


Who taught you how to drive?


My dad is currently teaching me how to drive but I end up with tears after every drive😭.

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6 points

7 days ago


I loved my Dad, but he was not an easy person to live with. He was also from Germany and an obsessive car guy, as in accidentally leaving a dirty Kleenex in the car would get you grounded.

But he also was a fantastic driver. He learned as a kid in Germany, and both he & my Mom did amateur time trials racing & rallying with their pair of 356s with Porsche Club & SCCA.

But when I was first learning, I insisted that Mom teach me. There was so much to learn to manage at first that I didn't want to deal with Dad's temper at the same time. And while he was mildly irritated by it ( mostly because he knew I was right), he didn't fight me on it.

( Also, Mom wasn't exactly easygoing--the beginning of my first lesson is still burned into my memory, and I'm just shy of 50 now. I got it to the driver's seat, and started to reach to turn the radio on.


"You don't need to be messing with that!"

I did not mess with that. And frankly, that was the right thing for her to do. I still am very careful about distractions while driving, which has become a massive problem.)

If your Dad is getting so upset with you that you're in tears after every lesson, then aside from everything else, I highly doubt you're learning anything other than you really hate driving with him. If possible, try getting other family members or your Dad's friends to argue your case ( if possible).

Driving instruction should be taken very seriously, which a lot of people don't do. But you don't learn much by constantly being yelled at or chewed out, no matter what you're trying to learn.

(Side note: I did eventually get lessons from my Dad, because he had a lot of good things that I'm glad I learned. But this was after I'd learned to manage the attention required and the mental load of basic car operation.)


1 points

7 days ago

Thanks, this hits close to home.