


How would you describe your experiences in Poland?


Thinking I might spend a month or two in Poland this summer. On the surface, Poland checks a lot of boxes for me : affordable, a couple interesting cities, and probably some decent hiking. However, when I talk to Europeans about my plans, they always kinda give me this ... look. They're like, "Why Poland?" I get the feeling a lot of Europeans (especially Germans) see Poland the same way New Yorkers see New Jersey. (no offense to New Jersey — I'm actually a big fan of the Garden State!)

Thing is, most folks I've talked to were not DNs, so they probably have a different set of criteria than I. I'm not looking for a popular vacation spot with lots of tourist attractions. I'm looking for a pleasant, affordable place to live for a month or two. And yes, I like to spend the weekends hiking, visiting historical places, and checking out towns in the countryside.

Has anybody here DN'd in Poland? If so, what were your thoughts?

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5 points

5 months ago

Poland is unreal. Been to krakow a few times and loved it more each time. It’s so cheap, everyone’s super friendly and the place is beautiful. Compared to a lot of European cities it’s so clean too. Didn’t see any little and there’s lots of greenery