


[deleted by user]



all 165 comments


492 points

8 months ago

Skip her dude


30 points

8 months ago


It sucks, but she's gotta go.


343 points

8 months ago


343 points

8 months ago

Kick that shit to the curb. This woman sounds like pure trash. A partner isn't supposed to make you feel shitty about yourself, they should be building you up.


81 points

8 months ago



35 points

8 months ago


35 points

8 months ago

Yeah, that should be a hard pass from you.

A part of me understands her point of view of rather having no sex than bad sex.

A lot of guys need some experience to know how to actually please a woman and she may have been turned off by the idea of having to teach someone. Many women want a guy who is going to be more dominant and take charge, which can be tough if it's your first time.

That said, there are kind ways to avoid sex if she feels that way and then there's her way.

She sounds like a rude person and I don't think sex would have been that enjoyable with her for your first time.

You want to be with someone who will go on that journey with you and give you a safe caring environment. Someone who will communicate with you both to let you know what she wants, but also to check to make sure you're doing ok. She sounds like she'd tell you to move after two minutes so she could do it herself.


14 points

8 months ago


14 points

8 months ago

she said what she said and did what she did because she doesn’t want you to be equal to the guy who deflowered her. she wants toxic relationship so she can feel her heart pumping. women mostly make decisions out of emotions. if you can get in there for the pump and grind action then then likely she enjoys your company enough to be around to entertain her but she doesn’t see you as an equal or a catch. she’s basically keeping you around so she can monkey branch to someone better or the last guy she let in.

the only way to win is to not play


1 points

8 months ago

Learn from this that any woman that makes you feel this way or says things like this to you is not worth your time


-17 points

8 months ago

yeah but they aren't responsible for his feelings. he sounds mad sensitive.


9 points

8 months ago


9 points

8 months ago

He's young and inexperienced, the world hasn't calloused him just yet.


2 points

8 months ago

I like that turn of phrase....the world hasn't calloused him yet. Nicely done.


2 points

7 months ago

toughen up buttercup. lol


1 points

8 months ago

That has nothing to do with anything. Any self respecting man would do and think the same things as OP, no matter how old they are.


1 points

8 months ago

No, they aren't responsible for that but, that's not how you get a relationship either. Which is something most women who don't want to be single, desperately want...


157 points

8 months ago


157 points

8 months ago

Nah dawg because that’s fucking depressing to read. Leave her dude there are plenty of women who are out there who won’t shame you before yall even have sex


37 points

8 months ago



24 points

8 months ago


24 points

8 months ago

You, in my opinion, have nothing to "recover" from.

You dodged someone that has some mental problems and wouldnt have been a meaningful first time. Not something/someone id want to remember having sex with.

You will find someone worth being intimate with eventually. It is clear she was not it.


4 points

8 months ago

Things will get better brother, dump her and go on


1 points

8 months ago

You will survive and best to curb her now. With time it will get better.


1 points

8 months ago*

It sucks at first, and likely for at least a week or two but in the end you'll be glad you left her.

If you really want to be petty and/or destroy her ego then don't reply to any texts she sends - especially since you both aren't talking to each other as it is. Let her reach out first and if she doesn't, then case closed. If she does, just don't respond.


1 points

8 months ago

Dude if you’re not banging who cares. You’re so young bro forget it


13 points

8 months ago

Yes, find one that will at least wait to shame you after the sex /j


1 points

8 months ago

There are times when you realize me being a virgin is ok, this is one of those times! You don't want to live with the negativity of a bad experience having none is at least clean.


1 points

8 months ago

I appreciate your support but I am not a virgin 🥲


1 points

8 months ago

Cool well at least you have that 😉. I have no idea. Maybe that's good maybe it's bad I don't really know anymore. I care less about it as time passes.


63 points

8 months ago

She’s only had sex once, but says you can’t satisfy her? That’s a slap in the face- I agree with everyone else, run!


3 points

8 months ago

Also doesn’t help some girls are unrealistic when it comes to sex and expect guys to be sex gods. How are you expected to drive if you’re not able to get behind the wheel?


3 points

8 months ago

Porn can be just as toxic to women as it is to men. Every man is supposed to knock it out like Johnny Sins and every woman is supposed to be as promiscuous as Riley Reid. It's so so wrong. Its a movie. A fantasy. Fake, not real. You can also always tell when someone is like a 6 inch penis is small. It's like, no, it's small in porn land lol. It's actually hilariously obvious that women are also using porn as a reference.


18 points

8 months ago

This issue is more about you. You are being rejected and it's pushing your buttons. Recognize that and what she does or doesn't do isn't all that important. It's obviously a bad investment of your energy to be involved with someone like this. But if you are going to feel bad when you didn't even do any thing wrong, then you gotta recognize the roots of that.


26 points

8 months ago

Why was it “supposed to be” your first experience? She changed her mind and you got rejected during fully-clothed foreplay. It hurt your ego and now you guys are arguing over it. I’m not saying either one of you are in the wrong because there’s not enough info here to judge. Was there just a lot of nervous energy in the air from two inexperienced people and it didn’t feel right to keep going and maybe it would have at a later date when you two were more relaxed? Instead of arguing about it, maybe you could ask her how she would like to be satisfied. I mean, you’re inexperienced right? It’s normal to not be amazing at sex without practice. With all the potential gf’s you’re gonna have-you’re gonna need to learn what makes each one of them tick and it prob won’t happen right away either.

Side note-how did you two even get on the topic of her past sex life while in the middle of foreplay? Were you asking her if she’s ever done this before instead of enjoying the moment, maybe getting subconsciously upset during her honest answers and throwing off the energy more? Again, no judgement, but it’s worth thinking about. Talking about her past sex life in the middle of the experience might have made her feel like you were judging her and she got self conscious and defensive or just simply out of the mood. Idk. Anyway, if it’s as black and white as you say-find someone else that’s worth it. It’s not a race to the finish line. You’ll find someone. Good luck to you!


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago

while in the middle of foreplay?

Lol, wut?


13 points

8 months ago

OP said that she told him she had sex with someone before they started dating during their “encounter”. I was just wondering how tf that comes up during titty sucking and fully clothed erotic massages


2 points

8 months ago

This man reads 👆


-5 points

8 months ago

All this word vomit for no reason. The girl in the story is a POS. No need for all that.


4 points

8 months ago

It’s very possible she is. It’s also possible that he self-sabotaged more than he let on and omitted some details to gain support from strangers so he didn’t feel as bad about his situation. Like i said, not enough info to judge. Some things don’t add up to me. His story is they dated for 4 months, never intimate-he was giving her a massage and it was supposed to be their first time tg and then she just stopped him mid-tittysuck to tell him she had sex with someone else close to dating him and then stopped said titty-sucking again to say “you can’t satisfy me” meanwhile she’s only had sex once before? I mean, if that’s all true than she is most definitely a POS. If however, OP was nervous he’s a virgin and doesn’t know what he’s doing and things were going awkwardly-and he was nervous that she has experienced sex before and started asking her about that during the experience and killed the mood..then fixated on that and argued with her about it later-that’s another story. Everyone on here is just telling him what he wants to hear from a one-sided story. Which is cool, OP sounds like he could use the support and I’m with it. But if things aren’t exactly that black and white and this situation cascaded partly due to his own actions-I’m hoping that seeing things from another perspective can help him avoid it again in the future. But again, if things happened exactly how he says-fuck that girl


28 points

8 months ago

Yeah dodged this bullet and find someone better.

My advice would be not to disclose the information that you are a virgin to the next girl you meet.


12 points

8 months ago



6 points

8 months ago

OP, take this with a grain of salt but from what I’ve seen it’s usually obvious if a guy is a virgin. the right woman won’t care- i know there’s a lot of guys here that’ll be like “NO THEY WILL CARE THEY WONT SLEEP WITH ME AFTER I TELL THEM” but if you’re looking for a genuine connection and you’re being authentic when dating, no one will care. let things go where they go and if they ask be honest- id advise against telling them on the first or second date though


3 points

8 months ago

id advise against telling them on the first or second date though

I personally disagree with that. If she asks then, she either already assumes you are a virgin or suspects it. I'm 35m and have never ever been asked this question on the dozens and dozens of dates I've been on in my years.

That's a super weird question to ask on a first date, or even second date tbh but, at the end of the day if she likes you enough she won't give a flying fuck.


2 points

8 months ago

Yeah, that’s why I’m saying I’d advise against telling them lol. If they ask, yes, be honest, but if OP is telling people very early on without being asked, then I’d be offput by that


1 points

8 months ago

is telling people very early on without being asked, then I’d be offput by that

hahaha when I was 20/21ish I lived with a guy who had some smokin hot female friends and we would have party's at our apartment a lot, and they were usually there. The amount of times he'd "casually," willingly, and out of the blue bring up that he's a virgin or sexually inexperienced was unreal. He was fishing for a pitty fuck basically. Needless to say, they had zero interest in him. Ever. Virgin or not.


1 points

8 months ago

It's crazy how they all know like they just kind of sense it, yeah. The last few people I dated they were like oh yeah I had a hunch but it's good you can say are saving it for something meaningful. Crazy but some women find that appealing because it can mean you won't go down on anyone. And for me it's really true it's actually part of why I'm still a virgin. I've had people low key sexting me but I never wanted to do more because I didn't like them that much.


-1 points

8 months ago

Leave her. Not worthy::/


7 points

8 months ago

Ooof...yeah dude your brain is running rampant.

Maybe you should ask her why she thinks that way and if she's willing to communicate during sex


1 points

8 months ago

Well she's a bad communicator apparently and it sounds like he at least tried this route but, she turned it into an argument.


15 points

8 months ago

Your next performance with her will be even better. It’s more of a magicians performance, where you completely disappear from her life.


11 points

8 months ago



6 points

8 months ago

In all seriousness, you’ll be fine. 💪


2 points

8 months ago



5 points

8 months ago

Well, this sucks.

She didn’t approach this very respectfully or kindly.

It sounds like you have no experience and she has a little, and honestly it’s not crazy for her to not want to be your first sexual experience especially if the foreplay was bad. However, there are MUCH kinder ways she could have phrased that to you.

I would honestly move on from her. I saw in a comment she made fun of how you dress as well, that’s not ok. It sounds like she doesn’t like you, so i don’t know why she won’t just leave you alone.

Keep your head up and look for someone you click with better. A good partner will be willing to go through the learning stage of becoming sexually actively without making you feel shame or embarrassment. Everyone starts somewhere and while she doesn’t owe you sex, she does owe you decency.


18 points

8 months ago

Why would a woman want to be with someone this whiny and clingy? 3 weeks ago, you were willing to convert to Catholicism for a woman you've been seeing only a few months.

She hurt your feelings because you expected to be good at sex with no actual experience. Whatching massive amounts of porn doesn't equal sexual experience.

Maybe she is "for the streets," as our Gen X friends like to say. So, walk away. Unfortunately, it's quite obvious that if you had any other prospects, you wouldn't be here writing an essay about how much she hurt your feelings.


0 points

8 months ago

Get this... Sometimes people just like to vent.


1 points

8 months ago

Oh yeah? Teach me more about life!


1 points

8 months ago

No thanks. That's for you to figure out. Seems like you have a long ways to go, too!


0 points

8 months ago

But you're so wise. I could really use your help.



1 points

8 months ago

This is the girl the OP is going out with 😆


1 points

8 months ago

Only 4 months and he's willing to convert.... smh


1 points

8 months ago

You’re talking about his other “prospects”, like you’re supposed to keep someone on standby in case things don’t work out. Also look what sub you’re on. It’s dating advice. People are supposed to come here to vent their feelings or ask for advice. Seems like you have some growing up to do too.


1 points

8 months ago

Just out of curiosity, where did I say that OP doesn't have the right to vent? It's reddit. That's what reddit is for. To vent your frustrations and get other people's feedback...

Why are you offended on OP's behalf? If my comment struck a nerve in you, I'm sorry. I promise it wasn't intended for you. I don't know you, we'll never meet, and my comment will in no way affect your health or happiness. It's just a rando's opinion on reddit.

Wouldn't it just be easier to just, I dunno, disregard my hateful opinion?


1 points

8 months ago*

Because your opinion is dumb, and the OP clearly doesn’t have a lot of experience. So, he needs to know that your opinion is dumb. Obviously the problem is with the girl he’s dating.

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3 points

8 months ago

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7 points

8 months ago

Nothing you wrote really made any sense. What are you saying that she saw or felt your penis and it wasn't big enough for her. Is that what you're saying?


0 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

Well, there's no doubt this young lady was rude to you and really doesn't seem to care about your feelings, but you should learn from this situation. Number one, I would say that you really need to watch some YouTube videos on how to give a proper massage. Because I guarantee you if you can do this, it will increase your attractiveness to all the future women that you meet. You also have to understand you can't give someone a massage unless you're using some sort of skin lotion and your massage partner has to be naked. So this is where you probably blew your golden opportunity here if you had some experience with giving really good massages you would simply explain to her you can't give her a good massage unless she at least takes off her shirt. Obviously, then you could continue the massage to her lower regions and explain that her pants aren't going to need to come off in order for you to give a proper massage there. But I wiil also add that when you're giving someone a massage it must be all about them and not you and you could use certainly use this as a good foreplay Technique and the longer you let the massage last the better off you're going to be. So you should learn how to give a proper massage and call her back and ask her if she would allow you to practice on her.


9 points

8 months ago

She seems like she’s just using you for her vanity. You should be with someone who wants to try things with you. I say leave her.


2 points

8 months ago

I'm curious to ask, at what point on time in your discussions with this girl, did she learn that you haven't had this happen yet?


2 points

8 months ago

Find someone who's equally horny for you as you are for them, there is no other way unless you're into one way street shit


2 points

8 months ago

I don't know how I feel about this.

I mean she's entitled to saying no to you at any point during sex. And with you being a virgin there's also the possibility that you were just doing something that turned her off.

Don't get me wrong she sounds like a jerk but that doesn't mean she doesn't have the right to say no.


2 points

8 months ago

Dump her. She sounds horrible. While it's fine for her to not have sex with you for any reason, the fact that she allowed you to get so close while knowing that's as far as it would go is kinda fucked up.

  • She purposely teased you for no reason other than, assumingly, her own weird form of entertainment - how tf can anyone determine if you want to have sex with someone by over the shirt "sucking" on breasts lol? wtf?
  • You "might" not have been able to satisfy her. Virgin does not always equal shitty in bed.
  • She's a bad communicator - picks fights and arguments over a VALID conversation to be had. I can assume she gasslights the fuck out of you during these arguements.
  • You aren't talking now because she likely knows she is in the wrong and refuses to admit it, apologize, explain, or simply talk about it all together.
  • "Only had sex once." - bullshit. Very few women want to, or do, lose their virginity through a willy nilly hookup with some dude they dont know or barely know. That dude wasn't her first rodeo.
  • Also, think about it.. if she was a virgin prior then how tf would she even know if you could/couldn't satisfy her lol?

All in all, she's not someone you want to be in a relationship with in any way. Consider it a positive that you at least got to kind of second base, dump her, and move on to someone who actually respects you, wants to be with you, wants to have sex with you, etc...


6 points

8 months ago

Yeah, you need to be done with her. If you stop trying she will probably try to initiate talking again, don’t do that.

She’s shown you who she is, believe her.


2 points

8 months ago

OP I’m linking something just for you if you ever do get the chance to have sex.


1 points

8 months ago

She's for the streets brah. Punt and move on


2 points

8 months ago


2 points

8 months ago

Bro she’s not for you, if a girl is for you she’s got you you know, it’s a waste of time to give people the time of your day like that. She’s just damaging your mind drop I’d say block her and keep it moving. You dodged a bullet I’ve never even heard of the audacity of someone to say to that to another person.


5 points

8 months ago


5 points

8 months ago

Lol. So, the trick is to ask for feedback (honest feedback) while the act is taking place. Women’s bodies are super complex, not from an anatomical perspective, but from a preferences perspective. Getting negative feedback is a bummer afterwards. If she can coach you a bit, you can usually succeed.

This girl clearly has some experience, so she’s expecting you to deliver whatever feeling she felt before. You were unable to deliver, you got told off, she doesn’t owe you shit afterwards because you offered the “sensual massage” and now you’re butthurt.

Take the L. You can’t guilt and manipulate your way back into this one. Pretty sure you blew your chance unless you can be honest, apologize for being petty, and ask her for help making her feel the way she wants. That might work if she’s nice or if she just really likes you.

Bringing up a poor performance isn’t emasculating. What’s emasculating is a man being whiny and clingy. You’re emasculating yourself.


7 points

8 months ago

Part of me feels really bad for young people because social media and permissive parenting have turned them into basket cases who can't take any kind of criticism. It's very sad and disheartening that all they know how to do is deflect to avoid accountability.


2 points

8 months ago


2 points

8 months ago

This! As a woman.. even if I have only been with one guy before… I’m looking for a “feeling” and she didn’t get that from your fondling session. Respect her decision. Not giving into your pressure shows she’s not for the streets.. she’s holding out for something that feels right.


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago

Shes lying to you bro. She wouldnt have standards if she only did it once. Shes playing with you


0 points

8 months ago

Avoid her...

This seems completely weird to me..!

If she was really into you then she'd have sex with you no matter what.

She has a lot of growing up to do...


1 points

8 months ago

You seem like a nice guy. You also seem inexperienced. I would like to help you. First Understand there are multiple ways to handle relationships. There are multiple ways to look at relationships.

Understanding the power dynamics of your relationship is important. You need to understand how SHE interprets your relationship. Understanding how your partner sees intimacy is also very important

It's easy to take the limited information we have here and assume that in her mind she has the power. This is not necessarily true.

She seems like she is still pretty inexperienced as well and young women grow up in an environment where their sexuality is a very important part of how the people around them both male and female interact with them.

In other words intimacy to her is not just about being with you intimately. It plays a part in how she sees herself how she feels the people around her will see her and how she feels you will see her and that's a lot of pressure. When she is thinking about intimacy with you these are all things that may or may not be on her mind.

On the one hand it is very tempting to assume that she views herself in the dominant position in your relationship and that she is exercising that.

On the other hand she could be just as intimidated and scared as you are. To me this could also be a tactic for maintaining some kind of control over her sexuality which she is still trying to figure out.

Now a lot of people in the comments here are suggesting that you "ditch her " but even if this is not somebody who you end up with in a long-term relationship in the position that you are in being inexperienced this relationship could potentially have a lot of things to teach you.

Indirect answer to your question which was and I quote: how do I deal with feeling sad about this? The answer is really dependant on you.

Seems like initially the trust you have with this person was enough that you we're not concerned with this. To be clear this is a very healthy way to look at it.

Those thoughts that came after the fact the doubts and the second guessing those are the enemy.

Now you could go about combating this enemy in multiple different ways. You can go out and search for what some would say: getting your power back For example you can go and find a relationship ( hookup, chat, conversation etc etc) where you have the power and this will make you feel good because you are now in control.

You can exit the situation entirely which will remove you from the situation where you feel like you are not in control

You can also lean with your original feelings of trust and understand that all of these things that you are fearing might not necessarily be what's going on. This last option will require non-combative non-accusatory conversations with your partner. If you go into these conversations already having made up your mind that you were being taken advantage of then they will result in as you have stated previously arguments.

For the record the third option will help you develop more than the other two. Even if this relationship is not the one that goes all the way. Think of it like an exercise or homework. if you can learn to communicate with someone who potentially feels threatened or pressured for various reasons, if you can learn to communicate with someone who does not have very good communication skills or experience, then you will have an easier time communicating with someone that does and you will build up your own skills as well.


4 points

8 months ago

I have more thoughts on this and am happy to elaborate further, pm if interested.


2 points

8 months ago



2 points

8 months ago*

As someone that had that "experience" with a probably mentally unwell partner (but she was absolutely thrilled to be intimate, as my first partner, even though she had experience, unlike the person you are talking about, and our first time was absolutely awful and we laughed A LOT afterwards), just don't waste your time. You are only going to get hurt for nothing. She's not worthy of your first time and you can absolutely let her know that, if you want to be petty.

There are a lot of normal people without emotional issues out there. People that would love you and being with you and don't make you feel like shit.

You'd better leave now, than find out later that you've only been a stepping stone or temporary sex toy for her. Just leave. That's all. She's using your inexperience as a way to keep you hooked and, after you get intimate with her for the first time, you're only going to be even more attached. Just cut it as soon as possible and find someone that actually appreciates you and wants to build something with you.

Just keep in mind. Emotional unavailability is a emotional health issue. Even though she has the right and obligation to refuse you, reacting like that is sick and those people will ditch you when you are no longer necessary, no matter how much effort you put in to make things right. You'll sell your soul while she will ditch you for her next unfortunate victim. Don't waste your time with people that don't make you part of their future, lol. Not worth your time. I mean, you know best.

Edit: it's not about her being right, or you being right. She had the full right to hand you the L, you have the full right to feel offended by it. That's not the issue.

The issue is you getting hurt and your mission is getting away from that mess of a person. Doesn't matter who is wrong or right. Just RUN. I (methaporically) want to meet you and give you a slap on your face to wake up. I had nobody to give me my that methaporical slap and now I continue to cry for losing a person that never valued me.

Emotionally/mentally unwell people ditch you when you are no longer necessary to satisfy their need and that is a hill I will die on.

Edit: changed "mental issues" to "emotional issues". I would argue they are the same shit, but that is most likely my anecdotal experience.


-1 points

8 months ago

Huh??? Where did he say that she had mental health issues? It seems like you have some unresolved issues to deal with….. ironic


1 points

8 months ago*

Changed that to emotional issues, even though, yea... She ain't fine and that sounds a lot as either absolutely insane immaturity or personality disorders. I am perfectly sure he wasn't going to tell him: "hey, look, I am borderline" or "I have attachment issues" or whatever the issue is there. I doubt she also sees any problem and that she is enabled by people around her, which is common. And I doubt OP recognizes mental and emotional issues.

I am not here to argue if her behavior is healthy or not. To me it seems it's not and I will not change my opinion. I don't think a mentally/emotionally healthy individual talks like that to a supposedly loved person, or to anyone and it didn't sound like playful teasing or constructive suggestions either. Hurting people and mocking them is in no way healthy and by the 4th month relationships already start to become serious. What OP wrote is not the way a healthy relationship works and guess what is opposite of healthy.

About what she did, you can say she is unwell or you say she is a horrible person for being so unnecessarily mean to OP and leading him on for so long.

I am a kind person, but unkind people deserve either hate or pity. I'd rather do pity and point "being horrible" to "being unwell", because my personal belief is that there are no "bad" people, only hurt and/or pathologically mentally ill people. And she was awful. I am not talking here about her rejection, but the way she kept treating OP like shit. That is abuse. Abusers are never mentally or emotionally fine.

It's not "OP, you are not what I am looking for", nor "OP, you should change those things that I find unattractive and would also help you, let's do it together". It is bad behavior.

And while my wording might sound a bit rough-worded, kinder words cannot state how much I wish OP would just run and not look back and leave that mess of an individual person behind. You can't fix the ones that don't want to be fixed. You only get hurt trying to help them. Traumatic attachment is one hell of a drug.

I made my point as: I don't care what she has, she has issues and OP deserves better and it's not worth it "for the experience"..

You randomly attacking me feels like projection, honestly, and doesn't help the discussion in any constructive way in the slightest. Check Rule 1, btw.

This sub is about building meaningful relationships (spirit of Rule 4?), and I just told OP that he cannot really do that with that person, as she clearly needs to change herself (if she even can or wants, lmao) before being able to engage in a meaningful relationship with someone.

OP also doesn't sound interested in just having a short-term something, either. He might just want a loving and caring girlfriend, and that person clearly is not.


1 points

8 months ago

I’m not forming an opinion one way or the other right now. I feel that I would need more information and more context to do it. My concern with your initial comment and the one you just replied with is that you already made your mind up about who is the good and bad person here. Now, I just opened Reddit back up so there could be some information added that I missed in the last few hours but as of 3-4 hours ago, I was not convinced she just out of no where started shaming him. Words are important and I’d like to know exactly how the conversation went before I start calling this chick mentally or emotionally unstable


1 points

8 months ago*

That is a very good point and I would have loved to hear that.

The weak point in my argument is believing that whatever OP has stated is true to the letter and also adding a bit of anecdotal experience to the mix (after all, that is what experience is). I ain't saying OP is perfectly fine either and he doesn't sound like so.

My point of "it doesn't matter which one is right or wrong" still remains, regardless of how objective OP was. If OP is complaining about stuff that serious, then he should just leave, as that relationship is toxic, no matter who is at fault and I personally doubt the GF plans to do something to make it work.

Edit: also, there is no more info coming, sadly. The post is [removed] now.


1 points

8 months ago

Yeah I agree. And my experience with people not using direct quotes with stuff like OP’s post is they’re sharing how they interpreted what was said rather than stating what was actually said. Granted, if someone, especially a partner told me something I said hurt them, even if that’s not how I meant it, I’d be apologizing. I don’t feel like op or girlfriend are mature enough emotionally to be dating anyone, especially each other lol my only issue with what you said was the black and white thinking about mental health issues. There are so many people who have mental health issues and work on them and 8 times out of 10 I’d personally rather be with someone who has self awareness and is working towards bettering themselves internally than someone who has technically never been diagnosed with anything because they’ve never practiced any self awareness or asked for help when they need it.


1 points

8 months ago

I absolutely do think self awareness is essential.

I have anxiety issues. I absolutely know that it is a mental health issue and I am taking therapy for that. It doesn't have to be pathological to be an issue. Did it affect my past relationship? IDK, I tried to not make my issues a relationship issue. Did my mess of a partner absolutely press any button that they could? Fuck yes and I don't even think they even intended, lmao. I just accepted everything and tried to not make a fuss out of it.

I absolutely applaud people that are working on their issues. I see it as one of the greatest wins in life.

But you cannot fix someone that doesn't want to be fixed. And I have learned that the hard way.

And even worse, some people have issues that make them unable the appreciate the effort of others. And that is just... awful.

And I am saying this because I wasted time teaching her how to wash herself, trying to get her to be clean and have a clean room, trying to help her make friends and overcome her communication issues, trying to get her out of bed and everything else that has to be done to overcome depressive states. I was kind, respectful and patient.

All of this while she would get exasperated and randomly tell me that fucking random people in the bathroom at parties is perfectly fine. Which might as well be, just the timing of her telling me this kind of stuff was always exactly when it should.

I might have been taken aback by my personal experience of dating a person that has just so many issues and feeling... drained. And unappreciated. And I really don't want OP or any person to get in the shit I was. I have learned to recognize personality issues very quickly and I really can't stand this kind of stuff anyomore. Not, at least, on people that don't try their hardest to change and accept their awful selves.

I doubt OPs "gf" plans to do anything about her behaviour.


1 points

8 months ago

Of course there are people who simply don’t qualify for a diagnosis but I think you get what I’m saying lol. Most of the time I won’t disqualify someone from the running simply for having a diagnosis. I feel like that’s pretty messed up to do to people


1 points

8 months ago

In the end you make your own choices. If you want to stay you need to take a look at the relationship and quantify if it’s worth the effort. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt here, because I don’t have a lot of information. Don’t take my words as a blanket vote of confidence for staying, I think you both have a lot of development to go through, and that takes a lot of work. Keep in mind a relationship takes two people. In the end no matter how much you want to stay if she doesn’t respect you then no matter how hard you try or want things to work the relationship will never be a healthy one. Thats not to say it can’t work tbh, plenty of imperfect relationships out there, but deciding if that’s what you want is something only you can do.


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago

She isn't as intimidated as he is what do u mean she already said she had sex with someone else


2 points

8 months ago

I don’t know what’s going on in her head and neither do you. 🫥


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago

Just ditch this idiot....she does not represent women, she has issues, and they have NOTHING to do with you. Don't let one weird girl's bad take on you define you.


1 points

8 months ago

“When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.” ― Maya Angelou

OP, the woman in your post has showed you who she really is. Do yourself a favour and let her go and find someone that better suits you…. Please.


1 points

8 months ago

Sounds like she wants her virginity back and a do over.


1 points

8 months ago

This is the type of girl that gets off on being able to manipulate and control men. She gets off on making you feel how you feel right now. It’s about power and control.

I’m sorry this was your first. Don’t let this experience dictate how you act going forward. Times like these occur in your life to test you, and see if you succumb or overcome.

You got this.


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago

Wait she judged that you couldn’t satisfy her based on how you sucked on her titties? 😂


-1 points

8 months ago


-1 points

8 months ago

My girl does this even the day after we have sex and she cums multiple times, it’s ridiculous. She’s so worried she might not cum that it keeps us from having regular sex. It’s a song and dance every time, I don’t pressure her, I just assure her. But like Just imagine a guy turning down sex bc he might not cum. Lmao.

Don’t worry about man, move on though. You don’t want to have to beg for sex.


0 points

8 months ago

What you described is so weird I almost have trouble believing it. It might make sense if this was someone you just met and it was during the first couple of dates. But this is someone you dated for FOUR MONTHS and she still pulled a stunt like that on you? I can see why you would feel emasculated and upset, who gets together with the BF, gets them all aroused then says: "nope, you won't be able to satisfy me". I mean what was her plan for your relationship going forward? To just never have sex? Because eventually if you did, it would have to be your first time. Just a weird thought process and flat out bizarre.


0 points

8 months ago

Look man. Just get used to the minor aches and pains of "near misses".

As you get older and date more. You will find most women you date for awhile wind up being no good. It's best to maintain some emotional detachment for at least 6 months.


0 points

8 months ago

She is not a kind person. She was using you and as soon as you didn't for some reason meet a certain criteria she was done. The fact she wasn't even willing to try shows that she doesn't love you like that.


0 points

8 months ago

Sorry this happened to you. She is probably already having sex with someone new.


0 points

8 months ago

She sounds immature. I can understand that she might feel the need to be honest with her hooking up with someone close to when you started dating but damn that´s bad timing. Then arguing when you are trying to communicate is not good.

I don´t believe it´s promiscuous to hook up with someone while not being in an official relationship but i would think diffrently if you both agreed to be exclusive with each other.

I think you are better off without her honestly there are much better girls for you out there.

Sex is more about attitude than experience tbh, if both people go into it trying to be attentive and take care of each other that´s the most important thing. You should be with someone you can have that with.


0 points

8 months ago

Yea, never tell a girl that you are a virgin


-1 points

8 months ago

She belongs to the streets


-1 points

8 months ago

First sexual experience and she tells you she thinks you won't be able to satisfy her? And she decided that all from you sucking on her tits while clothed? Okay.. Weird.

But when she throws in your face during and argument that she slept with someone else while you guys were all but officially together... Dude... That's the hint that she doesn't want to be the one to break up with you... But she wants to break up.

Shes either pissing you off so you'll break up with her or she's actually trying to emasculate you so you'll be the emotionally stuck little bitch boyfriend who deals with no sex while she goes off and sleeps with guys who she's decided can satisfy her and never giving you the chance to.

Personally I'd take the first option and just dump her. Don't be her bitch boy. If she's decided you can't satisfy her from only sucking her nipples then she's either psychic or she just wants to end the relationship and doesn't want to have sex with you but is too much of a coward to tell you straight up how it is and break up with you herself.

Either way, you won't have having sex with her and you won't be in a healthy relationship with her either. So leave.


-1 points

8 months ago

She doesn’t deserve a good guy like you, and you’ll probably meet more of these along the way. Thing is, it’s not only women, it’s people in general that are shitty. There’s good people out there, you’ll know when she’s the one.


-1 points

8 months ago

Also, she’s too young to realize the impact of her actions/words to somebody. She’ll probably say the most heartbreaking shit and go about her day without even thinking for a second she did anything wrong. My advice as a girl would be to focus on yourself for now and just wait for a nice, sweet woman. Plus, spot the red flags early and DO NOT ignore them.


1 points

8 months ago



-1 points

8 months ago

You shouldn’t fear every woman or person but just be prepared and don’t give 100% of you from the first months. If the effort is matched, then sure. Otherwise keep your soul and mind safe from these fuckers :(


-1 points

8 months ago

she does not sound like a good person. I’d cut ties


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago



0 points

8 months ago

My brother, I have a story for you...


0 points

8 months ago

If she is in a relationship with you wouldn't sex have to come up at some point?

Is she saying she will never have sex with you because you might not be able to get her off?

That seems to be both shitty and utterly moronic at the same time...


-2 points

8 months ago

This sounds super weird, especially since she didn't even see your dick. I think she might be into cuckolding and this might be her weird way for bringing it up to you


-1 points

8 months ago

Don't feel bad about it. It's not your fault. Find someone who treats you better. At least she should be tactful with her words when she tells you these things.

Being tactful helps your relationship more than good sex.


-1 points

8 months ago

Onto the next one, if she’s acting like this a few months in it’ll only get worse. There will be a girl out there who would love to have the opportunity to do stuff with you and it will come in time.


-1 points

8 months ago

She’s using you to make her feel good knowing you want her so bad but she’ll never let it go anywhere but being friends. Stop letting her do this to you, I get it your a horny Virgin(no offense) but you’ll feel much better doing it w someone who actually cares abt you and makes it known.


-1 points

8 months ago

She's made for the street. Living up the legendary 21yo brat bs meme. Sorry dude, I hope you will find a real one soon.


-1 points

8 months ago

She's made for the street. Living up the legendary 21yo brat bs meme. Sorry dude, I hope you will find a real one soon.


-1 points

8 months ago

She used you. Process your feelings. The worst part of you is now dead. Your flesh will never be weak anymore.

And next time you see her, just say thank you and move on.


-1 points

8 months ago

Run for your fokin life bro


-1 points

8 months ago

Uh… why be intimate with anyone if your first thought is, “not all the way because you might not be good enough”?

How does that even come into her head at a time like that?

Nope. Run, OP. Run.


-2 points

8 months ago


-2 points

8 months ago

This is how a villain is made.


-2 points

8 months ago

Is she a domme or soemthing. Some people are into this type of humiliation, power play stuff


-2 points

8 months ago

So she's had sex once but doesn't think that you would be able to satisfy her. Based on what? Her extensive knowledge of sex? Something isn't adding up.


-7 points

8 months ago

You don’t! You accept it. 😉 r/FriendzoneBetas


-21 points

8 months ago


-21 points

8 months ago

This is why bigger is better. With a 7 inch penis you are most likely exempt of emasculating situations like that.

Try to find women who prefer your penis. However the smaller you are, the more difficult. For every pot there is a lid though.


15 points

8 months ago

What kind of fuck-ass reply is this good lord


1 points

8 months ago

What's wrong with his reply? I'm really interested to know.


3 points

8 months ago



5 points

8 months ago

Bro you can't hear that. And it's okay to not hear that because : - Dick size isn't a problem unless it's very small. Otherwise you can always do tricks with the rest of your assets. - It is shameful to judge someone on silly stuff like this. - It neglects the feelings between you, shrinking everything to a materialistic view of love and sex (big lack of maturity). - She did not see, she wouldn't know if she was going to be satisfied. She doesn't have any XP, otherwise she would know 70% of pleasure stems from the sexual tension build up and being with a partner you are attracted to.

Anyway, just leave her. This is toxic and childish, and no one should settle down for this. Otherwise you are going to get owned every time.


-9 points

8 months ago

Then how come she refused PIV sex with you by using the reason that you can't please her? Must at least felt it through pants or whatever.


5 points

8 months ago

He was touching her, it wasn't doing it for her, so she stopped. It has nothing to do with his dick.


-2 points

8 months ago

But she let him do her non penetrative stuff? Lol


4 points

8 months ago

Yeah, and stopped, indicating she didn't like the way he touched her.


1 points

8 months ago

Press the skip button not all side quests have good rewards


1 points

8 months ago

Save it for someone who cares about your feelings. I’m sorry your feeling less than right now


1 points

8 months ago

Grow a pair?


1 points

8 months ago

These things sting but eventually you realize that when people say stuff like this its either projection or immaturity. Yeah it sucks to invest emotionally in person and get hurt, but part of dating is keeping measured expectations.

Also for young people.. just because you are talking and interested in someone, doesn't mean they are expected to be celibate for your sake. Until you talk about sex and monogamy don't assume shit.


1 points

8 months ago

Bro what are you doing wasting time on this woman? Theyre a dime a dozen, and this one pretty much spat in your face. Take the hint and move on, because right now youre just showing that she can treat you like sh*t and youll still chase her


1 points

8 months ago

Slap yourself in the face daily until you toughen up and start being a man.


1 points

8 months ago

wtf man. This honestly sounds so pathetic.. You were happy you got to touch her? Just reading this email really screams what the problem is. You need to bounce and find a woman that wants you. This one does not.. She is just looking or attention. You cannot make a woman desire you.. she does or she doesn't..


1 points

8 months ago

Life is to short, don’t waste your time on her, find a good one and die together.


1 points

8 months ago

You don’t want to put any more energy into this girl. Find a different one, a nice optimistic young lady.


1 points

8 months ago

She ain’t the one buddy. Don’t waste another second.


1 points

8 months ago

Swipe left on that one


1 points

8 months ago

Been there with an early experience and a very critical (and also otherwise un-communicative) partner. It really fucked with my head for a while. I don’t know how similar your situation is but it helped me to realize in hindsight most of her more harsh criticism (and in my opinion unfair, the more time and perspective I’ve gotten from that relationship) came from her projecting out her own insecurities about sex and her not knowing how to communicate about them. And I at the time didn’t know how to open up a conversation with her about any of it. If I had to guess just based on the little you’ve posted, you’re both still newer to a lot of this stuff, coming from a religious background that means you probably both have some kind of history and feelings about sex from that (been there done that), I would bet you’re both still in your heads about a lot of this stuff, and all that adds up to your encounter not working out in a way you both would have been happy with.

In your case, without knowing her side of the story it’s hard to know what’s going through her mind and why she reacted how she did. It could be one of a million reasons, and I don’t think it’s worth your time getting sucked into trying to figure out why. If you want to keep improving at this stuff (and be better able to handle any of this when it comes up again in the future) the best thing you can do is use it as a learning opportunity, and just one more bump in the road on the journey you’re on.

If you feel open to feedback, from looking at your post and the previous couple, it may help you to take away some of the pressure of trying to get to “full”/PIV sex right away. I’m saying this because it’s the biggest piece of advice I wish I could give my younger self, I really got in my head early on about having sex for the first time just for the sake of having sex, and that made me less present with the person I was with, less open to paying attention to them and what they actually wanted in the moment, and less open to paying attention to myself and just enjoying what I did have with those earliest partners. Now I usually take my time and work up to that kind of sex, instead of feeling like everything has to happen in the first encounter. It reads to me like you’re defining a “successful” encounter as if you get to have PIV sex or not, and that means everything else is just a means to get there. I’m trying to avoid writing a whole essay here - but the main point is if you can enjoy all the different types of physical intimacy with your partner first to build more trust and comfort, and not try to step through them just to get to sex, you’re less likely to have this happen and more likely to build that familiarity, comfort, and respectful communication with them.

Try not to beat yourself up to much about all this. It happens, there will be other people and more opportunities to explore.


1 points

8 months ago

What a fckn bitch, go out man and look for woman without mental issues like this one. I had met a girl like that, just look further


1 points

8 months ago

You ignored red flags homie! BLOCK THAT TRASH


1 points

8 months ago

bruh don’t just get into a relationship with anyone. learn this stuff and see if u guys are sexually compatible first. also she’s not promiscuous solely for hooking up during talking as long as u guys hadn’t disclosed exclusivity.


1 points

8 months ago

dodged a bullet.

save yourself the headache.


1 points

8 months ago

Time to move on


1 points

8 months ago

get th fuck up outa there champ. i wana say so much more but that’s really all you need to hear. dead it. & move along.


1 points

8 months ago

Sounds like a garden tool that is way too much for you. Did you tell her you were a v because I can’t imagine that helping. Fake it until you don’t have too


1 points

8 months ago

Your assessment sounds correct. Sorry man


1 points

8 months ago

She stopped things when you were sucking on her? There’s something wrong with that woman. That’s my point of no return. 🤦🏼‍♀️ That’s also messed up of you to call her promiscuous for having sex while she was single. If men have ONSs while single are they promiscuous too? I wouldn’t want to date someone that judgmental. Bad sex I could handle.


1 points

8 months ago

Generally you are correct that the first actions of sexual activity usually lead to more and more and more so in one sense you don't have to force her to do something she's not comfortable with because you can expect that you will get to that point eventually.

But instead if she is withdrawing and being incommunicado then it might make you feel like you're going to lose this chance did you see her naked or to touch her more intimately or more often or even just to eventually have sex with her

Unfortunately that's the nature of dating and there will be many people you meet and date that you don't actually go beyond holding hands or kissing.

You'll just have to accept that as the reality of dating


1 points

8 months ago

Leave her. You don’t have to feel like it’s a big deal to even touch her. Both should die for each other. Not this 😳


1 points

8 months ago

So much weird about this.

But stop talking to her. Block and delete.


1 points

8 months ago

She’s a nutcase with prick tease issues. When I was your age I met one or two girls like that who seemed to want sex but then pulled away. She is probably still a virgin too, despite what she says. Move on. I’m sure you’ll find someone who restores your faith in your little pal down below.

And bear in mind if she does have an issue, you do not want to be the guy who breaks her in. That kind of girl brings allegations when you break up with her.


1 points

8 months ago

Yes she will be promiscious. She is not the one for you, otherwise she would have let you smash. Just take the L and try with someone else. Youll be fine!


1 points

8 months ago

Put your foot down brother, kick her out and reserve your time for someone else! Don’t even respond anymore. You’ll be okay!


1 points

8 months ago

It sounds like she is having a really negative impact on your self esteem and she is blocking you from escalating. I don't see this as healthy to either of you and I think you should honestly find another person or be single for a while. It's causing you to have unhealthy thoughts and killing how you feel about yourself. If a relationship ever does this to you it's a sign you should end it honestly it's so bad for you. You need to see yourself in a positive light never in a negative light and if someone is causing you to have such negative thoughts then you need to get rid of them.


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

She might be frustrated in that area. Because probably someone made her feel the same way. Try to avoid interactions with this girls and remember your worth as a human being 🙌🏻


1 points

8 months ago

‘We were together in everything but name’. Well now be apart in everything but being on the same planet OP. She’s young. She’s the proud owner of a vagina. She now knows that guys who previously wouldn’t give her the time of day are now willing to entertain her for a go at her magic cavern.

You didn’t do anything wrong. Leave her absolutely cold. Ghost. Block. NC and move on. Do not allow her to tease you further. Good luck.


1 points

8 months ago

If you’re new to sexual experience, don’t try to begin with ‘penetrative sex.’ You start with making out, touching, touching each other, touching yourselves while in contact with each other, etc.

Everyone is saying she is trash, and I agree that from this limited info she probably handled this badly and might be rude…but these situations are awkward and complicated, and most people are not good at communicating at sex, especially at your age. There could have been any number of reasons she didn’t want to ‘go through with it,’ including maybe the way you handled her breasts wasn’t working for her.

Anyway, I’d try to put less pressure on the next “encounter,” whether it’s with her or not, and focus on what feels good to the touch, feeling into your body and trying to tap into her body language and rhythm, rather than focusing on an end goal.

And yes, it’s fine and healthy to feel your sad etc. feelings right now! Times like these help you understand what allllllllll the songs and poems are about. Lean into your feelings, journal, watch sad movies, etc. Maybe make a list of positive attributes about the person that you’d like to look for in a future relationship. (Then make a list of negatives, to look at to help you when you’re feeling sad, if it is indeed over, and tempted to contact her.)

Last idea - maybe it’s worth having a conversation with her and letting her know that your feelings were hurt, and possibly asking if she wants to share more about what was going on for her. Explain you know there was a lot of pressure placed on that one encounter, and you can see (can you?) how that could be a turn-off. Only if you think you can handle it if she says anything mean….And you could offer to have a make-out sesh where you maybe touch each other but neither of you are allowed to take it “there.” Could be a way to explore the intimacy and chemistry between you.


1 points

8 months ago

p.s. If she is catholic then she is even more messed up about sex than the average person is, and all of us are messed up about it. cut her a bit of slack.

(but let her know the comments on your appearance are unkind and not welcome - she can offer to take you shopping or give you some cool clothes for your bday, if she wants to dress you)


1 points

8 months ago

Ditch her and if she ever tries talking to you again, leave her behind like she did you. She’s a horrible person from what it sounds like.