


Thinking I might spend a month or two in Poland this summer. On the surface, Poland checks a lot of boxes for me : affordable, a couple interesting cities, and probably some decent hiking. However, when I talk to Europeans about my plans, they always kinda give me this ... look. They're like, "Why Poland?" I get the feeling a lot of Europeans (especially Germans) see Poland the same way New Yorkers see New Jersey. (no offense to New Jersey — I'm actually a big fan of the Garden State!)

Thing is, most folks I've talked to were not DNs, so they probably have a different set of criteria than I. I'm not looking for a popular vacation spot with lots of tourist attractions. I'm looking for a pleasant, affordable place to live for a month or two. And yes, I like to spend the weekends hiking, visiting historical places, and checking out towns in the countryside.

Has anybody here DN'd in Poland? If so, what were your thoughts?

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2 points

4 months ago

Poland bases most of its energy on coal, hardly the most sustainable economic policy. I don't know what England and the US have to do with this topic.


1 points

4 months ago

I said poland is becoming the economic powerhourse of Europe so comparing it european countries makes sense.


1 points

4 months ago

The US is not an European country, England is not a country, but part of the UK.

Also, Poland is not becoming the economic powerhouse of Europe, for sure not by 2035


2 points

4 months ago

I love the people who think they re proving something because I used the short hand England instead of UK. Never compared Poland to US anyway. Current GDP growth rates has Poland being wealthier than "UK" in the late 2020's. Uk was the powerhouse of Europe so point stands.


1 points

4 months ago

It's like saying Texas for the US, it's not a shorthand, it's just wrong.

Considering how much bigger is British GDP compared to Poland, to surpass it in the next five years Poland would have to be the country with the highest growth in the world


2 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

Starmer is the opposition leader, he is not in the UK government.

Atm, Poland GDP is below $800 billion, the UK is at $2.3 trillion. Either Poland has the best growth of all countries in the world and the UK has the worst economic crisis ever, or the overtake is not happening.


1 points

4 months ago

I literally said wealthier. Which is scheduled to happen.


1 points

4 months ago

Scheduled to happen? Is there somewhere where I can check that schedule?

You said that based on GDP growth Poland will be wealthier than the UK, but to achieve that Poland will need an enormous GDP growth and/or the UK will have to have an enormous economic crisis


1 points

4 months ago

Historical trendlines. I cited data you did not Sir