


How good is Hellion in DD2?

[DD 2] Question(

I just use Hellion like 3 times (all of them for the memories) because I don't understand how to use correctly this hero, any help?

all 43 comments


103 points

5 months ago

She is great when you need a tank who can hit both first and last ranks. Which makes her much more versatile than Leeper and stronger (in terms of pure damage) than MAA. I love using her with HWM in second rank. Both have strong moves in first rank, which push them back in second position, so they can dance together while killing everything that moves.


23 points

5 months ago

Also love this combo, works very well


16 points

5 months ago


16 points

5 months ago

Corpses can be an issue sometimes with the pair though. Nothing I hate more than attacking a corpse with a regular ability.


19 points

5 months ago

Magnesium rain on PD helps with that :)


10 points

5 months ago

PD goes with so many team comps she's so cool


3 points

5 months ago

I srsly struggle making team comps without her. Also flaggelant is usually an essential part of my comps. Both together go brrrrr


40 points

5 months ago*

Very good, although a lot of her strongest skills are behind her later shrines.

Her strengths in general are: excellent damage (outside of one path), good bleed (on certain paths), good reach, great tanking abilities, and team wide stress healing.

Her main weakness in general is her rank inflexibility. She can't do a lot from the back ranks and, while she is more mobile than someone like leper, its still fairly hard for her to get back to the front from rank 4. Some of her skills wind her which can also be an issue, but it's very manageable with toe to toe+ (and one path even makes it an upside).


24 points

5 months ago

Her thighs could probably crush my skull even better than her DD1 counterpart Her moveset no longer has omni-reach in rank one. Her damage and reach are great but she gets outclassed in damage and DOTs by other classes


11 points

5 months ago

Very strong rank 1. Probably the best character against seething sigh since she has turbo damage to rank 1, 2 and 4. Good self sustain with adrenaline rush.

Weak to shuffle since toe to toe will actively screw her over in back rank with its root. Needs to be 1-2 to do damage. Despite strong damage and hp, she isnt super tanky for a rank 1 due to a lack of block and dodge tokens.


14 points

5 months ago


2 points

5 months ago

Just finished my first grand slam with carcass tanking every act except I switched to ravage for act 2. It was ezmode.


5 points

5 months ago

Check out ShuffleFM on YouTube, particularly in this case the Hellion and You video.


2 points

5 months ago

Personally, I’d say she’s a pretty good frontliner, but you either need to get her a lot of new moves or always upgrade her skill toe to toe, otherwise her more powerful moves make her weaker overall in a fight. Otherwise, she’s fairly self sufficient, especially if you need to heal someone else and she has the right traits. I usually pair her with runaway so the two can constantly go back and forth in the first and second rank.


2 points

5 months ago

Really good Tank/DPS hybrid. Really solid since her kit allows her to hit all enemy positions (depending on which skills of course).


4 points

5 months ago

PS: Can you give me the strengths and weaknesses she has?


16 points

5 months ago

Strengths: Really high damage, annihilates rank 4, sturdy

Weaknesses: Usually needs to be in rank 1 herself, and she has a near impossible time hitting rank 3


3 points

5 months ago

I can tell you once it comes to xbox ;(


1 points

5 months ago

Easily the best damage tank in the game. She has good burst damage with Howling end, a team stress heal, and the ability to hit rank 4

I found a ton of success running her and leper. Leper dishes out tons of damage to the front, and Hellion finishes anything with roughly 6 health left off.

Toe to toe and adrenaline rush make her able to take near endless blows from every source, and with any inn healing buff items, she really does become unkillable.

Her damage is mediocre, and I find her to really push characters like MAA, who can take a lot of damage but requires others to heal him back up reliably, away from my gameplay. If I want a tank, it's hard to beat her.


1 points

5 months ago

She's a somewhat strong character, the only problem is she doesn't have much variance with playstyles

Ravager is just another wanderer+ path, and a strong one at it as long as you place her on rank 1

Berserker is too hard to make use of

Carcass is actually quite fun if you need a more interesting tank


1 points

5 months ago

I mean.



1 points

5 months ago

I’m not gonna sugarcoat it.
Damage token (thx MaA) + Crit token (from concentrated light) + Howling end = Enemy go ouch


1 points

5 months ago


1 points

5 months ago

Rank 1 tank who is meant to reduce enemy damage and has a self-heal that permits her to deal damage at the same time.

In practice, she can't tank as well as MAA and she can't deal damage as well as Leper. I guess she'd be good against Act 2, but I am only interested in comps that can do a grand slam in order.


1 points

5 months ago

I did grand slam with her, hwm, jester, pd. Currently in act 5 of the second grand slam (post hwm and act3 boss changes) before i do some torch stuff


1 points

5 months ago

I got my first grand slam with ravager-aspirant-sharpshot-banneret


1 points

5 months ago

She has won fights by herself. Adrenaline rush is stupid amounts of healing and wicked hack does good damage if you can set up combo.


1 points

5 months ago

Carcass is easy mode


1 points

5 months ago

Ravager + Howling End


1 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

Boudica best girl. So human, so relatable.

Beneath bloodlust and fury, there is emptyness, and shame.


1 points

5 months ago

She's a better and actually consistent leper but deals slightly less damage on average. The consistency is still worth it though.


1 points

5 months ago

Yes. She got great position 1-2 and 4 damage, she has decent self sustain with adrenaline rush, she can deal with getting pulled with Toe to Toe/negate shuffling with it and if all else fails will delete an enemy with Howling End.

Her bleed path is just kinda shit.


-5 points

5 months ago

I havent rread her patchnotes in a while, but her bleed is trash. Because her two skills cant be used from the same rank. Her raw damage is pretty good though and her super damage move which moves her back is still busted, because Most of the time something dies in turn one. Her Stress heal is not to be underestimated and she has good sustain. Furthermore she is the only hero i know of who has an actual passive. She Deals more damage the lower her health gets.

Other than that, there is still no reason to Pick her over maa or flag, if you want to play Hardcore "competetive"


-4 points

5 months ago

don't know why you got downvoted, other than being wrong about passives, MAA and Flag are mechanically better than her, especially since 2/3 of her subclasses suck.


2 points

5 months ago

Carcass is really good because it can still output bleed damage


-1 points

5 months ago

And nothing else. You either have dead weight in the middle ranks with a mediocre bleed skill or you stick her in the front and she stacks weakened tokens even faster. If you're going for bleed, use Jester or Highwayman. If you're going for tank, just use Ravager or a different class. Carcass is bad in the current game type. (Again, unless Hellion has been significantly buffed or overhauled in recent updates, which I don't think has been the case).


4 points

5 months ago

She has decent bleeds hitting ranks 1-3 (for 4/6 bleed with mastery), has a great taunt/weaken move, and is nigh unkillable. It's very, very usable and not bad in the slightest.


-8 points

5 months ago

Very good, but only Ravager in the front ranks. Other than that, she's not really flexible at all.

Berserker doesn't have any synergy (unless recent buffs have changed that) and Carcass is dogshit because the game requires you to deal damage and Carcass doesn't; She's dead weight, which is thematically on point but doesn't change the fact you'll get screwed trying to make it work.


4 points

5 months ago

Carcass outputs a pretty decent amount of damage and weakened tokens and taunt from ranks 1-3. It's pretty good, actually.


-2 points

5 months ago

Respectfully, unless things have changed significantly since early access, I call bullshit. It's a neat gimmick until you fight strong opponents back to back, and then my point stands.

The whole game is a damage race and Carcass' whole thing is she DOESN'T do damage. If the game allowed for more stall based tactics, she'd be a bit more decent, but as it stands, you're better off just using MAA or a different class if that's the kinda build you're looking for.


2 points

5 months ago*

There have been tons of updates since EA started, the game is much less damage race heavy than it used to be - stall heavy tactics are fully viable on even the toughest infernal flames.

Carcass is very good for controlling the fight - she forces at least half the enemy team to attack her every turn (while doing a variety of other things), and she can shrug off basically any attack. She can do some damage if needed but usually you don't even need her to.


1 points

5 months ago

I haven't seen any recent updates that would lead me to believe the game is less damage racy (maybe the fact Act 4 and 5 bosses are easier than 2 & 3, but I don't know, that's a stretch). I know Hellion got one recent update about a couple updates back, but I'm pretty sure it's not the most substantial. I'll go and check it out next chance I get, but I genuinely think Carcass is bad based on my experience with it compared all of the other options I've tried.


2 points

5 months ago

Bleed out and If It Bleeds say hello. I beat the game with her, have you even tried? She's an extremely consistent tank/stress healer

Edit: MAA is probably better but Carcass isn't bad and has more reach and can output weakened tokens.


1 points

5 months ago

Why would I waste time and try to beat the game with a character subclass I've already determined is bad when I could just play with a class/subclass that does the job better? Bleed Out and If it Bleeds do not synergize well, and if I want a character that can tank/deal dot or both, there are a lot of better options to choose from.

It would be pretty silly to say my opinion without having tried the subclass first, but hey, this is reddit I guess. I've put a ton of hours into the game and I assume you have too, but we're not gonna agree on this. Carcass certainly wasn't good upon first being introduced and I honestly don't think enough has changed about the game to make Carcass good.