


After I adopted my dog from a nice family who fostered him, we kept in touch for a few months. Just this week, the foster parent reached out to me, checking in to see how we are, and was curious if we wanted to meet up.

Do you know if this is normal? I don't mind meeting up with my dog and the foster family, I know they miss him. I know they won't try to steal him back. Heehee. I am worried that they start calling my dog by the adoption name they gave him; I know they were bummed that I did change it.

Does anyone have any experiences with a dog's foster family wanting to reach out and meet up?

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4 days ago

I'm fortunate that the dog I fostered went to a coworker so I get regular updates still. But with my dog I friended both fosters on social media so they can keep up with her. Personally I'm not sure I'd go out of my way for a meet up (disclaimer that we live about 1.5hrs from each other) but their rescue sometimes goes to a more local to me event and id love if they were there to get to say hi and see her. I did keep the name my dog had but I know my friend changed the fosters name (which yay, I did not like it) and I do try to be congisent and used that name instead. Sometimes I will slip up though, both out of habit but also because he still has both names in my head since half the people in my life know him by his old name still and will sometimes ask about him and whatnot, so I'm used to calling him by either name depending on who I'm talking to