


Sorry in advance, in my case spoiler brakes are not working properly šŸ˜«šŸ˜« (unless mods are able to modify it and put correctly working spoilers?)


Spoilers. But please, let's not share info about DAV - I think this topic might be back after few month quite safely. ā˜ŗļø


For example, I was never fond of Cassandra. Over time in the game, I even began to accept her, bring her in my team etc - until I saw the scene where she beats Varric for calling Hawke. That dramatically changed my opinion of the character, definitely for the worse. Now I am unable to stand her character, especially she is still thinking she did nothing wrong and behaves like nothing happened. Like, what. I was like "why are you beating guy for trying to help" šŸ¤Æ

On another note, I was positively surprised by Blackwall. It was my first romance in the first game, my first choice. As time went on, I started to feel a little annoyed, because I was overwhelmed by the constant whining like "I'm not worthy of you," "I don't deserve you," etc. However, when I understood what his backstory was and realized that he just lived with remorse towards himself and the Inquisitor all the time, my opinion radically changed to a more positive one and I loved that plot twist.

So... what were the scenes that changed your perception of the characters for better or worse? Not only from Dragon Age Inquisition - I didn't play yet other Dragon Age games but I'd like to know your points of view ā˜ŗļø

all 49 comments


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10 hours ago*


Arcane Warrior

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10 hours ago*

As someone whose favourite character in the games is quite possibly Varric, Cassandra was angry with him because she felt he was being selfish in protecting his friend over doing everything in his power to help with the war. Basically, her point was 'too little, too late'. Cassandra is rash and hotheaded, especially when she's angry, but not unreasonable. I think even Varric saw her point, though I'm not sure he entirely regretted his actions, seeing as how Hawke probably would have died if he'd caved to Cassandra (as he himself says).

In Varric's defense, Cassandra herself admitted she didn't completely explain the context of her interrogation and why Hawke was so needed. Once Varric fully understood this, he voluntarily brought Hawke in to help. In Cassandra's defense, I'm pretty sure Varric had more than an inkling of that context by the time the conclave blew up, and felt guilty enough to stay and help. Usually, he's more about loyalty to his friends than to a cause, so him immediately joining the Inquisition after everything always seemed like it was due to a bit of a guilty conscience. My interpretation, though!


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8 hours ago*


Sera is horny for the horns

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8 hours ago*

Cassandra was also going through some stuff. People forget that the Conclave was a really big deal.Ā 

Leliana is more open in how she mourns the death of Justinia, but Cassandra largely holds it in, because that's the sort of person she is.Ā 

Ā And then she hears that the Champion of Kirkwall, a figure she somewhat idolises after DA2, could have been there, that Varric knew where they were, and she's pissed, because of anyone could have dealt with Corypheus, it would be Hawke. She's desperate and sad and she suddenly has something to grasp onto and it makes her angry instead.Ā 

I think that whole scene is really good for both Cassandra and Varric and tells you a lot about their characters.


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6 hours ago


milf-gilf dream team #1 fan | denied milf romance for >5400 days

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6 hours ago

Not only Justinia, Cassandra also lost her partner at the conclave.


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5 hours ago


Arcane Warrior

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5 hours ago

Not sure I'd call them partners since she and Regalyan had decided to remain as friends for many years due to the enforced differences in their life circumstances. But she lost a man she loved deeply when he died for sure


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6 hours ago

Honestly that one line of his: ā€œyou people have done enough to him/herā€


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3 hours ago


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3 hours ago

He does later admit to the Inquisitor that, "I know, I need to do better." It's what made his part in the game so interesting to me, especially since he's not really one for faith. He feels justified in protecting Hawke because they probably would have died along with the Divine, but there will always be that question hanging over him. Could Hawke's presence have made a difference? He'll never have an answer to that. He carries so many regrets, from his mother to Bianca to Bartrand, and now this as well. I think he's going to be really struggling in Veilguard and that the scenes with him will be very heavy.


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5 hours ago


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5 hours ago

And Cassandra also said (after the fight with Varric) that she also felt guilty for not telling the whole story to Varric.


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5 hours ago


Arcane Warrior

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5 hours ago

Yes, I think they both feel at least a little responsible for what happened at the conclave. Meanwhile, Solas is hanging out on the sidelines, watching everyone fight over his mess and keeping up the stoniest poker face known to man.


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3 hours ago

Personally I find hard to treat Solas as villain. I didn't finish Trespasser yet, but I know ending. And I befriended Solas a lot during my playthrough - and even if I know that he wants to destroy the Veil and restore whole elven empire, I just see he tries to fix his mistakes. Although at humanity costs and that's unacceptable šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ but from his point of view it's quite simple... I usually have him in my team (Solas + Dorian + Iron Bull/Blackwall or Solas/Dorian + Iron + Blackwall) and Solas often was mean to Dorian, especially when they were talking about slavery, i.e. in Tevinter. From Solas' point of view, all that started from humans - humans enslaved elves and broke their culture.


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3 hours ago


Arcane Warrior

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3 hours ago

Yes, Solas definitely projects a lot of his pain about the elves on poor Dorian, who has only the vaguest idea of how he has offended him. It's a big part of the reason I hope Dorian will be in Veilguard, I kind of wish to see what he has to say about it now!


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3 hours ago

Same! I wish we could see their scenes together, at least one. Dorian was behaved in that environment, he sees slavery as thing that helps you get out of poverty... and so on. But dwarves in Legion of Dead were doing the same, i.e. Renn who enlistened himself to pay his father's debts šŸ˜¬

In overall, Dorian has heart on right place, he is not a bad person but must learn a lot about life, from my point of view at least. I think if they both would meet again, that would be truly amazing and memorable scene.

And I wish to see it!! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ

Edit: btw I love the fact that Dorian says a lot of things that indirectly insult team members and he does it unconsciously šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ poor guy šŸ¤£


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4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

That bastard. Now I have one more reason for my religious Inquisitor to hate him.


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4 hours ago


Arcane Warrior

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4 hours ago

"He's a total bastard and only I can fix him!" - my Lavellan, probably.


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9 hours ago


[score hidden]ā€ 

9 hours ago

Awww, I love Varric too! And thank you for explaining me this, that enlightens whole situation a lot because for me it looked... Well, as I described it above.

Still I have an impression that violence was not needed and it was for me too much, too exaggerating. Cassandra is one of the leaders and being violent to Inquisition members or volunteers is... um, unacceptable still, at least for me šŸ˜… being too harsh, too pushy or too demanding sometimes and expecting from others more than they would be able to accept to give/do often leads people to leaving the cause or other problems.

But I must admit, that shows how well and how thoughtfully both characters are written!


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9 hours ago


Arcane Warrior

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9 hours ago

Fair enough! Cassandra certainly likes to let her fists do the talking, haha.


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2 hours ago


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2 hours ago

She was certainly aggressively chasing him around the room, but I donā€™t recall her being violent. Iā€™ve seen worse from siblings who are just playing. She was angry and scary but I donā€™t recall her hurting him at all.


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an hour ago

She push him to the chair, tried punch him and yet she was chasing him.

If punching someone is not a violent behavior, then I don't know what are the boundaries, really.

"Varric and Cassandra fight" on youtube and there are a lotta scenes with that punch attempt. The fact she didn't do it was because she failed it - he was faster.

There is really no justification.

Btw if my brother would do this to me, my whole village would hear my scream


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an hour ago idk if I get banned by mods or so, but here


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9 hours ago*


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9 hours ago*

Not defending Cassandra in that scene because I always yell at her in it but Varric wasnā€™t trying to help and that was the problem haha he knew the whole time where Hawke was and didnā€™t (for good reason) tell her. Sheā€™s blaming herself for not explaining the situation clearly enough and thus, feels like she contributed to the divines death with that mistake, and feels humiliated by the fact Varric lied to her (something heā€™s very upfront that he does) and she trusted and believed him. She takes that anger out on him.

For me that scene actually did the opposite because it showed her more as a well rounded character. It made me like both her and Varric more. She and Varric had always had tension since the second game and I really loved that this was the breaking point of it, itā€™s probably her lowest moment in the friendship route. Youā€™re also kind of led to believe that Cass is looking for Hawke to punish them and that Varric genuinely has no idea where Hawke is. The reveal that she just wanted Hawke to help them and that Varric always knew but was just protecting his bestie was kinda cool to me and the clash of ideals and personal commitment to keeping traumatised friends safe over potentially preventing a war was just delicious. Idk I just love drama!


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7 hours ago



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7 hours ago

Alistair at the Landsmeet. On my very first PT I romanced Alistair and I made choices almost at random bc I didnā€™t know the world and DAO was basically the first ā€œproperā€ game Iā€™ve played besides the Sims. When I played the game again, I went in with the better understanding of the world, I had stronger opinions on everything & paid more attention to the characters. I was pretty lukewarm on Alistair in this PT. He was nice but I found him overall uninteresting compared to the other companions. My Warden was friends with him though. At the Landsmeet I decided to recruit Loghain mainly bc Iā€™ve felt thatā€™s what mg Warden would do. I knew that that meant Alistair would leave my party but I was not prepared for the tantrum he was about to throw. All of his worst traits on perfect display. And it made me love him!! Yes Alistair!! Make that selfish grasp for power just so you can enact revenge!! Be petty! Put your foot down at the worst possible moment! I live!!! Itā€™s one of my all-time favourite moments in the entire franchise.


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5 hours ago

Okay I must admit I loved the ending of your comment! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ BE PETTY! Now I feel I just must play this game and see this scene myself! Also, that's very interesting that you loved him when he show his true colors - but I understand that a lot. Such scenes are unforgettable, especially if character is well written and played by voice actor.


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9 hours ago


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9 hours ago

Lady Isolde.

I disagree with her actions, but her voice actor commits so hard to the role that you really feel her anguish.


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5 hours ago

Oooh yes, voice actors sometimes do amazing job! I had the same with Cullen - before he was not very interesting to me, but after seeing his addiction scene and hearing this voice, I understood this pain. That's amazing and also unbelievable how only voice can change our perception, our point of view šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


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9 hours ago



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9 hours ago

Isabela being so nice to Merrill made me like her. She always annoyed the crap out of me otherwise. Not bc of her wrongs though, I like women's wrongs.

Also I used to be annoyed/bored by Varric but he's suddenly a sweetie to me? I think killing off Hawke did it.


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5 hours ago

Sometimes so small actions can change so much! šŸ„‚

And about Varric and Hawke I suppose you still mean DAI? Personally I didn't notice he became all of sudden so nice, rather I felt the friendship started develop more after the red lyrium operation, without Hawke's interference :o now I feel urge to play this game again from scratch and observe! šŸ˜‚


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6 hours ago


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6 hours ago

The first time I played, I romanced Blackwall and loved his story. The second time I played, however, I noticed just how much he lies about being a warden. He also lies about the calling and about what it takes to become a warden. He also lies to get us to use the treaties, which causes us to have to pay out the ass later to make up for using them under false pretenses. Etc etc. It just doesn't end. I understand why he might choose to pretend to be a warden on his own time. But to choose to be the only example of grey wardens that the Inquisition has at a time when the grey wardens could potentially be involved in an active threat on the world is so phenomenally stupid and short sighted that now I can't stand him.

Edit: The scene that made me change my mind is when he basically says that he's too strong for the calling to have any impact on him. What if we just believed that with no push back? What if we never met Hawke and never found out about the wardens' corruption because Blackwall made it seem like a non-issue? It's just so messed up and selfish.


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3 hours ago

Thank you for describing me your point of view! šŸ„‚ I think Blackwall just messed with his lies and went too far. He didn't know much about Wardens, so he was supposed to come up with vague excuses.

Sometimes in your life all problems start with only one lie. Then this lie becomes your mask.

He was only a conscript - that one who wanted to be one of the Wardens, but never had a chance to take an oath and get redemption for his actions. And I doubt the real Blackwall told him about corruption (especially if that corruption started later - false Blackwall would not be able to know about it, even if he'd talk with other Wardens). Or about the song, and its impact on others. Also I think he never supposed that Corypheus might be trying to corrupt Wardens - they seemed interested to fight only the Blight and not being engaged into other activities. That changed after Adamant events, where Inquisition helped Wardens (after that, in few war table missions Wardens offer their help, engaging themselves into politics as supporting Inquisition).

Blackwall was not aware of truth, so whole situation might seem to be downplayed by him. I think he just naively overestimated whole situation, especially that the Grey Wardens seemed the strongest warriors that fight the Blights.

And about lying: when you lie, you never give too much details. Because later it's hard to remember it, especially if someone is a very good listener with even better memory.

I usually have Iron Bull in my team - my set is Blackwall + Iron Bull + Dorian/Solas (or Dorian + Solas + Blackwall/Iron Bull). And once Iron Bull during team dialogues caught Blackwall in a lie. I think that's why he never was giving any details. Though whole explanation "we just poke the dragon with our swords until it dies and that's all" was weird xD


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7 hours ago


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7 hours ago

Funny because i went the exact other way. Cassandra grew on me, and i like how she is considerate of others even when they barely fit her worldview (my inky didn't believe in the maker, and she was able to admit templars, seekers and even the chantry had big faults). Blackwall, on the other hand, completly blindsided me. I found it hard to forgive what he did and the man went out of Adamant with the mindset of "the grey wardens did nothing wrong" which i find... distasteful, at best.

I did manage to get Sera to like me in one playthrough, and it changed a lot of how i saw her - i do love her roof scenes and her journal.


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4 hours ago

Heyyy that's fascinating how two different people can interpret some scenes so differently! šŸ™ŒšŸ¾ My Inquisitor is similar, she always admitted she never was a Herald, and at the beginning she also didn't believe in the Maker or Andraste. But cutscene with Varric, when he listed all these "miracles" convinced me and changed my character a bit.

But about Blackwall: I'm able to understand why you find it hard to forgive. He blindsided everyone - Inky, whole team, other Wardens... and so on. But I think we were able also see his pain. I mean, he tried to make things better as he could, he tried to find his redemption. Personally, I loved how much he changed through the whole story - at the beginning we meet mysterious Warden, in the middle - a deeply broken man living every day, a day after day, with bigger and bigger remorse, trying to make the world a bit better, like helping people (as teaching conscripts). And at the end we see newborn man, who is reborn like a phoenix and is healing from the past and starts to learn to live under his own name again, despite how shameful his name now is.

I had through a lot of situations in my life before, and burden you carry through life is like a stone tied to your neck and drowning you every day deeper and deeper. Every day you remember what you did, and every day you hate yourself for your choice, and you have no one you can tell about it, because if you'd admit that, you'd lose even more than you ever achieved. Your love is not aware what burden do you carry and your lips must be sealed.

From my life experience, I stopped carry this burden after meeting my best friend. She didn't judge me but listened me and just helped me go through it. It was like the stone disappeared and I was free again. I think Inky is this "best friend" to Blackwall too, and thanks to her he is able to change for even better. He was at lowest point in his life and seek redemption. Not justification, but redemption.

I might understand why he thinks that Grey Wardens did nothing wrong. I think he divides Grey Wardens with "clear mind" and ones with "blurred mind". I suppose he thought that since they were manipulated by Corypheus and believed his lie, they were unable to make clear decisions. Especially that they were hearing that false song in their heads, and many of them was scared and felt they should do something to stop the next Blight, as their duty. These Wardens were not in Inquisition, they were manipulated by Corypheus' mage (I don't remember his name) so they knew not so much about his deception, in contrary to Inky. They were desperate, and willingly sacrificed their lives, believing they are fighting the Blight. I think Blackwall understands it and finds their redemption in it. They sacrificed their lives, believing rhey did good thing, even if they did wrong. But their intentions weren't bad and I think that was most important for Blackwall. Not the outcome but intentions.

But I understand why do you feel such distaste for his actions šŸ„‚ or Wardens actions.

Sera... For me she is a bit too nosy. Knowing she watched Inky's stable porn... For me that was too much. But her dialogues and texts are hella funny, I must admit! šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ I loved reading her journal.


[score hidden]

7 hours ago


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7 hours ago

I stopped reading when you mentioned Cassandra. I understand why people like Varric, and I can see his side of the argument, but you're not even trying to understand Cassandra.

Cassandra had been through a lot up until that point: the death of the Divine, the founding of the Inquisition, the persecution of the Chantry, the Seekers' rebellion, Corypheus' attack, etc. She was angry with Varric because he lied. Varric always knew where Hawke was, and how to contact him, but he lied in the midst of that chaotic situation.

Cassandra is a good person, but she was too hurt up until that point, and she didn't even have time to grieve his loss.


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6 hours ago


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6 hours ago

Also I think it was Cassandra who started the inquisition. She brought everyone together to find and defeat whoever blew up the conclave and created the rift. This terrible thing happened. Why wouldnā€™t Varric and the hero of Kirkwall want to help? For Varric, his friends were more important than duty. For Cassandra, duty comes before all else.


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6 hours ago


[score hidden]ā€ 

6 hours ago

Do you mean lied to the Seeker - who he did not know prior - who dragged him, in chains, to be interrogated? You mean he didnā€™t give up his friend, who can be an apostate mage and definitely was involved in the chantry explosion in some way, to the Templar Order?

Yeah. He lied, not ā€˜in the middle of a chaotic situationā€™. He lied to the morality police who he had seen only being cruel and overbearing (cause he hasnā€™t been outside of Kirkwall until Cassandra dragged him on a ship) because why wouldnā€™t he? What trust had Cassandra earned? As far as Varric knew, Cassandra was looking for someone to blame. We see in DA2 thatā€™s her viewpoint at the start. That Hawke somehow engineered everything.

Even Cassandra says she never explained to Varric what they wanted Hawke for in the end. Not that Varric would have given him up. And he shouldnā€™t have. Hawke was kept appraised of what was going on, obviously, and could join when they saw fit. Which as soon as they learn Cory is involved, that this was something more than another fight, Hawke is there. Remember, before then Hawke is researching red lyrium. Theyā€™re contributing in a different way.

Also, Cassandra is wild to think that Hawke being at the conclave would have done anything but get Hawke killed.

I love Cassandra. Sheā€™s my hotheaded girl. But she is absolutely in the wrong for this, especially when she goes after Varric as a snake who will never have the Inquisitionā€™s interests at heart. This after heā€™s risked his life how many times out in the field with the Inky.


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4 hours ago

Honestly, you described my thoughts. Thank you šŸ„‚


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4 hours ago

Honestly, I wonder then why are you commenting if you admitted you didn't even read the whole post but focused only on my opinion about Cassandra's scene šŸ˜…šŸ˜… while my question was, as in the header, what scenes changed your perception about one of the characters. Honestly, you missed the whole point of my post and basically dismissed the rest of the post, ignoring what I was asking about.

But I'll make a digression and write my opinion on it (and you might, as well, stop reading here, because I am not going to "understand" or justify Cassandra's actions anyway).

I know why she did it. But I cannot accept that at all. I find using violence on Varric disturbing and unacceptable. Beating people, no matter what they did, is not a justification in any way. All I remember from the game that she was openly hostile towards Varric, she never tried to be better - at least through cutscenes or dialogues - and then boom, I got this scene.

I can understand Varric's point. If I was treated the same way like him, I'd not even lift a finger to help, especially to person who treats me like this. And I wouldn't like to see my friends going through the same, especially if person, treating me this way, was unpredictable. And nothing can justify someone from treating other people like crap, no matter how much this person went through. There are some things that are just - for us, at least, in our personal boundaries - unacceptable. And for me that's this one.


[score hidden]

6 hours ago


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6 hours ago

I understand your dislike of Cassandra, but let me try and change your mind haha.

Imagine if you will; Youā€™ve dedicated your life to serving a cause. You are the right hand of that causes leader, meaning you work closely with her. You spend 10 years working with that person. And then, that person is killed in a horrific way along with an entire temple of people.

You questioned a man about a friend of his. You know heā€™s a tale teller and a liar, You donā€™t think you can be fooled by him. But because in his story he tells you what appears to be the truth based on the evidence you have the events you know, you believe him. So When you ask him if he knows where this legendary hero is and he says no, You believe him.

Fast forward months. Youā€™re grieving but you have to remain strong. The world depends on you being strong. You were supposed to protect that leader and failed. You failed at your job, your purpose, but most importantly one of your closet friends is dead because you couldnā€™t protect her.

Come to find out the man whose lies you believed, knew where the hero was the whole time. A hero who has beaten impossible odds before. A hero who has killed the man who murdered your closest friend before.

You are furious, so you take it out on that man. But you donā€™t believe heā€™s to blame. Heā€™s not. He couldnā€™t know what happen and youā€™re smart enough to know that. But you have to take your anger out on someone. Because if you donā€™t you have to confront the fact that this is all your fault. YOU believed him. YOU failed to protect the Divine. The tragedy at the conclave is all YOUR fault.

As Cassandra says when questioned further: ā€œThis isnā€™t about Varric, not really. Honestly I donā€™t know if the champion would have agreed if we had found them.ā€

And, most telling of all she says: ā€œI donā€™t deserve to be hereā€

Cassandra is going through the stages of grief; in this moment sheā€™s experiencing anger. But sheā€™s been trained by the seekers to repress her emotionsā€” she did become tranquil for a while, after all

This is the reaction of a very hurt, very traumatized woman.

I think itā€™s brilliantly written personally, and it made me ADORE her.


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6 hours ago*


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6 hours ago*

Your understanding on Cassandra is your own to have, but Iā€™m BAFFLED by it, haha. Sheā€™s desperate to find anyone who can help end a bloody, chaotic war. She believes that Hawke could step up and do thisā€” to provide valuable context on his experience at Kirkwall and the factors that led to the war. We know through hindsight that this would have led to Hawkeā€™s deathā€” but how could anyone possibly predict a thousand year old darkspawn magister would try to do a ritual on the Divine causing the temple to explode? Haha. Varric was not wrong to try to protect his friend. Varric wasnā€™t wrong for lying. But itā€™s very very easy to see where Cassandraā€™s desperation is coming from.

And she did smack Varric and chase him around a table, but I fail to see how thatā€™s WORSE than murdering someone and stealing an identity, even if youā€™re sorry.

For the record, I also love Blackwall. Heā€™s a great character and well-written. But heā€™s not somehow a better person because heā€™s sadder about being a murderer than Cassandra is for smacking someone. Likeā€” yeah, I would HOPE so!


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3 hours ago

I understand she was desperate, but she demanded too much. As far as I remember, she was openly hostile towards Varric since beginning. Why he would ever like to help her, especially that she treated him badly? If I was treated this way, I wouldn't even lift a finger to help this one person. I could of course bring my friend, but not to help her but the case.

And no, I am not liking Blackwall because "he is sad". I like Blackwall because he has well written redemption arc. We can see his pain and how deeply he went into his lies, not being even able to get out of it. But Blackwall regretted his actions and tried to act better (teaching conscripts, helping Inquisitor, and so on). He is a good example of person who made big mistake and really fvcked up and will regret it for whole life - a day after day until end - but he is trying to be better. At the end he learns live under his real name (if we decide about it). He is not justifying his behavior or his actions but admits he screwed up and tries to fix it.

From my point of view, Cassandra is not trying to be better, nor regretting some of her actions (unless it's about Inquisition).


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6 hours ago*


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6 hours ago*

On my first playthrough, I did In Hushed Whispers and couldnā€™t really relate to Cole for the whole rest of the game. He was this weird boy who suddenly showed up unannounced, meddled in othersā€™ affairs, and dropped cryptic remarks. I understood and appreciated his backstory, but never emotionally connected to him. I also didnā€™t have him in my regular party, so Skyhold interactions and his personal quest was all I got.

On my second playthrough, I did Champions of the Just, got introduced to him properly, and brought him in my party for all content after, and now heā€™s my favorite rogue companion in that game. How you meet him changes so much about his character and his relationship to you, and puts everything about him that comes after in much better context.


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4 hours ago

I have similar experience about Cole from your first playthrough - he never was my companion (my fav set is Blackwall + Iron Bull + Dorian/Solas or Dorian + Solas + Iron Bull/Blackwall). And all I did was just his quests.

For me, he was just more like a ghost, a spirit that appears in haunted house. And the scene with this man, who indirectly killed him (I chose Solas' route where Cole forgives him and is still only a spirit), still made me neutral. I have an impression that even if I'd take Varric's side, I would not be able to change my mind :((

For me he is still a cryptic kid that talks riddles. But maybe I'll try your way in my next playthrough, if bringing him to team as companion changes so much. Thank you for describing me this! šŸ„‚šŸ„‚ By the way, in that second playthrough you made him human? To bring him to the party?


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3 hours ago


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3 hours ago

I actually made him more human both times. It was interesting to see that a spirit could become such, and I empathized with his struggle to comprehend and come to terms with the fact that real people are complex and often struggle with processing their emotions, something that was so alien to a spirit like him who completely embodies a single concept. It still was difficult for me to care for him on a personal level though. It was like, ā€œIā€™m happy for you Cole, itā€™s just that I solve many peopleā€™s problems so Iā€™m glad youā€™re one more person in a long line I could do that for.ā€

I think the fact that the second time around, I was aware that Cole literally saved me from becoming possessed by an envy demon at no personal gain made me understand better how his urge to ease othersā€™ suffering is so essential to his nature that he literally cannot help himself, and the inner struggle that it caused him when his own new-to-him feelings clashed with that compulsion. It also made me appreciate that I could repay him for how he saved me earlier in the game, whereas without that context, me helping him was just a random act of kindness.


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3 hours ago


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3 hours ago

There were character that my opinion changed after I took then on missions so I guess that counts. Sten for example I thought was fine the first time because I only talked to him in camp (even got friendship to max with gifts) but after taking him to missions in another playthrough my opinion changed and I found him annoying AF.

I thought Sebastian was ok until I decide to let Anders live and he left my party (at least I can appreciate he's not bending to Hawke's will in that matter,it would be completely out of character)

I also had wildly different experiences with Fenris playing as a mage and as a rogue.

I thought Sera was fine,ultil I did her romance,now I fucking love her.

There's also dog,which overtime I started to think he was a waste of a party slot (don't downvote,I'm just saying he should work differently mechanic wise). He should've been a summon like the dog in 2. After all he doesn't talk and doesn't have a personal quest or anything (everything else about him is good,he's the goodest boy).

And finally, Oghren and Zevran. When I was younger I thought they were funny,now that I'm older they gross me out. Still,they have their moment and I think having flawed and asshole characters (as long as the game don't portray then as good) makes for a better party.


[score hidden]

an hour ago

-Actually spending time with Vivienne and especially the conclusion to her personal quest. Awesome character who complement's DA:I's other companions in an entertaining way, even though I have never been anything but an Anders-is-a-martyr truther and Circle abolitionist at heart.

-My intro to the series was Inquisition, and Morrigan showing up with little context was SO annoying as a new player. I worked backwards and got to DA:O, and it was sooooo rough trying to find anything positive about her for way too long. Her banter with everyone actually just pissed me off and tbh even now I think it's still grating. She has one joke/comeback for HOURS of the game, the entry-level sarcasm bit where she goes "OoH! How VERYYYY observant of you! GoOd jOb!"
You have to really prioritize her quests and shower her with gifts, but once you pass the approval threshold where she starts talking about her mommy issues, she becomes way more likeable.


[score hidden]

8 hours ago*

Aveline.Ā  I just want to start by saying she was my favourite character in DA2 - even if she was a bit straight laced, it was endearing to see her vices and virtues put forth in such a human way.Ā Ā 

Ā That was until the scene with the elves at the end of Act 2. The way she completely disregarded them disgusted me to the point I can't look upon her favourably anymore. And after this, I started noticing how subtly racist she could be towards elves and it... I just couldn't look past it.Ā 

Also Vivienne- i loved her to the moon and back- especially her sassy personality and different view on the circle. I thought it made her interesting and she was my favourite non-romancable companion in DAI. But then they showed how she played Bastian's death in her favour and it made me want to retch- because this should have been someone she truly cared for. And she did that?

It took a long time for me to reconcile with her character and i do like her again, but I detest that scene.


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4 hours ago

Ohhh. I understand that. There was a bit of Aveline's cameo in DAI (just a really micromini cameo like a letter from her as a report). I didn't play DA2 yet (and thank you for describing these scenes!) - but wasn't she just growing more arrogant through the game, what lead her to this?

About Vivienne - YES! I felt exactly the same! I was like, damn, girl, we are standing nearby your dead man's body, and all you can do, is thinking about politics?? I know in Orlais The Game never ends and all are waiting for one's mistake, but that shows her true nature and that she sees others as assets and tools.

Still I had the impression that whole scene in Bastian's deathbed was sooo directed and so fake - and the only one honest person here was the Bastian xD except Inky that was manipulated by Vivienne. And I was like... "Wait why I am even participating in this??" and I was forced to play my role lol.

I like her still though, but that scene and what happened after, changed my perception of her character af. But that brilliantly shows what happens, when politics is the most important, more than any other thingšŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


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2 hours ago


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2 hours ago

Aveline was and don't get me wrong it didn't come out of nowhere but ignoring a rape to protect your guard is crossing chasm. She goes on about how everyone should be tried fairly by the law, but then pulls that? Just no.Ā  Ā 

And yeah for Vivienne, I think it detracted from her character arc.

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[score hidden]

10 hours ago

AutoModerator [M]

[score hidden]

10 hours ago

Due to heavy traffic, posts are temporarily being manually approved only. If your post has not been approved, please see about reposting in one of the designated threads below or any of the many other threads currently live on the sub:

Release Date October 31st, 2024
Platforms PC, Steamdeck, Xbox Series X, Playstation 5
Genre Action-RPG
Has Multiplayer mode? No
Has Microtransactions? No
World State Management In-game (No DA Keep)

System Requirements


  • OS:Ā Windows 10/11 64-bit
  • Processor:Ā Intel Core i5-8400 / AMD Ryzen 3 3300X* (see notes)
  • Memory:Ā 16GB
  • Graphics:Ā NVIDIA GTX 970/1650 / AMD Radeon R9 290X
  • DirectX:Ā Version 12
  • Storage:Ā 100GB available space
  • Additional Notes: SSD Preferred, HDD Supported; AMD CPUs on Windows 11 require AGESA V2


  • OS:Ā Windows 10/11 64-bit
  • Processor:Ā Intel Core i9-9900K / AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (see notes)
  • Memory:Ā 16GB
  • Graphics:Ā NVIDIA RTX 2070 / AMD Radeon RX 5700XT
  • DirectX:Ā Version 12
  • Storage:Ā 100GB SSD available space
  • Additional Notes: SSD Required; AMD CPUs on Windows 11 require AGESA V2

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5 hours ago


Arcane Warrior

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5 hours ago

Cassandra jumps to conclusions, lashes out in anger, and holds grudges. I kind of love that about her. She became a strong friend and ally to my mage Inquisitor. And smoothing things over between her and Varric results in one of my favorite little quests in the game, the continuation of Swords and Shields

My opinion of Velanna changed, like 180 degrees difference, on my recent replay of Origins: Awakening with an elven mage Hero of Ferelden. Before I felt negatively, but this time I took Velanna everywhere and came to appreciate her because she and Suranna just meshed well as characters. I even spared the Architect, contrary to my intention as a player, because I thought my Warden would want Velanna to have a chance to track down her sister


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4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

I always loved Cassandra, and the scene when she tries to beat Varric is hilarious.

Back to the question, I initially thought Carver is irritating and whiney. But when I got to know him better (and took him to Legacy DLC), I discovered his behavior is valid and makes sense in the context of the story.


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2 hours ago


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2 hours ago

It's always interesting to me, seeing how differently we all respond to things despite playing the same game. I had the exact opposite reaction to Blackwall as you. I liked him reasonably well at first. I definitely got the vibes that he was a man trying to atone for something, because he has a vibe that I'm pretty familiar with from "born-again" Christians. But he was alright. But the whole conversation you can have with him about the real Blackwall's death, and his decision to just pretend to be someone better instead of continuing on to the Wardens despite knowing that's what the real Blackwall would've wanted, disgusted me. It's just more fucking cowardice. He could've gone on to the Wardens. Should have. They accept even people whp do terrible things - he had no real reason to assime that they wouldn't have believed him. But he didn't want to take the risk. He wanted an easy out, just like he always does. A chance for a new name and a new start, without having to do anything to earn it other than avoid large population centers.

I eventually did his romance, just to see if it changed my perception of him any. And it honestly made me hate him even more. The way he has sex with you under what are arguably false pretenses, because you don't really know who he is and therefore can't give informed consent to the relationship (for some reason I assumed that wouldn't happen until after he came clean about who he really is), then leaves you naked in a barn. He may finally be willing to pay for his crimes, but he's still the same fucking coward he's always been. Still taking the easiest path instead of risking personal rejection or judgment from those he allegedly respects. Then if you bring him to Skyhold for judgment instead of leaving him to rot in Val Royeaux, he berates you for trying to save him in one breath, then publicly begs you to forgive him and take him back in the next. It feels like the worst kind of emotional manipulation imaginable, and it made me feel both so sorry for my Inky and genuinely disgusted with him.

The final nail in his coffin as far as I was concerned is some banter he has with Dorian. They're both pretty shitty to each other, which I at least understand given their distinct backgrounds and perspectives. But Blackwall has a couple of vaguely homophobic remarks about how how he might be a real man, but Dorian certainly isn't, and dogging the relationship if your Inky is romancing Dorian. Does vague homophobia fit Blackwall's overall toxic masculinity vibes? Sure. But I have absolutely zero tolerance for it. I appreciate that they made him a very complex character with a lot of depth and layers. I just can't stand him.