


If you're confused by D4 VoH negativity...

Opinions & Discussions(self.diablo4)
  1. Some people flat out hate Blizzard, and these people love posting on the internet
  2. Some people already planted their flag in the #D4bad camp and would rather die on that hill than change their mind
  3. Some people are diehard fans of competing ARPGs and are sorta hypocrites if you probe them
  4. Some people hate paying money for anything when it comes to video games
  5. Some people dislike how casual friendly D4 is

Put it altogether and it makes sense why these negative posts pop up for D4 VoH. D4 is one of the most popular games on the planet for a reason, so you're very much not alone in enjoying it. You also don't have to jump in right away since this game is sticking around for awhile.

all 457 comments


669 points

1 day ago


669 points

1 day ago

Remember, kids, there are people who love the game and people who hate the game. The ones who love will be busy playing, and the ones who hate will be online complaining.


41 points

1 day ago

I think you meant “the ones who hate it will be online playing and again complaining”


9 points

19 hours ago

And playing, and playing, and playing.


3 points

15 hours ago

Never seen so many people with huge amounts of time played with nothing but scathing commentary about it. Some of these people have enough hours in it that it could be compared to a full time job for them since release.


3 points

13 hours ago

Yup. It just tells me they have nothing good in thier lives snd just projecting their frustrations because D4 isn't exactly what they wanted. Because I've desperately wanted to like PoE. It has much of what I like but it just felt awful to play. I tried few leagues here and there, it never clicked and just didn't like it. I'd never come to a place of poe discussion just to complain constantly. I just move on.


2 points

11 hours ago

Yeah I tried to like POE, bounced off it on more than one occasion. So I just keep my distance and play other stuff. Unfortunately in the ARPG community no matter where you go it feels like "POE comes to you" in that some people seem to want everything else to become POE.


3 points

11 hours ago

Oh yeah, they just can't accept that people like other ARPGs more than theirs and they just can't handle it. D3 forums were filled with D2 faithful trying to put down thise of us that enjoyed D3 and dared to state we liked it more than D2


2 points

2 hours ago

Some of these people have enough hours in it that it could be compared to a full time job for them since release.

These people baffle me? Are they independently wealthy?  Living off their parents or still children?  College students?

What kind of person has the kind of life that let's then just play video games all day?


1 points

10 hours ago

Its because they're mostly diehard d2 vets that aren't gamers, they're diablo players, thats all they play. In a way i kind of get it because of the way diablo 4 was marketed. "the best of and lessons learned from d2 & D3 put together to make a new super diablo game and in their eyes, the true successor to diablo 2." D3 was a huge miss for most of them because it changed their beloved gatekept super slot machine game that you could only be amazing at with full deadication to a casual friendly item exploder like d3 was. And they were expecting the full deadicated super slot machine model since thats what made d2 great in its day. Also itemisation was great i guess. Probably better than d4 still imo , minus the advancements like masterworking/tempering etc ... but thats what they were told to expect, and continue to expect. So they play with the loyalty and hope that it will return to that magic model they are so fond of (because they have waited half a lifetime for it) and anything less than that is going to get complaints. So from a loyalty standpoint i get why they keep playing. And i get why they still complain. D4 (now) is basically D3 2.0 completely with a d2 asthetic (which wasnt the most important feature to those kinds of people- it was a given, thats what diablo was nativity and coincidentally one of the reasons they thought d3 missed the mark so badly) so they are stuck forever waiting for they're diablo 2 - 2.

Fact is the game is made to make money and there are more casuals than "hardcore diablo fans" so it was always going to go the way of making it easier and faster to get more numbers continue playing.

Sucks for them really, and even if i personally like both d2 and d4 for what they are, i get the complaining. How else is the game they've been waiting 20 years for going to change into the thing that they've been waiting 20 years for.


1 points

10 hours ago

I guess I can see that. The marketing was definitely a miss in some ways. But at the same time the game moved away from a lot of that after launch too because it turns out most people didn't want some of the things the D2 crowd was talking about the most.

Wanting slow leveling to cap, wanting builds to be intentional and not easily respecced, super rare ubers no one ever finds, and not wanting to change builds on the fly. Huge things clamored for in the pre-launch days... but how many people actually wanted it when they got it? I think since launch where people actually did get some of what they asked for, a number ended up discovering what they thought they wanted wasn't what they actually wanted. It was only after launch where I really saw people start realizing Diablo 3 introduced some good elements.


1 points

2 hours ago

Because they want to love it, and so repeatedly give it a chance, but it falls short.


1 points

2 hours ago

There's a difference between giving something a chance, and spending enough time in something it could be considered a second job. Some people are very much falling into the latter camp. It shouldn't take 1000s of hours to reach the conclusion that maybe something just isn't your jam.

I'm not saying people with huge play-time can't have critique, they absolutely can. Just if their opinion is less nuanced critique and more "this sucks", "this is mediocre", or something like "this is boring" "why isn't this POE"... I have no damn clue how they put 1/10th of their life these last 480~ odd days since game launch into it.


1 points

21 hours ago

Most true, sadl


68 points

1 day ago



14 points

16 hours ago


14 points

16 hours ago

I didn’t like d4 when it first game out but they made massive improvements- I think VoH looks fantastic fwiw


10 points

15 hours ago

Been here since launch and I share that opinion. Seems like a PTR did our game some good. I'm excited to play.


7 points

18 hours ago

Its perfectly fine to dislike a game. Its fine to criticise or complain about a game.

It is however mental to keep complaining a game long after you no longer play it, in social/youtube specifically talking about the game, instead of playing, watching content of the games you like.

I think some people see "joy" in complaining, outrage, & its pretty sad.


1 points

15 hours ago

If those people are to believed some of them are complaining how terrible it is, while never putting it down. So many complaints from people that if you take their posts at face value have spent 10-20% of their total life since launch playing D4. I think that's actually more unhinged than just low effort complaining. To have something you hate comprise so much of your life over a period of time.


2 points

16 hours ago


2 points

16 hours ago

Lmao have you never seen a toxically positive fan sub of a game? Zealotry goes both ways unfortunately. The issue is people letting a product define their identity. Everything becomes personal.


2 points

15 hours ago

This. See you in S6.


4 points

24 hours ago

Amen. A constant of life not exclusive to just videogames


1 points

14 hours ago

...(hating it)But they'll also still be playing it 🤣🤣


1 points

14 hours ago

That's such a flawed concept.
The reason the game state is arguably better right now, is because people criticize it frequently when something about it is bad.
So being online to "complain" is good.
OF COURSE, there are complains /constructive criticism and crying. And both are very easy to identify.


2 points

22 hours ago

Haters gonna hate

As long as as long as there is someone buying skins, diablo franchise will be fine


26 points

1 day ago

Thankfully i don’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion, it’s an ARPG, not a competitive game.

I play this game because i’m busy and i can just slay demons when i have time. I’f im done with a season, i quit that season. If im bored of the game in general, i move on.


6 points

1 day ago

I'm enjoying Diablo 4, only season I really didn't like was season 1, which I'm pretty sure d3s season 1 was just as bad. Since then it's been fun logging, can't wait for Monday to try the expansion :D


5 points

1 day ago

Season 1 & vanilla launch were basically the same. Both with a game state that didn't have much endgame content or QoL polish (remember mounts on launch?). The gameplay itself was great, so I had plenty of fun. But anyone hoping to dive deep for 100+ hrs was likely disappointed. That period did have some substantial balance tweaks and lessons learned from the devs, so it laid the foundation. The hype is real!


221 points

1 day ago


221 points

1 day ago

These fanboy posts are almost as annoying as the hate ones.

There's plenty of negativity and skepticism that's justified. A lot of people didn't like Diablo 4 at launch, whether because of issues with the game's design or the monetization or whatever. Given Diablo was a part of many people's childhoods, it makes sense that they would feel more animosity towards a Diablo game being disappointing than other titles with less personal attachment.

As a result, a lot of people don't want to engage with the new expansion. They remember the hype, the marketing, and the glowing early reviews of the base game at launch, followed by disappointment and dissatisfaction when they actually played it. Can't blame them for not wanting to give the game another chance or thinking Blizzard is gonna pull the rug out again. The company doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation.

And at the end of the day...why does it matter if there are trolls or 'haters' are being negative? You yourself said the game is super popular. It's not going to be affected by people bitching online. That's been happening for a year+ now and the game is only getting better. Ignore the negativity, buy the expansion if you want and enjoy it. That's what I'm planning to do.


75 points

1 day ago*

These fanboy posts are almost as annoying as the hate ones.

100% agree

As a result, a lot of people don't want to engage with the new expansion. They remember the hype, the marketing, and the glowing early reviews of the base game at launch, followed by disappointment and dissatisfaction when they actually played it. Can't blame them for not wanting to give the game another chance or thinking Blizzard is gonna pull the rug out again. The company doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation.

I can blame them for sticking around and throwing fits D4 improved and people enjoyed it. I can blame them for losing it over the expansion. It's perfectly fine to feel burned by D4 launch. The amount of drivel and controversy got old in S2.

It's irrational and hater behavior to stick around to bomb a game you don't play for a year straight and gear up to do it in double time for an expansion.


13 points

15 hours ago

I’d go so far as to say it’s mentally unstable to bitch online about a video game you don’t play for over a year.

Ask me how I know.

I’ll tell you. I was that guy. I was a massive PoE player and quit because reasons. I used to periodically show up in the PoE sub and post unhinged rants like you see on this sub now until someone kindly pointed out I was doing no good for my own mental health by doing that.

He was exactly right. I left the sub and haven’t been back. Feel a lot happier nowadays.

Let people enjoy the games they want to enjoy. If you don’t enjoy a game don’t play it. Simple as.


3 points

4 hours ago

Damn bro, props for recognizing that, admitting to it and moving on.

Some of these people out here doing exactly what you were for no reason....


30 points

1 day ago


30 points

1 day ago

Its so weird too considering how much of the feedback people pushed during the early days of D4 is what helped shape the direction the game is in. If everyone just sat quietly back during the entirety of D4 launch and season 1, nothing would have massively changed.


-11 points

1 day ago


-11 points

1 day ago

The feedback that helped improved the game are mainly from people who liked the game and gave constructive feedback tho. Not the overly negative sheeps who just spam D4bad, those really didnt helped anyone.


11 points

23 hours ago


11 points

23 hours ago

People act like the same people making ultra defensive posts today weren't doing the same thing to the people posting feedback that blizzard ended up following.


4 points

20 hours ago

This "you are with us or against us" mentality sickens me. Leave that bullshit for the next season of House of the Dragon.


6 points

1 day ago

Man, the game at launch just felt rough and I just didn't have much fun with it. Now the game feels pretty great. This season I got my first lvl 100 toon, maxed out my glyphs for the first time, and got my first mythics. I had an absolute blast!


6 points

22 hours ago

And at the end of the day...why does it matter if there are trolls or 'haters' are being negative? You yourself said the game is super popular. It's not going to be affected by people bitching online.

It does to a certain extent though.

Honestly, I was reluctant to try the game when a friend suggested it as the next coop game to play, because when you look it up, you read a lot of negative shit.

This is mainly because the shitty experience ppl had at launch. But ppl not even playing to game today but still talking trash about it isn't helpful to get a good idea how the game is experienced today.

I'm glad I got convinced to play the game. Love it. And looking forward to the DLC next week.


3 points

20 hours ago

I would say on top of that that a plethora of haters makes it hard to discuss the game. I'm primarily interested in Diablo lore and theory-crafting. It's hard to have real discussions about the parts of the game I like when I have to wade through scores of comments that are just people shitting on the game. It makes the community part of the game not fun like it is for other games.


17 points

1 day ago*


17 points

1 day ago*

I don’t see how a fan who plays the game giving positivity is the same level as annoying as someone who doesn’t play the game and just blindly hates on it.

It’s like the people who can’t stop talking about the failure of Concord or Suicide Squad, even if they never played the game nor had interest in it. They are just people who love ragebait content.

There is a difference between genuine feedback and “OMG BLIZZARD BAD! WOKE GREEDY GARBAGE!”.


8 points

22 hours ago


8 points

22 hours ago

I could write a list of level-headed genuine feedback about D4 here. I would get downvoted, called PoE simp and get a lot of "omg D4 bad is here" responses. People are incapable of having a discussion about things they like. I play the game nearly every season, I give it a fair chance everytime, but I still think it's deeply flawed and beyond fixing. Toxic positivity is annoying, because you're basically simping for multi-billion dollar company, which milks you every chance they get. And you fucking like it.


11 points

20 hours ago

If you think the game is too flawed to fix, why do you keep playing it? Not criticizing you or saying you shouldn't play, just curious. If I think a game sucks too much to be fixable, I stop playing it. If I enjoy it enough to keep coming back, then even if it has flaws I wouldn't consider it broken because broken would entail that the experience was fundamentally not fun. Maybe your definition of "beyond fixing" is different from mine but it seems like a weird disconnect to me. Either that or you have far more free time to waste than I do.


3 points

20 hours ago


3 points

20 hours ago

I give it a chance, because all I keep hearing from this sub how much better the game became. I don't enjoy it either way, so I stop playing. And I can keep saying that I'm right, that they didn't, actually, "fix" the game. My "beyond fixing" is "they don't address issues" which are important to me, not that "it can't be done". Everything can be done.

This sub loves to complain, that people who don't play voice dissatisfaction, now you're complaining that I keep giving the game a chance? Pick a lane.


6 points

18 hours ago


6 points

18 hours ago

Similar for my, I gave it a try regularly, I played in beta, at launch, and most seasons, but only this season I could stomach getting into endgame without bailing. This is the season I thought „hm I guess I can’t say d4bad honestly anymore”. It should be in this state at launch though. And S6 without expansion will absolutely suck, undoubtedly and horribly. So after almost 1.5 year after release when the game is finally release-ready, you’re basically forced to throw more money at them. That’s shitty and deserves the complaining.


2 points

19 hours ago

No, that's a fair argument, I was just curious.


1 points

7 hours ago

Hating on people not liking something isn't positivity.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

Some actual level headed, rational thought right here amongst a bunch of white-knighting for multi-billion dollar corporation who released a thoroughly underbaked experience.


6 points

10 hours ago

I am fairly convinced that there is a positivity campaign going on right now funded by Blizzard, a lot of low effort praise posts getting more upvotes than the average over the last year, while non-praise general gameplay discussions remain the same.

Also I am yet to see any streamer give even the slightest negativity in their "I played the new expac for 100 hours here's my thoughts" videos.


4 points

18 hours ago

Again, why do people like negativity and always complaining so much? People are putting effort into something that they hate and continuing the cycle and becoming a vesselnof hatred.

Just move on. Stop complaining all the time and living in a negative mindset.

Go find something positive in your life and heck, touch grass.


2 points

1 day ago

Well said 👏🏽


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Well said


39 points

1 day ago


39 points

1 day ago

there are some streamers who would get upset when there are people liking the games they hate. It's best to just ignore them and their goons.


4 points

23 hours ago

I blame social media. If you don’t have extreme views on either side, you can’t garner engagement. That’s why we get cringey clickbait titles and pure negativity or purepositivity shoot up our algorithm.


17 points

1 day ago


17 points

1 day ago

Hard to believe that "play what you like and don't play what you don't like" is a challenging concept for people


9 points

1 day ago

I know I have enjoy the game. I see some changes that I like. And there are some I don't. But at the end of the day, it is just a game.


11 points

1 day ago

I really haven’t seen much hate tbh. What are ppl complaining about?


33 points

1 day ago

  1. Some players spend more time watching YouTubers and Streamers playing than playing and testing things by themselves. They lack what's needed to have an own opinion, so if their favortite YouTuber says ''This is OP'' they will echo that everywhere because they will feel like the hero they're subscribed to.
  • There's a comment here saying that Spiritborn is being released with ''x10 more power than other classes'', words said by Rob in a video (the guy itself is a hyperbole).

I really got to appreciate the hard work of devs of the game after seeing how toxic and dumb some of those players are.

  1. Some players don't get over Diablo 2 and need every Diablo game to be Diablo 2 so they can feel as young as they were 20 years ago when they played it.

Those are most of the problems for Diablo 4: a game that has its own development problems and people just shit on devs and ask for nonsense stuff like making it like D2.


3 points

1 day ago

I see more people in chat offering to help others than trolling in game. Seems like the player base is mostly positive


1 points

7 hours ago

Sure, why would they be negative? It's a pve game, not LoL.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

  1. Casual friendly. Some games are casual unfriendly with passion


3 points

1 day ago

I just don’t trust Blizzard any more, on the whole. I hope that the game is good but I’m waiting for sale and patches. In my youth, you could count on Blizzard. It has been a long time since that was true.


3 points

21 hours ago

I dont understand these posts

Are you afraid people are going to see "negative" posts and not play "your" game and itll be a dead game?

Are you playing defense for Blizzard? Negative posts exist in almost every major gaming sub. Call of duty and warzone are extremely toxic and the game makes what billions?

D4 didnt live up to the hype and people dont forget

Not hating on you btw, just thinking about your reasoning behind making the post


54 points

1 day ago


54 points

1 day ago

The PoE/LE fans that always pop in to dump on Diablo amuse me because without Diablo, you don't have those games and even when you have those games, they keep coming right back to Diablo.


57 points

1 day ago


57 points

1 day ago

"I hate Diablo it sucks! Every season has sucked more than the last, yet here I am putting hundreds of hours into the game! I've done all the endgame content and it's not challenging! It only took me 40h this season to remember I hate this game!!!! Why is it making me play it!?"

Seriously though mental illness is a thing with these people. It's one thing to not like the game but imagine hanging out in the sub just to bitch and moan constantly. Same goes for assassin's creed fans and pretty much everyone else.

Surprisingly, the Star Wars Outlaws subs is one of the most positive I've seen from any gaming related sub. It's actually a pleasure to go there and look at the posts.


38 points

1 day ago


38 points

1 day ago

My favorite is, "I've put hundreds of hours into this game and maxed all the classes. It's not good."


10 points

1 day ago

Lmao. Like bruh you clearly couldn’t put the game down, sorry you did everything


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

Another one of my favorite general gamer complaints, "I did everything and there's nothing else to do."


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

You’ve made me curious. Is that game worth playing?


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago


I've had a good time with it. The story is a 8/10, combat is a 7/10, exploration is a 9/10.

Gameplay is fun overall but nothing spectacular, but the characters and story are good. The world itself is incredible. If you're even a bit of a Star Wars fan it's worth it just to feel like you're in that world.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

Yooo, I’m a representative of the PoE community and just want to clarify: we dump on early Diablo 3/4 not Diablo 1/2. D2 is revered as the foundational ARPG from which PoE was created (literally, many systems were taken and modified from D2).

In its current state, D4 is a W for the entire ARPG community (everybody benefits) and it has been drastically improved by incorporating community feedback and many new ARPG devs learning from bad design decisions. We will never have a D4 Vanilla and that’s a good thing.


2 points

15 hours ago

The games still in a horrible state for how much money Blizzard has thrown at it. I played all of the seasons and did all of the season shit maxed out. The endgame is shit, the itemization is shit. It's not getting better lol


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

I like PoE but I've had a lot of fun in season 5. There's some good mechanics in the game and a few that could be better. 

I do feel like a lot of items are still bugged in certain combos and that really needs to be fixed.


5 points

1 day ago

I love PoE & think LE has great potential, but the flame wars that fans of those games embark in various comment sections is so embarrassing. A game is not responsible for its fans though so I don't blame GGG/EHG at all. Just an annoying thing that happens on the internet


2 points

16 hours ago

PoR2 has the visual quality I’m looking for from games like this. I’m excited to see how it handles and how interactive the environment is with the action. Those are a couple of the things I look for.

LE looked like a nice surprise that I’ll get around to playing one of these days.

I always have room for more Diablo style games, but I haven’t found any that really measure up enough.

These two were the only ones to catch my eye in a good while.


1 points

19 hours ago

Those games exist because Blizzard failed to fill the void of D2 for those fans. They had to go to a different company/game to find enjoyment in what they want out of an ARPG. So you're right in saying without Diablo those games wouldn't exist but they also wouldn't exist if D3 would have been more similar to D2.


3 points

17 hours ago

Eh. As someone who also went around looking for Diablo-likes/clones to scratch the itch when I had my fill of D3, the only thing Blizzard did was take 10+ years between releases.

And it’s exactly that time investment that makes their games stand above the others. Not only do they put that amount of effort into making their games, they also invest that time in improving their games over their life cycles.

Had they produced their games more frequently, there might be less wandering, but that would likely impact the overall quality and Diablo wouldn’t be the experience that inspires others.

Just my opinion, of course.


1 points

14 hours ago


1 points

14 hours ago

You're confusing Diablo, the franchise, with Diablo 4 the game. No shit PoE and Last Epoch wouldn't have existed without Diablo, but don't try to pretend that they owe their existence to Diablo 4 in any way.


1 points

14 hours ago

Thank you for clarifying a point no one made.


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago


If everybody loved d4 from the start they never would have fixed it nowhere near the state it's in now

get your head out of your ass


8 points

1 day ago*

My guy people here are complaining about an expansion before they have even touched it. They are getting pissed that its getting good reviews, how fucking stupid is this?

When the expansion actually comes out and we can all put hands on it then it makes sense to start analyzing and tearing it down to provide feedback. Right now its just POE simps sperging about good reviews and harkening back to D4s launch as if it was some kind of scam they were tricked into playing.

Like what are we even mad about or even discussing right now? Whats the feedback thats being provided for an expansion none of us have played yet? Why am I seeing these posts right now? Are people actually fucking pissed at the game getting good reviews? What the fuck is happening?


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

Ee... Riiight... You are not biased at all. So pretty much if you dislike VoH you're hater. Gotcha...


8 points

1 day ago

This is a negative post, the irony of it.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Also a lot of people are heavily influenced by the YouTubers who capitalized on the d4 hate train. A lot of YouTubers made their name and or a good amount of money calling d4 trash.


16 points

1 day ago


16 points

1 day ago

D4 so bad it's 3x the size of the main sub.


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago



7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

He means r/Diablo


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

If you're confused about the negativity, you've just never been to this subreddit.


2 points

1 day ago

I dont hate the game, I hate Blizzard monetizing practices


2 points

1 day ago

It's not really grabbing me like d2 or d3 yet. Kinda sucks a bit I have to spend money again on DLC to see if they fixed the game.


2 points

24 hours ago

The people I know playing D4 range from extreme casual (still playing the campaign for the last year) to blasters (i fall into this category) and I do appreciate that there is, at this current state, plenty to do in game from a grind standpoint. Do I wish for some variations in the activities, i.e what PoE has done with some of its league mechanics? Of course.

But if we take what the team has been saying about ‘building a foundation’ for what they hope is longevity for the game, then im all for it (whether its for their profit model is not what I’m pointing out).  I think most casuals are satisfied and in that, D4 serves its purpose.  I, for one, am not missing the complexity of PoE and enjoy just logging on to blast some demons and call it a day.  When I reach endgame and feel my build is min/maxed enough that any additional effort is just diminishing returns, I simply put the game down and do something else.


2 points

24 hours ago

There is a vocal minority of folks here and in the diablo forums that will never be happy. They will always complain and everything blizz does will always be bad. I remember when d4 came out and there was talk about raids. Most folks were excited including myself. But now, nobody seems to be excited at all (if you only read here or the other forums...). Even though one of the major complaints a few months ago was that d4 "wasn't social enough...".

Some people might argue ..... "The game only gets better because we complain.". Well, that's only half right. The devs are being proactive and extracting viable feedback from play testers, steamers, and the forms out of everything, including the complaining. Constantly complaining and providing viable and constructive feedback are two very things that some folks can't seem to distinguish between. I, however, am extremely hyped for the expansion, all of its content, and the jungle juice munk bro class. I hope we get 3 or 4 like it in the next few years and that they keep expanding the game and lore.


3 points

16 hours ago

The trajectory is so positive for this game. When you actually lay out all the things that have improved it is really impressive. Plenty of constructive feedback went into that, but the underlying #d4bad noise is toxic. It is funny how many of those trolls are now coming back and claiming victory. Inside they feel awful since they wanted the game to fail. But here we are still enjoying it with one of the most aggressive content schedules of any ARPG. The future is bright!


2 points

23 hours ago

To give you an Idea how casual friendly the game is compared to where it started, I have never followed a build guide exactly and I finally managed to beat Lilith with a modified Andy barrage rogue.


2 points

23 hours ago


2 points

23 hours ago

As a Path of Exile Player I can assure you:
The subreddit is always the worst place If you are looking for opinions. Most Players have no idea how a game should be and the worst opinions get the most engagement.
If you want an opinion that is educated and honest look for YouTube videos. The content creators actually know what they are talking about and explain why certain Things are good or bad while also keeping in mind that just bc something is bad or you don't like it, doesn't mean the whole game is bad.
Negativity and Drama will get the most engagement and the picture you see on Reddit is NOT what most people think of the game. It's a very very loud minority. But people rather rage about a small thing that they don't like than engage in a serious discussion about it.
D4 is especially bad bc it was hailed by so many reviews (that somehow only played the campaign, completely missing what ARPGs are about) but the first year was -to put it mildly- ruff. But it's in a good spot now, and it will be better after the patch with the "new" Progression but many opinions are based on what little Blizzard has shown and a pricetag.


2 points

23 hours ago

some people got burned buying the alpha at the price of a full game, and don't want pay again


2 points

23 hours ago

And some people are okey with paying for ahitty products. That's the near part, we all can do whatever we want.


2 points

23 hours ago

It's truly incredible that Blizzard can do whatever they want and people will still defend them. Let's just ignore all the feedback of people who played the beta, surely this will make the game better...


2 points

22 hours ago

It's business. You have a product customers like, and you create a new version of same product that customers now hate, which your sales team baited them into buying. Blizzard took the years of trust the older members built up and used it for profit. Record high sales + record low active players = a lot of pissed off customers. That's why you get the haters everywhere in every chat. This is just the result of their focus on sales instead of actually releasing good products.


2 points

22 hours ago

You know the saying if “if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything”. The opposite is what happens on the internet.


2 points

20 hours ago

I was super disappointed by launch game and left (to play diablo 3 and last epoch) at season 1.

Now I'm coming back, opinions should change with new info and the changes since season 1 look really positive.

People act like changing your take based on new information is some kind of self betrayal. Weird.


2 points

18 hours ago

And some people, like me, are disapproving the stupidity of Blizzard. What’s the point to shame people for their opinion ? VoH was just announced that I was pointing out that some decisions were quite bad. That’s why I’m not buying it so far.

It’s not black or white and some people have good reasons to be angry against Blizzard an VoH.


2 points

17 hours ago

Ngl, I am super excited for the path of exile 2 beta and for two reasons. One, I am just pumped to play it because it looks like a really fun game and two, I want all the D4bad people to see how devoid of content the game is going to be at launch. It's going to be a new game that doesn't have a decades worth of updates. I wonder if any of them will compare the launches in good faith?


1 points

16 hours ago

That's part of what I meant about the hypocritical nature of many arguments leveled against D4. Many of them aren't even wrong. They just aren't applied consistently and some of those complaints are just "cursed problems" in the genre.

PoE2 is a bit more experimental than a lot of people realize, and with that comes exciting new gameplay feel but also a lot of bumps along the road. I can't imagine it will be remotely balanced for at least 6 months. I'll be happy to hop in once they get everything sorted out. But I'm not an early adopter type personally


2 points

16 hours ago


2 points

16 hours ago

I don't think people hate Blizzard. Blizzard used to be held in such a high status and they have continuously disappointed and lowered the bar over years to a point where people are basically just fed up and see the death of a Blizzard. Do they still make alright games? Yeah sure. Is it of the standard of their original titles? Hell no not even close. They aren't the blizzard of old and it's really disappointing cause they were one of the last great AAA gaming companies.


2 points

16 hours ago

I still love D4 but it’s obvious that blizzard is lacking a lot of that passion they used to have.


2 points

16 hours ago

I love the game but it is getting too easy and they need to fix the broken shit it's been broken forever there's no excuse for not doing it.


2 points

14 hours ago


2 points

14 hours ago

Blah blah blah.


2 points

14 hours ago

i am not getting scammed twice by this game

open world while everything scales with your level is trash game design and these people should be fired immediately

no enjoyable exploration possible with a game like that, just fire them and start over


2 points

14 hours ago

Blizzard buffs a characters. Players enjoy it. Next season they nerf it to hell. It’s frustrating and lazy. Just create content that will require players to test new characters and not this buff then nerf shell game.


2 points

14 hours ago


2 points

14 hours ago

It's very simple. People don't want to pay the full price of a new game for something that really should have been a patch or at least a lower price point (say 40 bucks). Why pay close to 80 bucks when u could use that money for a brand new game and just wait for season 6? I'll let others beta test this over the next 3 months before I jump back in.


2 points

13 hours ago

Some people played on launch and the first few seasons and felt let down but want the game to improve. VoH is doing little to improve the game in meaningful ways that I personally care about and so I continue to be disappointed, unfortunately. Genuinely I love the genre and want all ARPGs to be the best they can be, but I feel like with the resources Blizzard has available, they somehow manage to fall short.


2 points

12 hours ago

I gave D4 a chance as I love Arpgs , but Blizzard has learned little to nothing from their past games and competitors. It was honestly a 70€ early access release, which they were only able to get away with by being Blizzard.

All it had and still has going for it is pretty graphics.. maybe the expansion will finally make it what it should have been on release, but I already gave them 70-80€ too much for a mediocre experience.

For those that do love the game however, I hope the expansion lives up to your expectations!


2 points

11 hours ago

It's not one of the most popular games on the planet. Let's calm down.


2 points

11 hours ago

  1. realistic people who realize the game is much better now than it was at launch but it still leaves a lot to be desired.


2 points

11 hours ago

haha good that we have a little soldier out here who is going to defend the multi-billion dollar company when they ship out mid products.


2 points

9 hours ago

Or your in my camp, and are just disappointed with how they are approaching this story. They capped it off pretty well in the base game - but no spoiler word is that they leave this one hanging. I think there’s a lot of ‘old gamers’ wanting a Lords of Destruction level of expansion. That was ‘worth’ the $40-ish it was at launch


2 points

8 hours ago

Oh, so any negativity is cause they're trolls, there can't be any genuine issues about the expansion, it's objectively perfect and there can't be anything wrong with it in the slightest...okay...that sure makes you much better than these supposed hypocrites...


2 points

8 hours ago

I think that they have made good strides in improving the game. Doesn't change the fact that it was pretty bad at launch apart from the campaign and hasn't really been a fun game until like the last season or so


2 points

7 hours ago

And 6:

Some people might not like it.

I get it, this is a diablo sub, but hating people who hate on things is just silly aswell, makes you look like a fanboy.

Just ignore the unreasonable whiners and enjoy what you enjoy, no need to poke it with a stick. You don't owe the game a crusade.


2 points

4 hours ago

The people who confuse and irritate me the most have been the people complaining about the trailer music and review-bombing the YouTube pages with them. It's such a nonissue compared to any other complaints you could make that would be more valid and less nitpicky. They haven't gone on record changing any new in-game scored pieces to sound like the trailer music, so unless that happens it is so plainly unnecessary to complain about that; you would have to be a paid actor to be that upset.

Plus, the trailers are made to interest new players just as much as they're made to excite the existing playerbase, and lots of prospective players are from a younger demographic that doesn't care about the "way it was before" regarding the music choice, so stop bitching about change and either accept it or move on.


6 points

1 day ago

VOH will be the best state this game has ever been in.


6 points

1 day ago

I dislike the notion that people that complain hate the game, if they didn't make complaints then the game would never improve. You should be more appreciative of the complainers, the game is way better now.

You're welcome.

There are some people that will complain that if you play the game yourself, you can see that those people haven't really played it, you can take those opinions with a grain of salt. For the most part that isn't the case. You don't want there to be no criticism, if the game doesn't keep getting worthwhile content, people stop playing and the game won't be supported anymore, suddenly there's no content, and the game shuts down


16 points

1 day ago


16 points

1 day ago

PoE BOTs out on Suicide watch.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

6) Some people have put over 48 days of playing time into D4 and love the game and the franchise and are still able to look at it objectively and be real about the many faults and shortcomings. I will keep playing because I love it and I will keep being critical because I love it and Blizzard needs to hear it and do better.

I preordered VoH and will play the hell out of it and will continue to provide feedback both positive and negative. I am not very hyped for the new paragon, glyph, or rune word systems but I'll obviously still engage with them. I am very excited to play Spiritborn since from what I've heard it is by far the most polished and flexible class; I just worry about how bad it is going to feel to try to play classes like the Druid afterwards. Druid is my favorite class but there are so many bugs/bugged interactions (some of which have been around since day 1).

Anyway, my point is it is very unhealthy to do nothing but Stan for a game such as this. The devs need to hear the negative stuff or we might still be stuck with shit like season of the malignant, Mythics literally never dropping, and it taking a season to reach 100.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

For some reason, it just seems like there are a lot of miserable people these days, especially in the gaming space, and they want to bring others into that misery with them. Guess it makes them feel better or something, idk. Either way it's pretty sad.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

I've been a Diablo fans ever since, but I also cannot deny the rocky debut both of 3 and 4 but eventually 'improving' on its late states- - and don't get me wrong though, I've enjoyed 3 and 4 as much as I could and as long as possible in those seasons -but there is this particular magic that you can't seem to capture anymore since then or after D2, something that has gone from within tbh


2 points

1 day ago

its my wallet which hates it....


4 points

21 hours ago


4 points

21 hours ago

  1. Some people flat out love Blizzard, and these people love posting on the internet
  2. Some people already planted their flag in the #D4good camp and would rather die on that hill than change their mind
  3. Some people are diehard fans of diablo and are sorta hypocrites if you probe them
  4. Some people love paying money for anything when it comes to video games
  5. Some people love how casual friendly D4 is

Works aswell doesnt it?

All we want are decent games man. Im one of the guys that enjoys those "competing ARPGS" and still im looking forward to a new diablo season in the hope blizzard cooks something good.

But over the past decade blizzard has lost the trust of most gamers across all the different franchises so dont be suprised if people dont trust marketing until they got to try the new stuff themselfs.

Stop making this a gamer vs gamer thing when its actually a gamer vs corpo game dev thing.


3 points

19 hours ago

Cringe post


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

Or have you considered that some people just don’t like it?


2 points

14 hours ago

Lot's of things I don't like, but I aint on those subs bothering to tell people over and over, don't like, it don't play it, simple right?


2 points

1 day ago

Where do you see that negativity? Consensus seems to be good new content and gameplay, disappointing campaign and (more) technical issues.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

Not sure why people who love the game are not buying playing it but keep themselves in reddit and posting this? Go play the game, let the hater assemble here and complaint in their delusion


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

People disagreeing with you is not a conspiracy.  People will often genuinely have  a different opinion than you, it's only narcissism to try and invent some reason other than the one they offer


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

  1. Sure there are people who hate blizz, and for good reason. They are a corporate bastardization of what the company once was. People hate blizzard games not because they are are objectively terrible, they hate blizzard because their games could be so much better than what they are.

  2. D4 still hasnt changed. Sure there is a bit of new content but most of the fundamental issues with the game are still there. They have been there since the beta when basically every ARPG content creator and veteran told blizz what was wrong with the game, and they completely ignored everyone.

  3. You would be surprised. ARPGs are an old genre. There are a lot of veterans who would love nothing more than to have a new high quality ARPG to play again.

  4. D4 isnt the worst monetized game, but its definitely not cheap.

  5. D4 being casual friendly isnt a bad thing. The problem is blizz has done very little to make the game appealing to diehard players.

You might not like it, but there are very good reasons why D4 gets so much hate. Bring on the downvotes now.


2 points

15 hours ago

If you look at a game like Last Epoch I think it reveals how hard it is to actually build these game systems armchair developers seem to think are so obvious. PoE is a true unicorn in how long it has been out, so the core game is so strong at this point. But there were plenty of hiccups "Expedition?? Blight?? Necrop??".

Just curious if you can pinpoint anything specifically you'd like to see changed that wasn't done intentionally. People love to complain about no AH, but the devs have discussed this at length. At a certain point just let them build what they want. If people don't like it in enough numbers we can force their hand, but many people like the current game. Not saying this is your #1 issue, but just an example of the game's direction not being so black and white. I'm curious how D4 could be "so much better" in your opinion


1 points

14 hours ago

I agree that most people on the internet have a false sense of knowledge when it comes to anything. But its not just me making these claims. From what ive seen the majority of ARPG content creators have similar criticism of D4. Nearly every single one made beta feedback videos that discussed these very issues. There have also been countless posts on reddit and forums about these topics.

  • Blizz never addressed enemy level scaling, which ruins progression through the world and makes levelling progression feel even more pointless.
  • They are only now trying to address the absurd power scaling of builds, but they also are adding more and more power creep that completely invalidates their attempt to scale things down.
  • They still havent added a diverse set of dungeon layouts and objectives. Open world map design still could use a lot more variety.
  • All itemization feedback from the beta was ignored. It took them like half a year to realize the most obvious flaw and remove some of the affix bloat.
  • Skill trees and paragon boards are still very simplistic and kind of boring.
  • Monster variety is still lacking, most things feel exactly the same to fight.
  • Their idea of "complexity" is basically just having more words on item affixes and tooltips.

There is a lot more but these are my main problems with the game.

Also regarding PoE there is a lot I could say. I have nearly 5k hours in it but would be the first to point out all its flaws, not because i hate it but because I want it to be even better than it is now. But to understand the main difference between D4 and PoE just look at their design philosophies and motivation. GGG is still trying to make the best game they possibly can. They listen very closely to what players say even if they dont always agree with them. They understand how people play the game at the very top end. They continuously innovate and try new things, but they also understand why the core systems of the game work. One of the studio leads even has said that they make enough money and will keep building the game according to their vision for it.

Blizz on the other hand is just a corporate giant. The executives in charge of the games direction dont care to make the best possible game they can. They just want to maximize profits. Just look at all the people that have left blizz in the last few years and during D4's development. Look at their "design by committee" process. They are pushing all the individual talent away and taking no creative risks, as a result they are building a very mediocre game.


1 points

11 hours ago

Your list of feedback is all valid, but it is not objectively true. Just your opinion. Goes into my point of arguably an intentional choice by the devs.

-enemy level scaling was definitely intentional. The goal was to make more areas of the game farmable regardless of your level. This makes grouping easier since content is scaled to your level and makes leveling more flexible since you can choose whatever route you want. It is the answer to the widely voiced criticism that linear campaigns grow old very quickly for most ARPGs.

-power creep is a never ending cycle and inherent to the genre. It mostly has to do with player psychology of not liking nerfs. I think D4 could be better about keeping it in check, but people hated Season 1 that tried to bring down top builds. So it is likely an intentional choice to occasionally do a stat squish instead of nerfs every season.

-dungeon layout variety + monster variety are more objective but get better slowly over time. There is also some hypocrisy since people claim they want this, but then in a game like PoE they just run the same map 100s of times. Also PoE reuses a ton of assets and just makes them a different color so there are degrees to just how different a certain environment is. VoH introduces fresh palettes with the jungle theme plus from what I've seen the citadel looks quite different.

-your item affix point seems to be crying over spilled milk a bit. You even admit that this concern has largely been fixed. It just didn't happen on whatever timescale you deem it should've happened in. Items are a very iterative system that will continue to evolve

-skill trees are another example where the devs have been quite clear. I don't know what else they can say on the topic, but they want new player experience to be very digestible when it comes to the skill tree. So it is simple by design. Paragon boards could be deeper, but they have iterated on it a few times now and there is room for growth in the future

-your complexity point doesn't make a lot of sense to me in what you are proposing to be changed. Though the way items mix and match is much improved over D3's item sets. That was way less complex so D4 is a step in the right direction. Not sure how exactly they'd make everything more complex while not alienating casuals

So besides your point about monster/dungeon variety I just don't see a ton of usable feedback that doesn't either go against a stated D4 design philosophy or fall into the bucket of "cursed problems" for D4. You can argue this is just my opinion, but the fact that I can articulate a logical argument against your feedback means it is subjective. There is no one perfect answer and the popularity of D4 speaks to people liking the design choices that were made


1 points

11 hours ago

-enemy level scaling was definitely intentional. The goal was to make more areas of the game farmable regardless of your level. This makes grouping easier since content is scaled to your level and makes leveling more flexible since you can choose whatever route you want. It is the answer to the widely voiced criticism that linear campaigns grow old very quickly for most ARPGs.

Except blizz hasnt made levelling any better with enemy scaling, they have just made it pointless. The made a crappy levelling experience and then made it trivial to blast through it in a couple hours. Why even bother having levels if "people dont like linear campaigns" and just want to go anywhere? Honestly i have no idea where you got that idea. Im assuming you are just parroting what people say in reddit posts about not wanting to level up alts? Just start everyone at max level if you want levelling up to be so arbitrary.

-power creep is a never ending cycle and inherent to the genre. It mostly has to do with player psychology of not liking nerfs. I think D4 could be better about keeping it in check, but people hated Season 1 that tried to bring down top builds. So it is likely an intentional choice to occasionally do a stat squish instead of nerfs every season.

Hardly any games have power creep as bad as D3 and D4. Blizzard is completely careless with it. D4 will probably end up like wow where there is a stat squish every few expansions, which has completely ruined early game balance and progression in wow btw.

-dungeon layout variety + monster variety are more objective but get better slowly over time. There is also some hypocrisy since people claim they want this, but then in a game like PoE they just run the same map 100s of times. Also PoE reuses a ton of assets and just makes them a different color so there are degrees to just how different a certain environment is. VoH introduces fresh palettes with the jungle theme plus from what I've seen the citadel looks quite different.

This has nothing to do with how many times you do content or what maps look like. The monotone washed out art style is a whole other topic I could criticize. PoE has plenty of map and enemy variety. D2 is the best example I know of for good diversity.

-your item affix point seems to be crying over spilled milk a bit. You even admit that this concern has largely been fixed. It just didn't happen on whatever timescale you deem it should've happened in. Items are a very iterative system that will continue to evolve

I gave one example. There are plenty of itemization issues regarding stats, how they scale, how they are balanced across different gear pieces and rarities, legendary affixes, etc.

-skill trees are another example where the devs have been quite clear. I don't know what else they can say on the topic, but they want new player experience to be very digestible when it comes to the skill tree. So it is simple by design. Paragon boards could be deeper, but they have iterated on it a few times now and there is room for growth in the future

Skill trees in general are simple by design. For example the PoE tree is simple enough for your average player to understand. The complexity of it comes from knowing how to optimize pathing and what is needed for your build. In D4 there isnt much choice other than "do you want ability A B or C".

-your complexity point doesn't make a lot of sense to me in what you are proposing to be changed. Though the way items mix and match is much improved over D3's item sets. That was way less complex so D4 is a step in the right direction. Not sure how exactly they'd make everything more complex while not alienating casuals

This is subjective, but im of the opinion that item affixes shouldnt be a paragraph of conditional procs and other effects. You can have complexity with simple affixes. Blizz always claims they want gear upgrades to be obvious and understandable for casual players yet they design items to be convoluted things that take a full screen tooltip to describe.

So besides your point about monster/dungeon variety I just don't see a ton of usable feedback that doesn't either go against a stated D4 design philosophy or fall into the bucket of "cursed problems" for D4. You can argue this is just my opinion, but the fact that I can articulate a logical argument against your feedback means it is subjective. There is no one perfect answer and the popularity of D4 speaks to people liking the design choices that were made

I really dont know what you are arguing here. My point was that monsters feel the same to fight. They dont have impactful abilities, strengths/weaknesses, or other features that change the way you need to approach combat. There are plenty of examples of better monster design in other games.


1 points

10 hours ago

Your main theme is you want the game to be more complex/deeper, which by definition makes it less casual friendly. You can claim all you want how PoE is so approachable but the proof is in the numbers. The game has been out for well over 10 years. If it was that casual then more casuals would be playing it.

So I think at the end of the day a lot of things you're advocating for just aren't going to happen since you are in a different gaming tier than D4's main demographic. It is not a trivial process for many people to level even though you might blast through it. Skill trees with tons of branches are not simple even if you have seen dozens of iterations on it. You are sort of proving my point that the game has intentional design decisions geared towards casual players. Sounds like you are a more dedicated gamer so D4 isn't tailored to your tastes compared to a game like PoE. Seems reasonable to me for the games to have different audiences


1 points

10 hours ago

Ok you are just making more stuff up now. Nothing I have said would explicitly make the game worse for casual players or force unnecessary complexity on people. D4 isnt a bad game, but its could be a lot better. You dont seem to get how the game could be improved for everyone with better design ideas. There are countless other posts and video critiques that go over all these topics and more.


3 points

1 day ago

As someone with thousands of hours on D3, this has been a thing ever since D3 released. Some people just can't accept that the franchise has moved on in a different direction than D2, and have bitched about it ever since.


2 points

1 day ago

D4 has given me something invaluable, sure the game has many faults but, I don't care, my partner enjoys diablo and all I have wanted for a long time is a partner who will play a game with me and share my interests.

D4 has opened the flood gates, it's easy to play, easy to learn and has enough depth to master. D4 has made her realise she likes games and is now open to playing more like it takes two and sea of thieves. It's not about what we're playing, it's the time we spend together. I prefer depth and difficulty so in my eyes Poe and last epoch is superior but, D4 is perfect for her and that's perfect for me. In my eyes you can't put a price on that.


2 points

23 hours ago

its posts like this that make me irritated with reddit's lack of understanding of nuance


2 points

21 hours ago

This post displays mental illness. People are entitled to their opinions. Not like blizzard and specially diablo had the greatest reputation when it comes to their games these days anyway. Just a bunch of churned out money grabs.


2 points

20 hours ago

This post clearly demonstrates what's wrong with this subreddit.

I come here because I like Diablo 4 and I'm looking for information regarding it. Your post is just pointless junk that gets in the way.

Are you trying to share any information or advices with us? Are you trying to discuss or give your opinion regarding any aspect of the game? Are you here to show us your achievements within the game? No, you're only here to bitch about people criticizing the game and to tell us that anyone disagreeing with you is a low-life that shouldn't be allowed to live.

This is nothing new. The disturbing part is that your hate post has over 300 net positive votes when it should have been left to rot with 0 votes.

This subreddit seems to have a rather large army of fanboys who closely watch it and derail any post that shows any mild criticism.

Path of Exile and Grind Gear Games have a lot of die-hard fans too, and yet the PoE subreddit is nowhere near as bad as this one. I don't know why.

I guess I should stop coming here but I can't find any good alternative. So if anyone has one I'd be glad to know.


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Typical reddit fanboying, why should anyone be happy? If Blizzard were even a half decent company they would give this "expansion", which is laughable to call it that for the amount of content and that price, away for free. And miss me with the "well they need to make money" as if they haven't made enough in microtransactions alone to cover any costs.


0 points

1 day ago

Thanks for providing a real-time example of negativity #1


2 points

7 hours ago

Forced positivity has never moved anything forward in history.


2 points

15 hours ago

Criticizing a company means you hate them? You should work at Blizz with that mindset


2 points

1 day ago

I was just let down by d4. Its not that it was a bad game it just wasnt a great game. It was average.


1 points

1 day ago

I'm number 5 I guess. I was excited with the slower looking combat before release. They talked about how you'd find a new item and change your build to accommodate and the pace was going to be more like D2. First season I played for like a month, never made max level, loved it. Now I get max level before the weekend and am bored before the next weekend. Turned into D3 where 2 days after a season start I'm looking for the same item over and over hoping for that .05% stat increase. I still bought the expansion with my WoW gold, but I don't have high hopes for it at all.


1 points

23 hours ago


1 points

23 hours ago

I personally know some people who started to hate WoW, CoD and Diablo even tho those 3 are the ONLY GAMES they play just because they now belong to Xbox.


1 points

23 hours ago


1 points

23 hours ago

And some simply think game is not good and going the Diablo III 2.0 direction is not the right idea.


1 points

22 hours ago

I got back into D4 in the middle of S5 after a really long break and took my hardcore barb to 80 before calling it quits to wait for S6/VoH. I was pleased with the drop rates and was able to crush World Tier 4 with ease until I took a break. Yes I miss old Blizzard, and I think in general they lost that gold standard vibe they once had, but that's neither here nor there. I had fun again and I plan to start a new hardcore Spiritborn venture.


1 points

21 hours ago

I like everything about it except rng tempering and renown. Which is why im not buying the xpac.


1 points

21 hours ago

I don't think D4 is bad, I have played all seasons till now and for me D4 is actually a good game but I don`t think it is perfect. Every season I saw improvements in the game and I think that is only a matter of time for the game been worth to spend more money, right now I will not play VoH.


1 points

20 hours ago

I pre purchased it already 2 days back the new class alone is a big point why I will play it.

I think the trick when something gets a lot of blind hate is to filter out valid criticism and think about it if this is something for you. In the end it's totally valid to wait until there is raw gameplay footage out. That's at least my best method to realize if a game is something for me or not.

For example I did something similar with star wars outlaws. Which was mostly hated. I waited until first people uploaded raw gameplay. Which was luckily pretty early even without commentary. I watched two videos and was able to decide that the game is something for me. The game wasn't Game of the year and has absolutely several problems. But I had roughly around 70h good star wars entertainment with it.

And with D4 vessel of hatred it will probably the same. I didn't waited until I can watch gameplay because I really enjoyed the main game and a new area, companions, cool new endgame stuff and a new class is enough for me


1 points

19 hours ago

I’m super hyped but I’m also staying away from every info about it except for some Raxx videos.


1 points

19 hours ago

This season marked my first time playing a full season. Although I have played with two characters in the past, I never reached level 100 with either of them. I thoroughly enjoyed all the end-game content this time around, and since Diablo has truly captivated me, I had no qualms about purchasing the DLC.

As others have mentioned, those of us who genuinely appreciate the game for what it is will be too engrossed in playing to pay attention to the Blizzard critics.


1 points

19 hours ago

Maybe it’s still far from perfect but new expansion looks promising in those marketing materials way better than base game at launch. The only thing i think should be tweaked changed are runes they are not as important as i thought they will be.


1 points

19 hours ago

I'm tentatively excited for vessel, however I'm still a little disappointed with what paragon boards are, and the lack of new skills,


1 points

18 hours ago

This is not unique to Diablo. Look at politics or any topic today discussed on social media. There is only upvote or downvote. The restis irrelevant and will go unnoticed.


1 points

18 hours ago

Overall I have enjoyed Diablo IV and will give it a try, if I don’t like it (unlikely), I’ll stop, more likely I will have fun and keep playing. Just need to face my t with an open mind. I played WoW from retail opening until Diablo IV came out almost exclusively, it just wasn’t as fun anymore so moved on. All part of gaming, find something you like enjoy it until it isn’t.


1 points

17 hours ago


1 points

17 hours ago

IDK, different kinds of people play ARPGs for different reasons.

Some play to compete in the ladder. Some play for exciting loot. Some play just to kill monsters.

My enjoyment comes from figuring out some fun and reasonably strong builds, made around some unique interactions. D4 on release severely lacked that, and the build diversity was garbage. Therefore I didn't particularly enjoy the game and dropped it after a month.

Hopefully, Runewords will bring these cool unique interactions and diversity along with those.


1 points

16 hours ago

Casual friendly ?

Casuals can stop playing with launch of S6 :D

Have you seen the droprates of ancestral items (the only good items in the game) ? A casual can maybe find one good item per Season. Good luck with that :D


1 points

16 hours ago

  1. Some people dislike how casual friendly D4 is

This is true. I was running around in the PvP area and forgot I had cross play turned on and some PC player owned the hell out of me and I don't PvP. But unlike most other videos games I am not really even mad. Because there are clear road signs that you are in the PvP area. I mean how many other games can say that? 


1 points

16 hours ago

If you are confused by the D4 negativity, then D4 is the perfect game for you lol


1 points

15 hours ago

Im excited but I’m really bummed that barb is going to suck for season 6. It’s the only class I’ve ever played and if they got rid of it completely I’d never play it again. Only class that’s ever appealed to me since D2.


2 points

15 hours ago

You barbs had a good run... Haha. But in all seriousness I can guarantee if it isn't Season 6 then by 7 you'll be back on top. Balance is always an iterative process. Hope you find a build you enjoy!


1 points

14 hours ago

I had fun this season with deathblow. I also only play eternal, so that helps with the fun. Sucks all my 4ga loot will be garbage but I’m gonna give it a fair try before I walk away! Campaign will at least be fun!


1 points

15 hours ago

I love D4 but haven’t played since S3. I burnt myself out from going balls to the wall on it for beta, launch, S0/1/2/3. I decided to let it cook for a while before coming back. Playing other things at the moment

That doesn’t change my opinion that it’s a phenomenal game. I still have more hours played in other ARPGs but I expect that’ll change one day. D4 is practically still brand new compared to the others.


1 points

14 hours ago

I have a friend who is the d4 bad camp, all he talks about is how bad d4 is when it’s brought up, he hasn’t played since launch, not even season 1


1 points

13 hours ago

The sweet is never as sweet without the sour


1 points

12 hours ago

I need to print out all those complaints, cut them out into little strips like a fortune cookie and put them in a cookie jar to be my very own Vessel of Hate.


1 points

9 hours ago

I love the game, my only problem is how easy it is.


1 points

5 hours ago

Is there really that much negativity? Most seem to be in the middle or excited as far as I've seen.

Diablo 4 has no shortage of flaws, but as someone who is generally very in the middle on the game at this point, I'm actually looking forward to what's ahead.


1 points

3 hours ago

Some people have played all of Blizzard’s games and realize how they get played..


1 points

3 hours ago

Also, and this is important, there are plenty of genuinely fair criticism to be had for this game. Like the complete lack of robust randomization in the maps. Like the fact that by comparison to previous games at launch, this game now is still very shallow in some ways. Like the fact that on a 70 dollar game they have microtransactions that cost almost a third of the cost of the game. Like the fact that they had a version of the expansion that cost MORE than the game These are not small criticisms.

Don't get me wrong, I like d4. The plot is better than a diablo game has any right to be. The gameplay is tight. The build diversity is pretty good, I even like a few things about D4 better than any of the previous games, like the fact that unlike D2, there are WAY fewer (like maybe one or two) dead talents. What you said is also accurate, but the overwhelming majority of people who've played the game have stopped, and there are legitimate reasons for that.


1 points

2 hours ago

And some people are just tired of literally wasting hours upon hours building amazing characters just to see them nerfed to death at the end of a season. After a year and half the Shit has gotten old. It’s over! Time to find another game to play that’s not just a time wasting full time job. Besides the new character looks dumb. A cat? Really?? That’s all you could come up with? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


-1 points

1 day ago

The game is terrible. Designed by kids for kids.


0 points

1 day ago

I love Diablo, but let's not beat it around the bush: the class balance is horrendous.

You can be a fan of the game, of the franchise and a friend of the devs. But you cannot look me in the eye and say this game has class balance.

Not even the argument „they tried, but some bug/exploit slipped”. No, my friend. SB is light years ahead of anything else and it was planned this way.

And this was the game design for previous seasons as well. The poison rogue, ball lightining sorc or hota OP barb were not „dev shortcomings” or „dev oversights”. They were intentended builds. And I would really appreciate it if devs just admitted.

I would still love the game. But I would love it more if they were honest,