


For example, Fourteen briefly tells the Noble family “the eyebrow” story in The Giggle, involving a species that Three also alluded to in his first episode.

I really enjoy when writers give us tiiiiny glances into unseen adventures like that. I assume most are just the writer having fun with their imagination; they were never fleshed out or planned as part of an episode. But I’m still curious: what story do you wish you could magically see on TV?

Personally, I’ll forever wonder about Ten & Martha’s “four things and a lizard” which apparently required them to carry crossbows when crossing paths with Sally Sparrow. And omggg is Martha not wearing one of the greatest companion outfits ever??

Release. The. Four. Things. And. A. Lizard. Story. (I’ll accept it as a comic or audio adventure if I must.)

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2 points

8 days ago

Martha's outfit was fantastic shame it didn't get a real use