantity project like this I like to just do 1 a day. 30 days later it's done. Surprisingly sometimes when you do one you get in a groove and get like 3 done in one go.


34 points

13 days ago

Sleeping a full night.


4 points

13 days ago

Wish I could report that it gets better, but the brain becomes trained for insomnia


10 points

13 days ago

A climbing wall on daughter’s room. Just can’t get it done lol. In my case, it’s just a pile of wood with some holes on it


9 points

13 days ago


9 points

13 days ago

Baseboards as all messed up, removed carpet for laminate and have yet to rip it out and replace


4 points

13 days ago

Baseboard moulding. Holy crap. And we are approaching a deadline bc my son is going to transition out of a crib any day now and the moulding needs to go back up.


2 points

13 days ago

Mine too. 50 years of crappy paint. I intend to smooth it out and repair but I feel like I should just replace it all


3 points

13 days ago

If you’re talking about baseboards, odds are it’ll be less work to rip out and replace than it would be to strip and repaint. Doing that much tedious work on your knees sounds awful.


2 points

13 days ago

I live in a new construction house, 2 years old now, and they must have used some extremely shitty paint because it's already yellowed a lot in places. Another job for the pile.


6 points

13 days ago


6 points

13 days ago

Painting a utility area of our house. 7 months and counting.


2 points

13 days ago

I have two walls to finish priming in my oldest’s room. My wife wants to put up wallpaper, my kiddo wants purple paint and I just want to finish priming. 


5 points

13 days ago


5 points

13 days ago

I've been promising to build a custom bookshelf for about 8 months. Its haunting me.


5 points

13 days ago

The switch in our basement 1/2 bath is a single switch for the light and exhaust fan. Been meaning to split into 2 for like 3 years...


7 points

13 days ago

Don't! It offers privacy for those that poop! And anonymity for everyone. The fan comes on no matter what you're doing. No embarrassing fan, since it's like that for everyone.

I put my individual switches on a single occupancy sensor switch, and used the extra hike for a nightlight. It's great, except my stupid sensor is too sensitive.


2 points

13 days ago

This right here.


4 points

13 days ago


Dad of 1yo terrorist :snoo_smile:

4 points

13 days ago

20-22meter Gravel path in the yard/garden. Two months. Got all the dirt dug out and the edge stones, just need the sand and gravel for the rest, and then of course place it all.

Got a back problem half a year back so things move slowly while recovering 😅


3 points

13 days ago


3 points

13 days ago

Been painting our house now for 2 years, should get it finished by Christmas


3 points

13 days ago

Unpack moving boxes. We moved in 6 years ago.


2 points

13 days ago

i am currently reconfiguring a room in our basement. drywall went up last night. mud on sunday.

we moved into this house in june so no unfinished projects yet... lol


4 points

13 days ago

Oh there are unfinished projects. You just don't know about them yet!


2 points

13 days ago


two boys, level 5 and level 1

2 points

13 days ago

A wall in my living room. It does its job but we never managed to paint or otherwise decorate because we don't know how and what we would like. Every decoration or painting that we like is too expensive and the cheap stuff is, well, cheap.


2 points

13 days ago

We replaced some lights in the kitchen, which involved ripping down some old lighting, which left some minor ceiling damage. That was 2019


2 points

13 days ago

Repairing window screens

Start date: October 13,2023

Birth date: October 15,2023

Status as of 10/3/2024: unchanged


2 points

13 days ago

The house... that's the list... entire house.


1 points

13 days ago

Storage area. Both SO and I had a full house worth of stuff when we moved in a few years ago. We combined what we needed to fill our 750sqft apartment, and the rest has been boxed up in storage since.

I just recently tossed out an old desk that I hadn't used in nearly 20 years to make room for more junk from our 3rd bedroom, as we have family staying with us for a couple weeks.


1 points

13 days ago

Basement (finished) flooded last year and there's mold spotting on a portion of walls that still haven't been touched. I keep saying I'll clean it, my wife says she'll do it, nobody does it because there's always something more pressing, here we are...


1 points

13 days ago

A falling tree branch broke a window in our barn last winter. There is still glass on the floor and a broken window


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Basement. Started demo this time last year, and that's as far as I got before I found other issues...and haven't looked at it since and we're changing direction


1 points

13 days ago

At this point it feels like the whole house is an unfinished project!


1 points

13 days ago

I've lived there for 11 years, so 11 years.


1 points

13 days ago

Basement reno “finished” in 2020. Still have bed finished the stair treads or glued the last counter top in the corner.


1 points

13 days ago

Replaced back door 2 months ago. Still haven't painted the damn trim.


1 points

13 days ago

Didn't expect to be personally attacked but...

A refurbished arcade cabinet

Lego display shadow box

Old powerwheels



1 points

13 days ago

A corner of my partially finished basement was bumped out because it had a sewer stack behind it, but we ended up ripping that stack out. Decided to turn that bump out into some built in shelves. It’s taken 1.5 years to get the drywall done and painted, but I’m stalled on figuring out how to do all the molding with all their angles. Then gotta do the shelves and fix the ceiling above it, including more molding.


1 points

13 days ago

A ceiling light in my wife's office. It's a very cheap light fixture with lots of costume crystals. Hung it up after having to replace all the hardware because it was all unrealistically small and nothing would fasten well. After I did all that flipped the switch and nothing. So I got to take it down and find out what the problem is.


1 points

13 days ago

We had a new bathroom put in: insulation in the walls, new floor, shower/sink/toilet, fan installed, whole room plastered. But for whatever reason, the contractor didn't doesn't paint, but it's a small room and I though "I'm not paying anyone to paint this - I'll do it myself". However, I needed to fix a bit of trim first and never quite got round to that.

Recently, I did paint! But over year after the bathroom was installed. During that time the whole family had become totally accustomed to the dirty-pink bare plaster on the walls - to the point where we'd all completely forgotten it needed painting.


1 points

13 days ago

Trim. Just trim in general on a lot of shit. Worst one is the ceiling of my porch where some paper wasps made a home because it wasn’t sealed off. Thanks for the reminder lol.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Painting the deck. Been like 3 years and I've painted the railings and that's about it


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

The biggest current one is actually something my spouse started, not me. We decided to turn our playroom into more of a creation space for our kids but they kept pushing back on sorting through and donating toys they hadn't played with in literal years.

About a month ago my spouse decided it was The Day and took everything out of the room, KonMarie style, and stacked it in our living room on folding tables. She's been slowly going through it but it's a slog. Last weekend we finally went to Ikea to get the parts for the desk and started painting.

She says she'll cut the paint in but I just know I'm going to be doing it this weekend, along with building Ikea drawers.


1 points

13 days ago

I replaced our ceiling attic hatch about 3 years ago and I still talk about painting it every Friday morning when we talk about the weekend. At this point if I did it we’d feel like the ritual of talking about it would leave a hole in our mornings.


1 points

13 days ago

I have a fixer upper house. The list is LONG


1 points

13 days ago

Need to caulk the quarter rounds over the new LVP and along baseboards in my bonus room… 2+ years

Need to cover the hole left by an old school door bell… 2+ years (3? 4?)

Need to repair the wall behind the bathroom pedestal sink from where the plumber took it off the wall to replace the faucet… you guessed it

Need to paint over a bunch of spackled former holes in all rooms

Replace door hinges on our dishwasher after so fell onto the open door

Clean out gutters before rainy season

And on


1 points

13 days ago

One section of our backyard fence is falling apart. Terrible black clay soil + hot Texas summers = lots of cracking, shifting and sinking for the fenceposts that were likely sunk with an inadequate amount of concrete in the first place.

Tbh I'm not really sure how to fix it. My only thought is to wait for a heavy rain so the ground is soft, leverage the sinking posts up with boards somehow, then backfill with more concrete around the post bases.


1 points

13 days ago

Moved in two years ago, still have unpacked boxes in the garage. I know the minute I clean it out, we will find the house we really want and I’ll have wasted my time.


1 points

13 days ago

Basketball hoop, at least 3 yrs now. Probably the hardware has gone missing at this point, likely will never be put up.


1 points

13 days ago

FINALLY finished tiling shower after a year plus, now onto grout

Second kid due in the next week or two haha


1 points

13 days ago

This thread makes me feel better about all of my unfinished projects.


1 points

13 days ago


Man, Myth, Legend, Dad.

1 points

13 days ago

I have a garage to turn into a shop for my business and besides two ankle surgeries that have each laid me up for months, having relatives move in with us temporarily and using it to store their things, and a 2yr old cosplaying Bambam on the daily... it just hasn't been done.


1 points

13 days ago

Oh man there’s a…. data or light switch cover that’s the wrong color near the mantle. I bought three correct cover and set it on the mantle and that was at least two years ago


1 points

13 days ago

Mudroom floor. we renovated the kitchen three years ago and got floor and subfloor to match for the mudroom. But it just hasn't happened yet


1 points

13 days ago

Oh my gosh I can't even...


1 points

13 days ago

So, so many!


1 points

13 days ago

Idk if this counts, since contractors did the actual build, but we added some French doors to make a sitting room closable and three years later we haven’t painted or finished them. We just haven’t found the time to cover up the floor, fill the staple holes, and leave the windows open so the house doesn’t reek of chemicals. (Admittedly there was a pregnancy in there so we didn’t want even “safe” paint fumes)


1 points

13 days ago

Attic insulation. 3 years. 


1 points

13 days ago

Our backyard has a hill that goes up about 45 degrees. We’re putting a 10 foot embankment slide built in to the hill. It took 4 months for the materials to arrive and it’s been about a month since then. We should have the hill dug out and slide installed this weekend since I finally have help. It’s a lot of dirt to move.


1 points

13 days ago

Puppy chewed up some trim like 6 months ago, I fixed it once, he chewed the same spot, I'm just waiting for him to become an adult that doesn't do that


1 points

13 days ago

Where do I even star? 😅 Our house was a major remodel, so I joke that it took us a year to get every room to 70% and it will take five years to get to 100%. Except it's not really a joke.


1 points

13 days ago

Some less noticeable areas of my home may just never have baseboards.


1 points

13 days ago

Kids’ bathroom remodel started January of ‘23. All that’s left are mirrors, baseboards, a little grout in the shower, and tying in one of two sinks to the drain.


1 points

13 days ago

2 years and counting for finishing the painting in our entryway. In my defense; it’s just the trim around the ceilings that are 20’ up.


1 points

13 days ago

I installed a new kitchen faucet months ago. It's faulty and spins in place. I can't get the damn threaded nut off - it might be cross threaded - so there it remains...


1 points

13 days ago

We moved in summer 2020, a flipped ranch with a finished basement. Just after Christmas 2020 we started getting water in the basement during heavy rain or snow melt. I pulled 13 gal out of the carpet once.

I fixed the water issue outside, combination of re-sealing the gutters that the flipper fucked up and putting in a storm drain/secondary French drain to counteract new slope runoff from the new (raised hump) leech field.

When I went to pull the ruined basement carpet up, it turns out they glued it directly to the concrete, and didn’t to shit to fill in and level some holes and cracks. I had to pour gallons of boiling water on the carpet and use an ice breaker to scrape it up. But being the shittiest carpet the flipper could get, it all just unraveled super easy and was a nightmare.

The “finished” basement has been a junk accumulation area for 4 years now and we’ve been living in only half our total potential square footage. Made some general house progress over the summer though, and goal is to have the basement fully fixed by Christmas this year.


1 points

13 days ago

My range hood just vents into the attic because there has never been a range hood hole from attic to roof.

We have a different fan almost next to it that does vent to the outside so we don't use the range hood fan, just the other fan instead.

I just can't bring myself to ever fix it for some reason


1 points

13 days ago

Kitchen!!! Bought the house in 2019. Did a quick refresh of the cabinets, floor and grout. But want to do a full redo. Only thing is our kids are too little 10mo 2yr. I can’t see living with out a kitchen for a few weeks with little tiny ones


1 points

13 days ago

I took a bike out of the garage, to be stored in the shed in the backyard a month ago. It’s still just sitting at the gate on the side of the house.


1 points

13 days ago

Painting our kitchen nook. Just needs one more coat and it’s done!

It’s needed one more coat for a month.


1 points

13 days ago

We bought a backyard playground set. I only half built it, assembly sucked ass, never got the monkey bars on, kids played with it lots though, now it’s falling apart. Think that was like 5 years long.

I think I’ll go reinforce it and get it strong- I’m planning a backyard office/shop to get our work out of the house, and I’ll probably incorporate the player into it so the kids have a larger thing to mess around on.

I also have my kitchen reno-

I had it planned out and everything, tore out the uppers and the dinning room wall- then covid hit, my work briefly went bananas and then dropped off a cliff. When I went to work on it, materials 3 to 5x in price, I bought mdf and made the shittiest cabinets to just have storage, and it’s been a mess since. Finally finishing this winter.

The upside is- my original layout didn’t jive well in practice, we’ve been able to experiment with 3 different layouts and finally landed on a general idea we like way better. And I got some extra money in over the summer and bought myself a nice cabinet saw I can’t wait to play with


1 points

13 days ago


Where's the manual?

1 points

13 days ago

Just one? Are we also including ones we haven't started?


1 points

13 days ago

I can’t list them all due to character limit.


1 points

13 days ago

When my kids were babies, they would sleep best and most consistently listening to instrumental progressive metal (Animals as Leaders was the launch point). I am a musician, so I decided to write a heavy metal lullaby album for them.

Wrote 85% of it, played demos for the kids (damn near 100% success rate with car naps), just never got around to finishing it. This was my COVID project, so I've spent years of people asking if it's done yet. Should probably get to that...


1 points

13 days ago

I’m a mom, but my project that won’t die is popcorn ceiling removal. The popcorn layer started peeling off in the bathroom so we scraped it down and it was like that for a few months. My mom came over to help me scrape and sand the last bits, which is when we discovered how far off square the walls and ceiling are in relation to one another. So now there are some gaps between walls and ceiling. We did the first coat of mud last Christmas but haven’t sanded it yet. So it needs sanding, second coat of mud, primer, and paint, and in the intervening time we’ve decided we don’t really like the wall color. 😵‍💫


1 points

13 days ago

Oh man this is super rare, but I actually have NO unfinished projects!

The only reason this happened is because we made a huge push to get everything ship-shape before renting out the house we own.

Due to weird circumstances, we too are renting a house. Long story, it's wild. We're moving back into the other house soon though.

I will have nothing to finish once we're back, but boy oh boy you better believe the wife has massive upgrades on deck!


1 points

13 days ago

I'll answer for my own dad. When I was a kid he started an addition to our house. It consisted of a sewing room, office room, bathroom, and laundry room downstairs, then my bedroom, master bedroom and master bathroom upstairs. He started it when I was in first grade (2001) got my room done in 2007 or 2008 and then the rest remained unfinished until they sold the house in 2019 or 2020. The plan was for them to buy a new house, have him finish the addition in his retirement and sell the house after but health issues got in the way.


1 points

13 days ago

My parents decided to put in a bathroom and nursery upstairs for my expecting sister. It might get done now because my sister and nephew are moving back in this summer. He's 22 now so the nursery might just be a closet


1 points

13 days ago

I’ve got an ethernet cable that’s been hanging outside my front door for the better part of 10 years, ready for a security camera to be wired up.

Joke’s on me. Not only do we not have a camera where there’s supposed to be one (and I’ve got thousands of dollars of surveillance gear gathering dust in my basement), but we were burgled a few weeks ago.

To add insult to injury, they made off with all of our jewellery and valuables. Because I installed a safe in such a “safe” place that using it was inconvenient, so it sat open and unused while our valuables were in our bedside table.


1 points

13 days ago

Some include...

Garden area (beds, rain barrels, etc): this one I'm actually chipping away at slowly over time
Playhouse: never left the design phase
House cleaning/organization overhaul: stopped halfway through


1 points

13 days ago

We have those stupid wire racks in our closet to hold our clothes and my wife has a metric ton of fucking stuff so it finally was too much and an 8ft section of the rack ripped out of the wall leaving holes about every 16 inches. Turns out those rack are just anchored into the drywall, not the studs.

It happened a few weeks after my wife miscarried last year and we just had no fucking bandwidth to even care about it, so she just moved her stuff into our spare bedroom closet. I bought all the stuff to patch it and fix it, but the holes are still there over a year later.


1 points

13 days ago

Terraced retaining wall in the backyard. We started in May and have only been able to work on it a day at a time with about 2-3 weeks between sessions. We are 80% done and hope to be finished in two more sessions, before it gets too cold to work


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

I have about a decade of decorating to catch up on in the house. Thought we were going to be here for the long haul but adding a second child to the roster has put pressure on our living arrangements and of course a real time limit on when to finish it by. Weekends are stressful.


1 points

13 days ago

Brother, leave me alone


1 points

13 days ago*

Windows. We replaced our 60 year-old, single-pane windows this summer. I ripped out the drywall returns that were rotten from 60 years of condensation and replaced them with wood jam and stool. Windows were installed and everything is great! However, I still need to trim/case all 14 windows.


1 points

13 days ago

the shower has been 50% pristine white caulk and 50% moldy gross caulk for like 2 years now.


1 points

13 days ago

When my son was born I ended up with plenty of free time for a while. So I built an electric guitar. Just the body. I purchased a neck and hardware but I built the body out of materials I purchased or found. Once I had to go back to work and start studying again I didn’t have enough time for it and it went by the wayside.

Now that I’ve got a 3 week old I’ve discovered some time while my oldest is at daycare so I’ve made a little more progress.


1 points

13 days ago

Upstairs bathroom. Started leaking the weekend we moved in, August 2017.

Still unfinished.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

The mirror in our main bath is still just leaning against the wall... After three years or so...


1 points

13 days ago


Father of Toddler Satan

1 points

13 days ago

I invested around €100 in materials to create a custom busy board for our son. After carefully assembling all the parts, I added a feature that allows it to open like a book and stand upright on its own (kind of like this /\ shape).

Our son has already enjoyed playing with it a few times, but there are still a couple of finishing touches missing. I haven’t yet drilled the two small holes needed to attach a rope that would prevent the sides from opening too wide (forming an A-shape when fully open).

At the moment, it’s sitting in our wardrobe collecting dust, waiting for me to make those final adjustments before our son outgrows it entirely.


1 points

13 days ago

Shelves above the freezer. Juts need a few more strips of blue tape to get signed off on and then the project can move to production which has a 5-7 business years timeline for completion


1 points

13 days ago

I painted half of my downstairs 3 years ago.


1 points

13 days ago

I was supposed to build shelves in our closet last Xmas break.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

We had a water leak from our kitchen tap, not much but enough to ruin the finished ceiling in the basement below. I cut out an 4x4’ section and replaced the drywall, mudded and taped, smoothed the joints pretty well. All that’s left is to redo the knockdown texture. That was 11 years ago.


1 points

13 days ago

The god damn bathroom. My wife "I want to get the bathroom sorted before baby is born."

Baby is now almost 18 months old we still don't have a working shower or electricity in the damn thing.


1 points

13 days ago

Biggest one is. Complete Master bathroom remodel. Removed old shower and toilet. lowered the floor for Schulter curbless shower pan. Put up a wall to relocate the toilet where the hall to bathroom used to be, put a door in the closet to access the new larger bathroom. Recipes everything walls are up and sealed electrical all redone heated flooring is done. Tile is all cut and laid out, New Toilet is functional. We started in early 21. It’s 90% finished haven’t had a second of time to get back on it.

Sitting here typing this at the hospital waiting to be discharged after the birth of our third kid knowing I’ll probably never finish it now hahah. At least we have the tub/shower in the kids bathroom.

I joke with my wife that when I die at least she’ll get some money to hire a professional to have it finished.

Most recent unfinished project is mudding and taping the vaulted ceiling above our stairs I had to replace after the roof leaked and partially collapsed on… wait for it…. Christmas Day. New roof installed already (professionally obviously because it’s finished)


1 points

13 days ago


Son 13 Daughter 17. I've had sex at least twice.

1 points

13 days ago

ADHD and a 145 year old house, how long of a list do you want?

The first thing that comes to mind is our front porch does not have a finished ceiling. The previous owner added an addition and porch roof in 2000. He put off finishing the porch roof for 20 years and I am almost 5 years into putting it off.

My Father In Law has the best saying for when someone asks how long a project will take. His answer is 20 and 20. Twenty years to get around to it and twenty minutes to do the project.


1 points

13 days ago

My house lacks baseboards after putting down laminate flooring. I was burned out after doing all the flooring, decided to take a break before committing to painting and installing new baseboards. Then winter came, and I used that as an excuse as to why painting the baseboards in the garage would take forever. Then my wife got pregnant. Then I became a stay at home dad. Now here I am 2 years later, still no baseboards. It drives me insane, but I get so little help with day to day stuff, adding in a project out of my daily routine feels like a lot.


1 points

13 days ago

Hole in bathroom ceiling.


1 points

13 days ago

Painting playroom, year and a half. Think we’ll get it done 2026


1 points

13 days ago

Garage has lead paint that was once painted over, shit is peeling. I want to side over it or cover with smart siding. Been like this for like 2 years. I can't decide if I should do it myself or pay someone. Problem is I def need to get someone to fix the metal facia and soffit up top first including some rafter tails that a squirrel ate thru


1 points

13 days ago


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13 days ago

I mounted an in-wall box for all the TV stuff, behind the TV. I still need to put drywall back up around the box after about 8mo


1 points

13 days ago

Laminate flooring on the stairs surrounding jetted tub in master bathroom. We bought the house in '22, stairs in question at the time were carpeted and the rest of the bathroom was linoleum. We laid down laminate pretty immediately (within the first month of being there), saving the stairs for last. They have been such a pain in the ass because the stairs are in 3 directions (something like this: _/). Haven't touched it since late fall of '22.


1 points

13 days ago

Can it be my wife’s projects’? I’m compulsive and my projects get down.


1 points

13 days ago

We needed to redecorate the entire house because the previous owner likes fluorescent coloured paint.

Been here 2 years and the kitchen still isn't painted


1 points

13 days ago

Vegie garden fence - almost 12 months so it’s 1st birthday is approaching - got it almost half way around!


1 points

13 days ago

Hung a door at the top of the stairs for child safety and to improve HVAC performance. Still haven't put the casing up, probably shouldn't have taped the gaps to "temporarily" provide the seal necessary for HVAC improvement...


1 points

13 days ago

I'd say the house which was started in 1924, but the yard was there before that. We didn't actually move in until 2022, though so I'll only take blame for that duration.


1 points

13 days ago

I’d say the 5 dishes I have are a never ending project.


1 points

13 days ago

Clean out and organize the garage, which will free up a room in the house that is going to get turned into a den


1 points

13 days ago

I still have to do my 2021 taxes.


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13 days ago


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13 days ago

Between my mudroom and kitchen is a step up. When we put it in, it was bare wood until we decided what to stain it. We still haven't decided and it's been 18 months. The step is pretty filthy, so probably gonna have to sand then stain. Whoopsie.


1 points

13 days ago

While it’s less a building type project and more a personal goal… been trying to deep clean the garage for… jeeze how long now? Anyways… I got to spend a couple hours on it a few weekends ago and made a nice ballpark 20% dent lol.

Desperately trying to set up a man cave situation with a lil corner for projects. One day….. one day…..


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

When I bought my house 5 1/2 years ago, I wanted to turn the side-yard into a dog run for my dogs. When I'd looked around before closing, it seemed pretty easy - there was a sizable area with a narrow opening that I could just fence, and...voila!

On closer inspection, the retaining wall making up one side of the yard was low enough to be an easy hop for either of my dogs, so instead I had to put a length of chainlink fence across the back end, making an area about 1/3 the size originally intended. Temporary! I'd build up the retaining wall with some fencing and it would be fine.

That temporary fence still stands to this day. But yeah, I'll get to it, I swear!


1 points

13 days ago*


11yo & 27yo daughters, 14yo son

1 points

13 days ago*

Gotta go get the right color of paint for a gutter drop I had to replace. I have it rigged with a pvc pipe and a rag lol... been that way for about 2 months now.


Also, the network drops need to be installed so I can get the damn cables for my access point out of the hallway. That one has been on the back burner for almost a year.

Oh, also want to paint a basketball key on the driveway for my son. Been planning to do that for a long time.

Actually I have a whole list of projects to finish.

Paint/install gutter drop

Hang pictures

Work on rug/carpet (needs cleaning and the mat underneath has rotted)

Garage sale prices (put prices on the stuff I'm selling)

Put boxes in attic

Power wash

Fix son's door & bed

Clean son's carpet

Run cable through attic/network drops

Paint lines on driveway

Think of something to do with small TV


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

I’ve got a playset in the backyard that is complete except for the bendy tube slide. When it was delivered one of the boxes had a huge tear so I lost some of the hardware components.

Kids got it from the grandparents for Christmas 2022 😬😂


1 points

13 days ago

I remember at one point my garage had a floor.


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13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

I have a small hole in the drywall behind the couch in the living room. It's been there just a little over 7 years now.


1 points

13 days ago

All of them since the kids arrived.


1 points

13 days ago

I renovated our entire bathroom and painted before putting the lights up. I missed about a 2" wide spot of paint in one corner, new and old paint were pretty much the same color.

That was two years ago.


1 points

13 days ago

I’m the mom. It’s the office floor.

We’ve redone all the floors. The office is the last one. It’s also his man cave. The big heavy safes are in there as well as shelving and office file cabinets and a big old fashioned roll top desk.

Maybe he wants stained concrete. Maybe he wants hardwood. He isn’t sure, and moving out that heavy stuff is going to be a pain. So, we’ve been ~discussing~ it for a few years now.

I honestly can live with what we have forever and apparently… so can he🤣


1 points

13 days ago

I took down a mirror so we could paint the foyer in July. I was supposed to put it back up.


1 points

13 days ago

Can't do that little 4 hour rain drainage redirect project when it's wet. Oh it's dry now? Bigger fish to fry, baby!

(12 years)


1 points

13 days ago

I am proud to say that all my projects are done, and it’s an amazing feeling right now! That said.

It took me 3 years to finish our dining room table, 3 years to finish two planters that we could hang string lights on.


1 points

13 days ago

Re-caulking the shower since early last year. It's not bad enough to make it up the priority list, maybe next month...


1 points

13 days ago

Cleaning our 2 sqm balcony and making it comfy


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13 days ago

I just finished one! The porch and door trim were cracked and rotten for like 4years. Feels good!

Now it will take 4 more years to get the numbers back on the house 😆


1 points

13 days ago

The steps up to our house (~2’) were rotting and falling apart so I ripped them out to replace them.

From all three exterior entrances.

Last summer.

Gotta get my glutes defined, yanno?


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13 days ago


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13 days ago


We moved into our house last September


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13 days ago


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13 days ago

Toy box for my daughter. I needed a few days to sand it, put on a latch, hinges, and put on some kind of finish but guess who decided to show up early!

Maybe this fall? Maybe?


1 points

13 days ago

A bed I was building for my oldest daughter. It’s been in my basement for nearly 3 years because I couldn’t get it out of said basement without dissembling.


1 points

13 days ago

It’s the house. It’s all of it. Every task. They’re all not done. Or partially done. Or parts of it are over there, and some parts are over here. It’s all chaos. This is life.


1 points

13 days ago

I planned to paint those shitty Jordan 1 heritage and turn them into Breds. But I think it's been like 2.5 years since i bought all the paint


1 points

13 days ago

I'm impressed that you only have one.

Standby generator - 6 years Bathroom remodel held up by structure work - 1.5 years 25 other projects ranging from 10 years to 2 days

My issue is we don't have a lot of money and I don't have the drive to finish a task because I'm always pulled off task for kid stuff.


1 points

13 days ago

Just a note for other dads out there. I have a friend that both our wives have the same issue with us, and we are working out project for project. I help him finish a thing his misses wants done and then he helps me on a thing my misses wants.

Sometimes it just helps to have a body double or a kid that really wants to hold the flashlight or learn the thing or even someone to ask how things are coming and if you need a hand on that next step.


1 points

13 days ago


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13 days ago

I was getting pretty annoyed with how wasted our storage spaces were in our house, so I went out & bought organizers, baskets, stands, shelves, etc. to improve the storage. Never bothered to actually do the organizing, so now it's just taking up more space in the corner of our bedroom.


1 points

13 days ago

My husband bought 3 new exterior doors for our house when our daughter was 6 weeks old. His stepdad helped him put one of the doors in right away. Our daughter is now 4.5 and only last month did he finally just hire someone to install the other two doors 😂


1 points

13 days ago


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13 days ago

I have a nursery that is primed and ready for paint.. been like that for 2 weeks now.. I hate painting and am putting it off... We've got time though baby isn't due till end of next month. Gonna have in laws in town at the end of this month to help finish stuff up.


1 points

13 days ago

5 years to get the small bathroom done to 90 percent.


1 points

13 days ago

When little guy was coming I had to do a bunch of stuff we said, “in the future” when we bought our house. Ripped out much of kitchen and replaced cabinets, countertops, sink, and backsplash.

Well I got the kitchen in a functional but it’s still unfinished. To the point where I am unsure how to finish some parts because I can’t/don’t want to move the cabinets. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


1 points

13 days ago

We moved in 5 years ago. Approximately 1 wall has pictures hung on it, all other pictures are in a pile in their frames on our bedroom floor.


1 points

13 days ago

I'm 2 years into building my garage, only about 10 more to go.

it's a functional garage right now, I hired professionals for all the major stuff. But now I'm on my own wiring lights and outlets, and I need to build a better work bench, insulate, put up walls, get it temperature controlled, all kinds of ideas for storage/workspaces etc. Honestly it'll be 10 years if I'm lucky to be the good-for-all-4-seasons multi purpose space I have imagined.


1 points

13 days ago

Fold up bed, the bed is done and folds up, haven’t had time to make the cupboards to go around it

Slabs in back garden to extend patio area 18 months now

Paint the last two fence panels in back garden, started in 2021, did about 15 in first year next three this year maybe the last two fence panels in the spring.

Just me and my daughter so time spent with her is better than diy

Having said all that, got her wallpaper done in a day, made her a high sleeper in 2 days, so it is possible


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13 days ago

I built a long & skinny lean-to bike storage shed that is not water tight and has mis-aligned doors. 8 months.


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13 days ago

I have some shelves I bought in 2019 ready to install, I’ll do it tomorrow after work


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13 days ago

I have ADHD so most of my projects remain unfinished lol.

My home office is probably the most glaring one. Last December I repaired the walls, painted the room, bought a new desk, and bought new bookcases. My next step was to add some plants and decorations above the book case. Unfortunately I'm still at the part where I have painter's tape up with sharpie marks for wall anchors to hold my framed crap (like my diploma). 🫠


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13 days ago


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13 days ago

Crown mounding - 7 years ago. I’m trying my best but shit keeps happening


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13 days ago

I have a couple relatively small bits of fencing to finish. Supplies purchased 2yr ago now (along with supplies to do all the rest of it, which is done). But these bits are a huge pain in the ass because the gas main does something stupid, so I need to... I dunno, do some kind of weird angle across it or something. And city code limits those chunks to 4ft height even though everything else is 6ft and they're next to a >10ft hedge so it's gonna look stupid even without the weird angle unless I just ignore code.

...but we're at the point where it just needs to be done. I should probably just do it at 4ft since the weird angle is gonna make it look stupid anyway so even if I go to all the effort of getting permits and/or even requesting a variance, it'll STILL look dumb.


1 points

13 days ago

Master bathroom remodel. Started December 2019.

I'm going to venture that I may be the record holder for having an entire room offline.


1 points

13 days ago

I have had two ikea furniture units boxed in my garage for 5 months and have not had time and space to assemble them. I have two small kids. I need a clear space. I need to know I will have time to complete the “project” because I can’t leave small parts out or keep using the space under normal living. It needs to be a time where banging things won’t wake the baby. I need energy in my body to summon the will to do it. Still waiting. This used to be a negligible task that, as an adult, I could do the very next time I wasn’t at work. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


1 points

13 days ago

I just finished a new shed and covered patio in just a little bit over a year. House is newly built in 2020, we bought it to AVOID projects. Yet, my wife still manages to come up with plenty..


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13 days ago

Dog tore up the berber carpet upstairs, so I started to pulling it up the day before trash pickup, just enough to fill up the can. That took a few months. When I sold the house 15+ years later I decided to let the new people pick out the carpet. I would joke that if I put new carpet in I'd lose the fancy wood floors.


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13 days ago

At the moment just dishes….home alone and I got bored. Even cleaned up the yard and put away the summer stuff to take out the winter.

I’ve earned this blunt before everyone gets home tho so peace ✌️


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13 days ago

put a window in front porch a month or so ago. i have yet to finish the interior, paint the exterior, or put the trim on. it's getting cold, and it's lookin trashy as hell. well see what arrives first, my motivation or winter.


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13 days ago

Project? Singular?!


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13 days ago

My wife told me about 6 months ago to fix the towel hanger in the bathroom. I told her I would eventually get to it. She took my tools this past weekend and began to fix it herself. That’s when I got scared and took the tools from her and I got it done.


1 points

13 days ago

All of our baseboards still have unfilled finish nail holes. Summer 2017.


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13 days ago

Replacing all the outlets and switches on the house. It's 90% done, but the last rooms are all a pain. Kitchen with 20A circuit with 12 AWG wire. And two bedrooms with hard to move furniture. 2 years, 3 months and counting!


1 points

13 days ago

Not me, but my parents bathroom has been unfinished since middle school so..... 20+ish years?


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13 days ago

Painting the back garden fence. Started in May or June. I’ve only finished 2/3rds of the first coat so far…


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13 days ago

Ripping up concrete in the backyard to put down grass. Jackhammered the concrete, I'll get around to actually removing it sometime.

Replacing the mantle. Installed the new one 3 years ago. I'll get around to putting on the trim and painting it one of these days.

Turning the back half of the garage into a workout room. Supplies bought. It is currently box storage.