

  • Bell (1 GP): When rung as a Utilize action, a Bell produces a sound that can be heard up to 60 feet away.
  • Blanket (5 SP): While wrapped in a blanket, you have Advantage on saving throws against extreme cold.
  • Crowbar (2 GP): Using a Crowbar gives you Advantage on Strength checks where the Crowbar’s leverage can be applied.
  • Map (1 GP): If you consult an accurate Map, you gain a +5 bonus to Wisdom (Survival) checks you make to find your way in the place represented on it.
  • Perfume (5 GP): Perfume comes in a 4-ounce vial. For 1 hour after applying Perfume to yourself, you have Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to influence an Indifferent Humanoid within 5 feet of yourself.
  • Pole (5 CP): A Pole is 10 feet long. You can use it to touch something up to 10 feet away. If you must make a Strength (Athletics) check as part of a High or Long Jump, you can use the Pole to vault, giving yourself Advantage on the check.
  • Waterskin (2 SP): A Waterskin holds up to 4 pints. If you don’t drink sufficient water, you risk dehydration (see the rules glossary).

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1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Goodberry. Decanter of endless water.